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my hair flew wildly behind me, occasionally whipping me in the face.

Belch drove down the open road and i poked my head through the sunroof. Victor held my waist and kept me up when Belch hit a pothole or changed the speed of the car. Patrick poked my butt a couple times but vic couldn't do anything about it. Patrick already had his suspicions about us and if he found out he'd tell Henry, which i believe he already did. 

"I wanna go get food." Vic said as i ducked back down into the car seeing as we were approaching low-hanging branches. not letting that happen again. 

"where to?" Belch asked from the front. 

"I could use some Poppa's." Henry stated. We all agreed and headed towards the steak and milkshake shoppe. 

Belch and I always argued about the bill but he eventually gives  up so we split the check. He doesn't let me pay for anyone else but Henry though. He was stubborn when it come to us using our money when we didn't have to. 

His father had died when he was young and his mother couldn't support him so she went out in search of a high-pay job until a rich man fell in love with her while she was waitressing. push came to shove and he died in some sort of mobster gang battle after marrying belch's mother. So his mom's rich as frick but she hardly ever spends money when she doesn't need to and since she became a nurse she received a very stable pay and has a trust fund for him with who knows how much money. and it just keeps getting bigger. 

We've always been close so he told me this stuff, the rest of the guys just think his mom was a nurse to begin with. I know different. I know the nights he worked at restaurants to roll in some more cash for them both. 

but that's another rabbit hole i won't go down. 

We pulled- well, more like crashed -into the parking spaces of the small dining place. I took a seat next to Victor in the booth and Patrick eyed us weirdly. 

"You guys sure seem inseparable these days." he commented as he slid into the booth with Patrick. I sat on the very inner side with vi next to me in the middle, me and Victor were the smallest of the group and Belch was, not to be mean but definitely the biggest non-muscle wise.

I kept it simple and ordered a banana-vanilla milkshake as strawberry wasn't my thing, Belch insisting to let him pay because it was such a cheap item. I denied and told him to wait for what Henry would get. Of course he got a double-patty burger with cheese and some other greasy lookin toppings. i'd have to remind him to brush his teeth before he got anywhere near girls.

Patrick got a slightly smaller burger and Belch got a patty melt with some fries, which i nonchalantly stole occasionally. Victor got a salad as he didn't eat that much and I stuck with my milkshake and stolen fries.

while sipping on my creamy delight of a meal Patrick slid me a napkin with scribbles on it.

I turned it upside down and held it in the corner by my elbow so the boys didn't see it. 

'Ok I know I say this a lot, but u never eat.' the note read.

I dug around my bag for a sharpie and wrote my reply.

'I just don't have a big appetite like Henry.'

He arched a brow at my response and wrote.

he looked over his words and slid it quickly to me.

'Look I know y u do it. Ive heard u talking about urself in the bathroom.' I had to blink at that and continued reading, a little creeped out. 

love; denied || victor criss {slow updates}Where stories live. Discover now