Passed hell

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The house was the busiest it has ever been. Russel hauling large boxes and equipment to a small truck. Noodle was helping 2d with the smaller stuff: packing kitchen supplies, putting suit cases in their own car. There were about 2 other men helping Russel move stuff. But where is Murdoc? The question had been ringing in 2d's ears all day long. He hadn't seen any of Murdoc's personal belongings, or even a suit case from him. Did he walk to the new house? Ta check it out or somefing? His head was turning frantically every few seconds, to see if he get a glimpse of his raven hair. I wonder if it's soft? 2d went into his own paracosm, he didn't hear Russel yelling at him to watch out.

Before 2d new it, he was lying on his stomach with a giant box on his back. He couldn't move from the weight.

"Yo D? Ya alright?" Russel asked, easily picking the box off of him. What.... what? His head hurt, really bad. He didn't get up, he laid face down on the wooden floor, not moving.

"2d! Hey!! Say something!" He finally got strength to meet eyes with Russel, panic shot in his face. He put his face back on the floor. "Aw geez! Noodle!!" He sat up yelling for someone who knew how to deal with injuries, she dealt with 2d's injuries a lot, especially before plastic beach.

She hopped down the stairs, a bounce and smile with each step. She turned to see Russel, happiness soon turned to horror, she ran over and tried to get the fading mind awake.

"He might have got whip-lash. Maybe a concussion at worst" her voice was relaxed but her movements were shaky. He didn't need anymore brain damage, she thought.

Loud clanging disrupted their conversation. They knew what the ruckus was, Murdoc's chair.

After a few minutes, there he was, still in boxers as if he just awoke. The only indication that he didn't just wake up was that he had a tool bag, and screws and bolts along with some parts of the chair with him. They watched slump off the chair and started to grumble as he took the chair off its course. He carried it to the truck and threw it in.

He came back inside the house dusting his hands off. When he reached noodle and Russel, and eyebrow raised.

He pointed with one hand," what happened to him?" Such care in his voice! My god what does he see in him!! Noodle scoffed.

"He was just standing infront of these boxes," Russel pointed to a tower of boxes that was being taken apart by the two men" I yelled at him to get out of the way, but when I tried to push him out of the way, he ended up backing into the boxes. One of them fell onto him, been like this since."

"I said he might have a concussion, probably the worst thing that it could be." Noodle diagnosed him.

Murdoc gave a little chuckle. He walked over to 2d and picked him up, throwing him over his shoulder, trying to show that he wasn't crying in his heart, hoping his love wasn't hurt that badly. Please no more brain damage!! He walked up the stairs, aiming to put him in his bed.

When he reached the top of the stairs he went to go in 2d's room and put him on his bed, when he went in there, the room was completely empty.

Shite. What do I do? Couch is packed, Noodles room was packed 2 days ago. I AM NOT going in Russels room. The only choice was to put him in his bed, I haven't packed anything yet, I was too busy struggling with that stupid chair.

He crossed the hall and kicked open his door. He walked in the black void. His eyes were used to it, he could see everything perfectly. His room was much more clean than the others, surprising. He still had to step over empty beer bottles, whiskey bottles, any alcoholic drink you name! When he got to the bed, he gently placed the singer down, noticing he was unconscious.

He stared at him sleeping, it was so peaceful. Just 2 days ago, this blue berry was cryin' a river on my shoulder. He dismissed the thought and walked over to a couple suit cases and started to pack his own stuff.
*2ds POV*

I opened my eyes. Darkness. I couldn't see anything!! I put my hand to my head, my heart beat thumping inside of it. Everything sounded like it was in slow motion. What...... what... happened? Where am.... am... I? My breath started to quicken. Tears streamed down my face, am I being kidnapped again? A strong clamy hand grasped my shoulder. I screamed, hurting my head even more. A raspy, low voice came to me through the darkness.

"It's okay! I put you in my room, do you remember what happened?" Murdoc?! My tears have stopped, I wasn't being kidnapped. I shook my head, it hurt even more.

"M.... muds....doc" I struggled to say a word, everything hurt my head. Both my hands went back to my head, covering my ears. The grasp on my shoulder went away, I could hear thundering foot steps walking away. Where... where? My head went up, not like it would help, it was dark in here, but my eyes wouldn't help me in the slightest bit either. I sounded pathetic, no wonder he left me 'ere. How long have I been out for? He said something happened, right? Or is my brain fooling me again? His voice cracked in his thoughts, like it..... always...... always do. I sniffled back tears, wishing my wishes would come true.

Deciding to find the way out of here, I tried to find my phone, it wasn't in my pocket, where could it be? My mind went to the worst thinking someone stole it, or I forgot it at a store, but I knew I didn't, that feeling stayed as if I did.

I stumbled around the room. My hands out in-front to make sure I didn't bump into something. I then tripped over something, hard! I went falling down, my hands caught me. I was on my hands and knees. I felt a sharp pain on my shin, I looked down, still seeing nothing. It's my mind, playing tricks. I got back up heading the same direction.
Murdoc's POV!

After hearing him painfully stumble trying to say my name, I went to look in his room for his pills, remebering that his room was all packed. Aughhhh, car. I slumped down the stairs, wishing this would be the last time.

I found his pills in his hair matching suit case. Haha, I remember that. Noodle was still young, she picked out one for each of us. Calling 2d a blue boy, Russel big guy, and me? Called me a bloody damn pickle! Brat. I sneered while walking up the bloody stairs.

I finally reached my door. On the other side, I heard a thump and glass breaking, then following with more rustling. What the? Confused at first, I realized it was 2d, HE PROBABLY CANT SEE AND WAS GETTING NERVOUS!! I slammed the door open seeing him on the other side of the room with his hands out and walking like he had to pee, definitely can't see. I walked over to him, he flinched when I picked him up, taking him into the hallway. I placed him down and handed him his pills, he dumped a bunch out, swallowing them in an instant. I looked over his body, arms good..... forehead, big bruise, probably from earlier, his nose looks a little bruised as well. I looked at his legs, noticing a large piece of glass lodged into his shin.

Not wanting to alarm him, I whispered" stay right here, I'll be right back. Don't move" the last part came out more firm than what I wanted.

     I returned upstairs and started to treat his wound. As soon as I was about finished, I heard him mumbling something, I looked at him, his eyes dazed and looking at the ceiling, leaning back on his hands. I just barley made out what he was saying,

     "We got the be loving.....each matter..... what happ-enns. We got the power to do that" His voice echoed through the empty hallway. Reverberating through my ears. Every time I heard it, I felt like I passed hell, into a world more beautiful.

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