Mindless soul

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     2d woke up at the dinning room table, Noodle next to him still sleeping. All types of memories came flooding back into his blank noggin. Grief grew in his face when he remembered what he let murdoc do to him. He slapped his head, awaking noodle. Her body wobbled up to sitting position, drool coming out of her mouth.

     She rubbed her sleepy distant eyes" Toochi. Are you feeling better?" Right, instead of going to my room, I came down here, falling down the stairs. He nodded his head as he attempted to get up.

     He got his peppermint tea and juice for noodle. Noodle got out 3 bowls of cereal. Once they sat down eating their bowls of breakfast, Russel came down from the stairs, sitting at the end of the table eating his bowl of breakfast, a little more of an amount than the others.

     Murdoc came stumbling down, obviously drunk already, evidence found in his left hand. He grabbed another bottle, downing the stinging substance in  an instant. The other bottle in his left hand half empty.

     Murdoc took out a green bowl, filling it to the brim with breakfast circles, then poured the remains of the bottle into his bowl. He sat at his messy side of the table, pushing the junk to 2d's side who attempted to push it back. Murdoc only pushed harder back, 2d pushed harder as well. A feud has broken out between the two, each exchanging menacing glances. After a few more seconds, murdoc stopped pushing and 2d's face went into his breakfast which was covered with milk. Murdoc chuckled, picking the trash and dirty laundry up and throwing it back onto the azure hair.

     2d frustrated took the stuff and threw it at the green hysterical laughing goblin.

Murdoc instantly stood up, brushing his junk off of him. He walked over to 2d who showed no fear. Milk dripping from the strands of his bright hair, breakfast pieces stuck to his face.

"Listen here ya wanker!" Murdoc pointed a finger at 2d. He whacked Murdoc's finger out away from him, he got up heading up to his bedroom.

     Murdoc appalled, just stood still not even turning to watch him make his way up the stairs. The others jaws were open, surprised.

     Satan what the hell was that! Turning around he went to go to his little room with the podcast station set up.

     Ya won't be able to control him for long either. Murdoc's words echoing in his mind, causing disturbance. He sat down in his rolly chair, leaning back too far. Ha right, he's mine no matta what he says. Memories flashed into his head of what happened the night before, the heat he felt. The wanting he felt. He had never felt that way with any birds before. For some reason, 2d got under his skin. I can get who ever I want!! Why am I obsessing over someone I obviously...... can't get. He sat up straight in his chair, then leaning forward when he found his answer. I can't get him, that's why I want him so badly.


     2d stood under the glistening burning water, rolling down his back, probably causing burn marks as they make they're way. The bathroom was steamed over. That was alright. 2d didn't want to see anything, or hear anything. Just to disconnect from reality, that was all he wanted now.

     When ever he had thoughts about murdoc, disturbing thoughts, he took more pills, hoping the numbing could help with his feelings. There's no reason why I should like him. Everything he's put me through. GETTING EATEN BY A BLIMLEY WHALE WAS HIS FAULT!

     Sometime passed as the house got quiet. Murdoc went out to a bar, get his mind off things, "to get out of the damned house" was his exact words . Russel and Noodle sat watching tv. 2d sat at the kitchen table, staring off into his own reality, one he would be glad in.

     "Hey noods, I'm gonna go get a drink" Russel informed as he stood up.

     "Okey!! Get me a pop?" Noodle asked, Russel sighed but nodded his head.

     Russel made his way into the kitchen. He opened the fridge grabbing his sugary drinking along with a pop. He turned around to see the singer off to space, head propped up with his arms.

     Russel sighed. It wasn't rare to see this, but he has learned to ask what's wrong with the blurry minded soul when he saw him like this. It always helped.

     Walking over behind 2d, he put the drinks on the table before yelling 'earthquake!' And shaking the chair. 2d panicked and fell out of his chair. Afterwards he just laid there on his back, staring blankly at the ceiling. Russels head blocked what 2d was focusing on.

     "Yo d what's the matta?" He finally said. He only got an empty stare back at him.

     Russel sat down where the singer used to be sitting. He sighed. Thinking what he should do to get the mindless soul to talk.

     Tap, tap, tap. Little soft noises echoed from the stairs, only one could be noodle. And there she was running down the stairs to see the commotion.

     Russel explained what happened, not even mentioning the whole earthquake cause that's how he usually gets 2d out of his day dreams. Murdoc used 'WHALE' he would use it too, but that would be going too far. That's it, murdoc.

He was about to ask what happened last night with murdoc, until, ding dong!!! They all stared at each other. They never got visitors, who would want to come to the dump anyways?

     Noodle got up, Russel behind her, dragging 2d with him. They reached the door, noodle peered through the peeking hole of the door, monkey more than a man stood there, small blue cap over his head, wearing a mail mans leathery jacket. What now?

     She opened the door, the monkey gave her an envelope, leaving without a word. She opened it up, Russel looking over her shoulder, it read,

     'You're count down of disposing the complained junk around you're premise is over. You must now leave you're home, or be removed from the premise, you have 2 weeks.'

     "Shite!!!" Noodle yelled, taking the words of everyone's. How, how. Are we, we gonna find a home in, in time?? 2d thought. Noodle crumpled up the paper and threw it in the mess,

     "Yeah! We have ta leave for cOmPLaInTs of freaking trash!! Well they're, I'll add more trash!!" She crossed her arms and stomped upstairs. It was one of their favorite homes they have lived in, even if it was messy.

     " well, ya guys better start packing your belongings. I'll give murdoc a call, tell him to come back, me and him will search for a place ta stay. Take anything that we personally need. We don't have much space in that car." Russel, the clear minded, down-to-earth leader he was explained the plan.

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