Look at me

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The long awaited(jk) update! I was going throguh some emotional stuff. I'm better now! I started this chapter on the way to go rock climbing, and then on the way back I was happy but my brother is a wrecky driver and was curving all over the road so every other word was a typo. I finished this all today and edited it so I hope you enjoy. Thanks to those who actually read the A/N's and those who are still reading my book. Much love <3

My eyes burned as I rubbed them. "What the..?"
I pulled my hands away to see almost my entire palm covered in a big black smudge. It was still early, and the light was just barely coming through my curtains. I heard my dad leave for work, so Henry was already awake.

I pulled the blankets off my body, cat hair flying in every direction. Today was gonna be a bad day. I could already tell.

"Morning Jenny." Henry said from the kitchen, cutting off chunks of an apple with his.. our dad's knife. I gave a quick wave, slipping on my shoes I hollered at him that I was gonna take a walk.

The fresh morning air hit me in the face, and the ringing of a bicycle bell filled my ears.

"Morning sunflower!"

"Mike!" My face lit up and i took off in a light jog after the sheepish boy.

"Hey honey-doll, how are you doing?" I couldn't help but smile. He put his hand on his hip, his other resting on his bike. I wrapped my arms around him in a hug and he put his around my waist.

"What's with the raccoon look?"

My eyes went wide as I remembered. "Sor-Sorry.. Fell asleep with some make up on." I attempted to wipe it off with my shirt but Mike grabbed my hand and stopped me. He licked his thumb and gently wiped it off underneath my eyes.


"Anytime sugarplum."

"You're such a goof!" I lightly hit his shoulder. He offered me a ride on his bike into town and I happily accepted. He dropped off some meat and we sat on a bench outside of a barber shop.

"So why were you crying?" He said, dusting his hands off on his pants.
I sighed, knowing I couldn't lie to him. "Had a bad dream.."

He cupped my face with his cheek and moved me so he could see my eyes. "And the bruises?" His face was now serious, and i was a tad bit scared. I instantly stood up, and looked at myself, Mike pointed out where they were. My knees and elbows each had a multitude.

"Holy shit..."

The dream...There's no way it was real..

I brushed myself off, also seeing I had mismatch shoes on.

"It's a long story.." I hesitated, he'd think i'm crazy..

"I've got time."

His smile made my heart melt and I felt a little more relaxed. I scrunched my nose in thought, debating telling him.

"Yeah i'm sure he's got plenty of time..Sugar Plum."

We both whipped our heads to the voice.

"Victor? Hey!" I smiled and went to give him a hug but he pushed my arms down, instead reaching over to grab me by the upper arm and start to drag me.

"Vic..?" I asked nervously.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Am I just a funny game to you?" He slurred out, finally releasing his grip. I rubbed my shoulder, taking a step back with my left foot.

"What are you-"

"Tell me.." He interrupted.

"Victor, we're just friends what's gotten into y-"

love; denied || victor criss {slow updates}Where stories live. Discover now