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     Silent as usual. The house still a mess, colourful stains coating the house. Random piles of laundry. Broken parts of the wall hanging, trash is the new rug, the infinite rug.

     Russel and Murdoc climbed the stairs, the last thing they would miss once they moved.  Still no noise could be heard, they began to become anxious. They should at least hear some rummaging.

     "NOODLE! 2D! WERE BACK!!" Murdoc shouted right near Russels ear. Finally they heard some rummaging... or running? They then heard a large slam and more fast foot steps, it sounded as if the person was running on all fours? Murdoc and Russel looked at each other, suspicions growing in their head, they started to run up the remaining stairs.

     Once they were up, they were panting. They looked at all the doors, Murdoc's was shut. Thank Satan! He looked at all the doors, they were all shut. Russel walked up to Noodles door and knocked, they heard some more rummaging and tiny foot steps getting louder. Finally the door opened to a Noodle,

     "What do you want" she blurted out. Murdoc peeked passed noodle, what he saw was incredible, the floor! You could actually see the floor in the house for once!! There were 3 suit cases, one filled with clothes, the other filled with her toys and collectables, the last one had her pillows and some random stuff. He looked passed them, looking for something or someone else. But what he was looking for wasn't to be seen. Russel was explaining about the house,

"It's pretty rough it seems, but we can live there until we get stuff figured out some more." Russel went on and on. Where the bloody hell is the dull— I mean, 2d!! Murdoc looked around frantically.

"Uhh murdoc, is everythin alrigh'?" 2d appeared out of no where! Murdoc jumped back a little, just a little.

     "Just bloody great!" Murdoc turned around,"I'm gonna go pack my things!" He kicked open his door," Faceache! Pack up the instruments!" He walked in his dark void and slammed the broken door.

     2d sighed and his shoulders went slouched. Ave messed up bad? Annnd now! I get to move heavy things! Stupid drums! He started to head down the stairs.

     Russel and noodle were left alone. They just stood they're for a few, until both of them were out of ear range or didn't care. Then noodle grabbed Russel's wrist pulling him inside her spotless room.

     "What was that all about!?" Russel said. He looked around the room, then met eyes with noodle, a glistened fire set in her eyes, a broad smile across her face.

     "You won't believe what I found out today!!" She whispered to the large man.

     "Same." He looked at noodle, same broad smile across his face. They sat down in the empty room.
     The door creeped open, inside was a bunch load of heavy things such as: drums, amps, guitars and of course, Murdoc's radio setup. 2d sighed, knowing if he didn't do this, he wouldn't be able to stand up against murdoc again.

     What do I even start with? Where do I put all of the stuff? 2d looked around, walking to the center of the room he saw nothing he could pack the small stuff in. Not even a pape' bag? He sighed. I don't wanna have to ask him! He wined. He stayed slumped in the middle of the room, thinking of another solution. We have nothing that can carry the drums or the amps?

     About 15 minutes of sitting slumped in the middle of the rooms 2d started to get angry. What are we gon—! The singer letter out a quiet squeak as the door was slammed in.

     "Yo faceache! Neve mind about packing this stuff, I'm going to hire someone...." his thoughts were gone when he noticed the singer was back against wall, curled up. He put his phone back into his black jeans pocket and tip toed to the curled up ball.

     His voice came out muffled since his head was tucked between his chest the legs. His voice squeaked with worry and pleading, "I...I'm sorray!! I.... should ave found.... a, a box!! And—" he was cut off by a firm hand on his head.

     "Would ya listen for a seco—"

     "S-sorry!!" He started to tremble and his breathing quickened. No, he definitely could not stand up to murdoc, he should have never. All that was running through his head was that he was going to get hurt. He choked, he thought of what Murdoc's boundaries were, did he have any? Would he kill him for standing up for himself? Tears streamed from his eyes, splattering against the wood flooring.

     Murdoc got down on his knees, 'ya have ta let go of your reputation' he awkwardly wrapped his hands around the mess. 'Gotta go slow. Gain trust, be nice.' Russels words echoed through his own dull mind. He felt 2d tense at the touch, more melancholic noises came out.

After a few minutes, the singer must have grown to it, he was no longer crying or hyperventilating. He didn't hug back, something murdoc was disappointed in. Damn, Russel knows what he's talkin' about. Murdoc thought, this was the advice he was given, and he would take any opportunity to use it from here on out.

     "Ya ain't kiddin'!!" Russel laughed. Noodle and Russels findings were shared, they were now laughing about how the two are some dumb and oblivious.

     "Ahaha!! I didn't think murdoc would be gay!!" Noodle laughed willing tears from her eyes.

     "Yeah! I mean, you could see it at 2d, well sometimes, kind of hard to think what's goin on in the blank void of his!!" The laughing started to calm down.

     "Yeah well, I don't know if we'll ever see those two together though. Seems they've gotten themselves into a hard spot." Noodle gestured her hands, as if there was a heavy weight in one and not in the other.

     "I know what ya mean, big misunderstanding!" Russel nodded his head.

     "Not what I meant. See, Toochi doesn't want to admit liking someone like murdoc, ya know, he's mean to him. He had a mental breakdown earlier, that's how I found out. It was pretty bad too." Noodles eyes softened and seemed distant.

     "I told murdoc to be more nice, gave him some of my wise wisdom! Everything should workout."

     There was some silence, noodle broke it by asking a question" what do you mean by big misunderstanding?" Russel sighed.

      "Basically, murdoc didn't want anyone to know he liked 2d, so he abused the kid, getting his reputation as the teenager I don't give a crap, guy of the band. Doesn't want his rep to go down."

     Noodle whistled" wow he really dug himself a grave for this one. Remember the old times?" She said. Referring to when 2d had really bad panic attacks. He would be talking to them, all of a sudden he would curls up, start screaming and crying, like he got ptsd from the car incidents.

     "Yeah, well these two will need help, subtle help will be the best" at that, Russel got up and left noodle, she followed and helped him pack.

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