Noodle Head

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 A sneeze, my sneeze, awoke me from my sleep. I blinked and looked around the room. 

"wow, five minutes, that's gotta be a record." Ben chuckled from his spot on the floor by the corner. He'd been glaring daggers at me since the fight, but me and him made up. 

I glanced over to Beverly, Stan was in the kitchen helping Bill with the popcorn, Eddie and Richie were about two centimeters away from each other on the loveseat next to the window and Beverly was staring blankly at the static screen of the TV.

"Bev?" I said. She turned her head my way without moving her eyes and raised her chin.

"I-I.. I'm sorry.. for what I did.. and said..I didnt mean any of it." 

"No, I should be the one saying I'm sorry not you." She stiffened and looked to me. 

"But still.. I broke your nose." I said, fiddling with my thumbs. 

"I was the first one to hit, and I don't really know what I did but it looks pretty bad." She chuckled and motioned to my face. 

I smiled and pulled the sleeve of my sweater up, showing her the bruises on my hand. 

"it's all good." I said and stood up, holding my arms out. She stood up too and walked into me, her eyes teary. 

We both laughed and held each other tightly. "i'm such an asshole." Beverly said. I nodded, "Yeah me too, welcome to the club." 

"Assholes club? maybe you should invite Richie." Eddie snickered. Stan snorted and made a weird noise, causing Bill to start laughing loudly. Richie hit him and he fell off the couch with a squeal. the whole downstairs erupted in a fit of laughing howls. 

Me and Beverly held onto each other and held our stomachs so we wouldn't fall and die. 

I dramatically wiped a tear and flopped back down onto the second couch next to Beverly. Bill and Stan rounded the corner with popcorn and Bill frowned when he saw me and her.

"Sorry I stole your girlfriend." I wrapped my arm over Beverly's shoulder and she cuddled up to me, exaggerating her movements. He frowned harder, looking like a very sad puppy. 

"You can cuddle with me!" Richie said. 

"Gay.." Eddie whispered. He yelped and his his face as Richie raised his fist again. 

I stood up and stole Bill's popcorn, encoring another hard frown. 

"its's a trade my good sir."

"You'd trade me for a bowl of popcorn??" Beverly said, sounding offended. 

"Of course not, not this one at least it's too salty. Which is why i'm keeping it because it reminds me of you." I popped a piece into my mouth and sat down on the recliner sending a wink her way.

"Oof.." Stan said as he just gently sat on the floor turning himself into a nun with the blanket. 

"What?" Ben asked.

Stan shook his head, "I don't know anymore." he said and shoveled popcorn into his jaw.

Bill pushed a tape into the VHS and sat down, quickly laying on Beverly who happily accepted his cuddle. 

We all turned our attention to the screen as a deadpan over a lake showed, then shot to an out-zoom of a car traveling down a twisted road.

"Oh fuck you!" I whisper-shout remembering that Bill's parents are upstairs, now realizing what movie this was. 

"out of all the options you had to pick a horror movie, specifically The Shining?" Eddie groaned and rolled his eyes. 

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