Life could change

440 10 18

My stomach growled, interrupting our cuddling session. 

"Hungry?" He asked. I shook my head but he didn't believe me. 

"I'll be right back." He said, pushing himself off of the bed and tucking me in. 

I stood up and began looking at all the neat little things in his room, taking his blanket with me. He had comics stacked up in the corner, an empty plastic crate with an abundance of records but no record-player in sight, and a single picture of me and him in the back of belch's car pinned above his headboard. 

He had been taking a long time and I was starting to get a bit nervous so I opened the door and tried to remember my way around the house. Things seemed darker than normal and I assumed it was just late. I steadied myself on the dark oak handrail, being careful of each step. Through his living room was the dining room, and a left turn took me to the kitchen. 

"Hello? Vic?" I asked. 

It was quiet. 

My eyes closed slightly, trying to see better in the dimly lit room. 

It was too quiet. 

A strange sense of warmth washed over my inner thighs, the room seeming to grow to a red hue. 

"What the?" I looked down at my legs. My grey sweatpants had been stained red, bleeding out onto the floor and filing up the tiles around me. I gasped, stepping back, but was almost knocked over by the worst pain I'd ever felt in my life in my abdomen. 

"Vic!" I called out, no reply. 

I dropped to my knees, clutching my stomach. All at once the faucets in the kitchen turned on, except the water was a deep red and way too smooth. 

"Victor?!" I screamed desperately. 

I saw the familiar build walk around the corner, a calm look on his face. 

"Everything's okay." He stated. His smile twisted into a violent smirk and I could tell something wasn't right. 

"What's going on? What's happening?!" I asked, scooting myself backwards.

"What ever do you mean?" He asked, except now it wasn't him. His face had gone pale and he smile seemed wider than humanly possible. He started stepping closer, clothes ripping to reveal plush, white cloth underneath. I kept scooting backwards until my head hit the wall behind me. 

Just as his clawed hand came close to my face, everything vanished.

"Hey, Jenny? You okay?" 

I whipped my head around to find Victor behind me, a glass of water and a plate of unevenly cut apples in his hand. We were still on the stairs. 

"Y-You..didn't see that?" I asked quietly.

"See what?" 

I shook my head and put my fingers to my temples. 

"Must've been a hallucination from lack of sleep or something.." I mumbled. 

"I hope so." Vic responded. 

We chose to eat outside, enjoying the cool evening air. The sweet crunch of the apples took my mind off the smaller, but still ever present pain. I looked down between my legs, just to check if the nightmare from before had appeared. 

"You'll never guess what I found in the medicine cabinet it my mom's bathroom." Victor said.

I shrugged, taking another bite of my apples. 

"One of these bad boys." He pulled out a small box with the label 'pregnancy test'  written on the front. We both chuckled.

"Maybe mama Criss was planning on another baby at one point?" Victor said, opening the box up. Inside was a small white piece of what felt like paper. Vic scooted it across the wood to me. 

"Couldn't hurt to know." Victor said. I looked down at the test then back up to him. He had a worried look on his face and he was picking at his nails again. I gulped and took the small slip in between my fingers. Victor stood up and walked over to me, crouching between my legs. 

"I just..need to know.. I don't..I don't want it to come out of nowhere down the line and have us be completely unprepared with nothing we can do about it."

His nerves were real, but it didn't seem like he had a preference to the outcome. He rubbed the palms of my hands and kissed them both. I smiled down at him and then stood up, leaving the blanket on the chair. I'd figured out where the bathroom was, bu Victor insisted on following me after what happened earlier. 

I took a couple of deep breaths in and looked at the slip in my hand.

If I'm pregnant I don't know what I'll do with myself..

Holding the tiny piece of thick paper was awkward, and it was even more awkward trying to avoid peeing on my hand. I flushed the excess and placed the slip on the top of the toilet, sitting against the door.

"it says to wait 2-3 minutes.." Victor's muffled voice said from the other side of the door. 

"Well, then that's 2-3 minutes where our life could change." I laughed. Victor laughed along. 

"I'm really nervous." I said to myself.

"Like I said babygirl, I'm here. I always will be."

My internal clock ticked on for what felt like hours. We'd been sitting her for only a couple of minutes in reality. I was too scared the get up and look yet. I wasn't opposed to having kids, but I didn't think I wanted them right now. Nor could I handle them. I couldn't tell what Vic wanted. A part of me said he wanted them as soon as possible, another part said he'd never ever want them. And the final part said to get the fuck up and look. 

"I'm checking." I stated, using the counter top to stand up. I heard Victor scramble behind the door. 

My hands shook as I reached for the little paper. My eyes were blurred with worry. I brought it to my face and carefully looked at the lines.

"Two means pregnant, one means not." Victor reminded me. I sighed and looked down the edge of the slip, avoiding the side I needed to see. When the courage finally hit, I quickly flipped it over and my eyes widened.

I couldn't believe it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2020 ⏰

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