Regardless (+⚠️)

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"Jenny." Henry said very sternly, hopping off of the railing of our front porch.

"Hi." I said back, approaching the house.

"Where have you been? You just walked out the door looking like a catastrophe and didn't say anything!" He raised his voice slightly, his normal threatening expression softened to a concerned one. He dropped his trusty knife and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Jenny..What happened?"

"I don't wanna talk about it." I pushed past him, heading into the house. He followed behind me, eventually standing in front of the staircase so I couldn't go to my room.

"You're gonna tell me. Regardless if you wanna or not." I was a bit shocked at his use of words. You'd think he was an idiot who couldn't form a complete phrase. I sighed, giving up and sitting on the couch. Henry quickly scuffled over, jumping over onto a lazy boy.

"I just had a really bad dream last night. It messed me up."

"Hell yeah it did! The gang found you in the middle of the streets screaming and partially dead!"

"It was real?" I asked myself out loud. I refused to give in to the panic again and instead stood up. Everything was real. Georgie is dead. No, maybe I was sleepwalking?

I brushed off the thought, I'd think more about it later. I really wanted to go back to sleep.


"No, not fuckin' whatever!" Henry grabbed my arm as I tried to walk past him. "What went down between you and Vic, huh? Why's he all mopey now?"

I inhaled sharply. I forgot about that until now..

"He dumped me Hen, he was drunk and I got dumped, end of story." I suppressed the urge to break down then and there, and tried to keep moving..but y'know..

"Oh fuck no!" Henry yelled and began dragging me out of the house.

"H-Henry! The hell? Let me go!" I wrestled with his grip but it was too strong. He turned to face me and gave me a stern look. I knew what was gonna happen and I knew I had no choice but to follow. And thus I followed Henry down the cold, darkening streets of Derry.


(how's the new //timeskip// eh? "<><>" also, should I make a playlist on spotify for the themes of this book? leave me some feedback!)

We rounded the corner of a shake shop into an alleyway. The alleyway led to another road and a familiar face.

"J-Jenny! Jenny ple-please! Hav-Hav.."

"Shut it shitstick!" Henry barked in a slight redneck accent.

The red, puffy face of Bill Denbrough leapt into my vision, his hands enclosing around my arm with a shaking panic. I jumped at the contact and held a hand in front of Henry.

"Bill..? What happened?" I could tell something was up. Something bigger than teasing from Henry or his gang.

"Have you see-seen Georgie? He did-din't come home last-last night, or-or this m-morning."

My heart sank at the image of the pained boy, but all I could do was shake My head with tears. Bill pursed his lips and nodded, sniffling and taking off without another peep.

"Are we done now? Can we go?" Henry said, arms crossed. I nodded and watched as Bill ran down a side street that went towards Stan's house.

love; denied || victor criss {slow updates}Where stories live. Discover now