Comin' out

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     "Stupid freakin' police guys!!" Noodle kicked a can that was in her room. She stomped her foot down and looked at 2d who was helping her pack all of her childish collection toys. Her eyes furrowed looking at the still, spaced out boy. She sighed, loosening up, noticing he was troubled with something.

     She kneeled down across the empty eyes, looking sorrowfully into them,"Toochi? Please tell me what's wrong" desperation seeped into her voice. 2d only looked up from what he was doing on the floor.

     "Come on, what's wrong? Is it cause we have to move?" He shook his head," cause you stood up to murdoc? Did that scare you?" he didn't respond, not a slight movement. She moved right next to 2d's side, wrapping him in a hug. It has something to do with that man, doesn't it. Evil in her eyes, she hugged tighter, resting her head on top of the azure hair. I have to do better to help him, I don't want to see him hurt anymore. He deserves so much more!!!

     "I...I.. don know," his voice was cracking, as if the dam was going to let all the water come rushing out of his eyes. Noodle was confused, she let go and made eye contact with the empty eyes, insisting he went on.

     "Is... like my heart is'n listenin'... ta, ta.... my.. mind." He stumbled over his words, his voice cracking and fading in every word. Noodles face furrowed, she didn't understand. His heart isn't listening to his mind? Is he sad and doesn't want to be sad? Well, he's always sad isn't he? But, wait? Her mind remembered one of the movies that she watched, a boy that was being bullied cause he was gay, but he the bully actually liked him and the boy liked the bully but didn't want to admit liking such a person. She stood up turning her back to the slouched over singer. Her face lit up with excitement, finally!! He's over the awful gir— her excitement stopped once she completely understood what he was saying. So, he likes murdoc, but doesn't want that to happen.

     She turned around, going to ask him directly, head on. "Toochi, you like murdoc don't you?" Instantly, he took his legs and pushed them to his chest, hiding his face between his chest and legs, curling up.

     "It's alri—" noodle began, holding his shoulder for extra care.

     "No! Is not!! He's mean! He hurts me! Mentally and physically! He forces me to do stuff that I don't want to!! But when he's nice! I can't help but—" he stopped himself before telling her his darkest secrets. Tears started to well, trying to keep the dam up from letting them all loose was getting harder.

Noodle let's go and stared him into his distant eyes, "it's okay to like him. Trust me, there's nothing wrong with it. I'm... kind of surprised that...." she stopped her sentence when she met direct eye contact with him, noticing the tears that rained from his eyes.

She hugged him again," its okay. I'm sure things will work out fine. Just, do you're best, be sexy!!" She laughed, causing the mess in front of her to laugh as well. They continued to pack. Man, what life have I gotten myself into? Noodle asked herself.
*earlier*(phone call!!)
"Yo, murdoc,"

"What'dya, want?"Murdoc's voice was slurred, you could hear loud booming from the mobile device.

"We're gettin' kicked out of the house in 2 weeks. Get out of the damned club and pick me up, we're going house hunting!" Russel yelled into the phone.

"So, what kind of place.... where we goin'?" Murdoc's voice was filled with confusion, one eyebrow lifted. They drove in a dark area, broken houses, broken fences. Very pretty yards, some filled with trash.

"How should I know, just look for a place with a for sale sign." Russel responded. "Anyways, what the heck did you do to 2d?" His voice grumbled.

Murdoc took his eyes off the road, surprised at the sudden question. Russel explained what happened not too long ago.

"Wow, really? Didn't even respond to the earthquake!" Russel nodded, murdoc smirked"shoulda used the whale, always gets him!" He laughed.

"So what did ya do ta him?"

"Well, nothing really. You were there, ya know at the tab—"

"I meant last night, he came falling down the stairs, hyperventilating and crying."

Crap. I made him cry! I'm trying my best, Come on!! Am I over my head? How should I tell the knob-head? 'Ya know, I wanted to have sex with him but he didn't want to so I was considering rapin' him but I decided not too' his face changed as he thought, his face looking very guilty and trapped.

Murdoc turned his head to see if Russel really wanted an answer, when he did, he got a cold hard stare, right to his soul shaking it. One thing murdoc has learned with being with Russel was, never to lie to him.

Murdoc pulled up into a drive way, they looked at the house for a few, murdoc turned to Russel. Here we go.

"Ya can't say anything to anyone. Ya hear me" he sighed. Russels eye brow went up in curiosity, they shook hands,
A promise.

Murdoc spilled his guts to Russel. Saying everything how he loved the blue head since his comatose state. He he tried to get his mind off of him cause he knew he would never get him, he drank, picked up birds. He would even go to hitting him to make sure the singer would never like him, use the beatens as an excuse. He told him about plastic beach, that he felt he got closer to 2d and maybe, a small chance that he could actually turn everything around. He told Russel about his mistake last night. Russel keeping his composure through the whole explanation, nodding his head through it.

"Well, I'll tell you this much, I wasn't expecting that" Russel still nodding said. Murdoc looked up at Russel.

"Ya think I still have a chance?" He asked, feeling every single reputation he has build up fade away, it was very noticeable.

"Ya know, I actually think ya might, a slim one though, for now." Russel stopped nodding and looked at the big smile on Murdoc's face, a kid that just got a toy he has been wanting for a long time finally came to him, kind of smile.

"Listen, some advice about 2d is that, you can't force him, you can't be mean. He has a lot of problems. You should know. Ya have to be nice. Even if it hurts, even if you have to lose your reputation." Murdoc sighed, he knew he would have to forget about his "role" as being the "I don't give a damn" type of guy.

Murdoc nodded as he put the car in reverse. They were about to leave the house until Russel shouted and pointed to a sign, "for free". They looked at each other and smirked. They headed home to tell the others.

Well, I did have a story plot like 3 chapters ago, but, I didn't listen to it.

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