Know nothin' and do nothin'

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"IM SORRY!" 2d yelled and limped out the house. Leaving the man behind........


2d ran to the limp floating body in the murky water. He dragged him out and prayed he was alright. What do I do? What do I do?!? His eyes searched frantically around the room for an answer.

He couldn't wait any longer he tried to do the heimlich, thinking that would do good. He put Murdoc on his lap, resting the raven hair on his chest and started to press down on the correct spot, he hoped. 2d had no experience in medical or saving lives.

2d could no longer do the motion, his limbs were too weak. He later murdoc back down, putting his head up against his chest, it's.....its He was confused, why was he passed out?

Maybe he fell asleep? 2d put his legs up to his chest and waited for the....thing, to wake up.

2d went into his own mind, creating scenarios of him and murdoc in his mind, blushing at most. He got disturbed by one image and got snapped back to reality, a place he most heartily desire to leave. He looked at murdoc, so peaceful. Why can't it always be like this? My old drinking pal, what happened to that relation? Memories of the old days came back, when we made demon days, that was a pretty nice time, we all knew each other well enough by then, didn't get ticked off by each other much, until the end.....he warded away the evil thoughts, the real demonic days. Before then, We didn't know wha' we were doin'. He smiled the days of young noodle, not so bad murdoc, him and 2d were very close pals, all of the drinking time got them really close. Is it because we went through so much? Because I became a real panicky person?! It 's not my fault! Everythin'! Everythin'! The more I spen' time with ya! I get worse! The anger seeped out of his skin, he couldn't be angry. It had no use to him anymore, all he could do was accept and wait, and wait, till he served his time in the jail reality he lived in.

Damnnnn! My head, must've blonked out once I hit it. Murdoc awoke slowly getting up. The area was still light, wasn't out that long..... he scratched his head looking around, noticing he was still naked, but out of the foggy water. He then noticed a small thin line of azure hair on the ground, 2d? He wondered in confusion, his face turned greenish pink, thinking 2d saw his naked body!! Oh god!! He grabbed his clothes which were on the bathroom sink, neatly folded, something he didn't do. He opened the bathroom door, he left it open!

He walked around the house, looking for someone, anything. He went down the stairs and saw the white truck had finally came. The others, struggling to get the stuff out. He buckled his belt and ran out to help with the music items.

Catching the side of a heavy box before it hit the ground he and 2d walked it into the house. Murdoc went to go ask 2d about the situation, 2d smiles and walked back out to the car.

Oh god!! What am I going do!! 2d was panicking, not for the same reason as murdoc though. The crumbling mind of worry forgot everything about Murdoc's bathroom adventure.

They both walked outside, 2d hurrying next to Russel, acting as if everything was normal.

"So, when ya—"

"N....not now!" 2d covered Russels mouth. Russel growled, he took his hand away in an instant.

"Look man! Ya gonna have ya tell him you forgot to pack his stuff!" Russel blurted out.

"I....I know!"

2d felt a heavy presence behind him. He turned around to see murdoc. 2d ran away, Russel facepalmed sighing. Murdoc look at Russel in confusion.

"Did I mess something up?" He asked. Russel shifted, turning his back so he could lift more stuff out, murdoc helped.

2d joined noodle and the pizza spirit in the kitchen, they were cooking dinner.


The was an awkward silence between them, all that heard was the clanging if silverware against the paper plates. Murdoc's has hanged open from the explanation the pizza gave about the first meetings and the deal. As long as we are here, I gotta get these guys in a video!! Murdoc's creative side was talking about the album from there on.

After dinner, everyone was unpacking there stuff in their new room. Except murdoc, he was looking for his stuff, he asked noodle and Russel. He went to go ask 2d but decided not to, for some reason 2d was angry, at least murdoc thought.

Mannnn! The blimey bloody hell is it!!!! He scratched his head closing the trunk of their car. Can't be in the truck, I emptied that, not there not the house! He walked back inside, gotta ask him.

*knock*knock*" 2d! It's me, can I come in?" Murdoc didn't expect an answer, he never awaited an answer. The door creaked open, 2d's things were still not pack, the room looked the same as it did before.

Murdoc noticed a lump under one of the beds covers," Hey, you really should clean those, who knows what's with them!" He tore the blankets off, revealing 2d who was in his pjs, boxers and a baggy t-shirt. He shook 2d, awaking him.

The sleepy eyes made contact with the frustrated ones, shocking the other ones wide open. 2d ran out of the room down the stairs in attempt to find noodle or Russel to help him.

Murdoc grabbed 2d's wrist, throwing him to the ground. 2d backed up to the wall, panic flooding him, making it harder for him to breathe.

"Just l—" murdoc began.

"I'm... I'm sorry!!" 2d interrupted. Murdoc growled, he was already angry but his petpeeve made it worse.

"Just listen! Wh—"

"I'm so.. sorry!! I didn't mean to! I-"

"Listen!!" He tried to get the worry wart to listen but with him crying and hyperventilating now didn't help. Murdoc couldn't take it anymore, his temper was a problem. His kicked 2d in the shin then punched him in the face. It sure did quiet him.

Murdoc sighed, "Listen! Where is my stuff" he stopped at the end of each word, making sure he got it.

"I....I forgot..."

"Spit you're damned words for once!!" Murdoc kicked 2d again.

He took in a shakeup breath, his shin bleeding from his previous injury at the old house. He opened his mouth, but only a squeak came out.

Murdoc kicked him again and again, he couldn't stop himself, it became a bad habit of his " ya useless piece of filth! In new asking someone else was a better option! Ya know nothing and do nothing!" Murdoc walked away, leaving the crying person.

2d letter out a whisper. Barely audible, it threw murdoc over the edge. He walked back and picked up the limp boy by the collar.

"Whatcha say!!" 2d let out a whimper. Murdoc punched him across his face then slammed him against the wall, 2d fell down the wall and hit the ground hard.

"I said," 2d whimpered through the still air" I said, I left you're stuff back at the old house" Murdoc ran back. Veins popping out of his forehead, steam coming out of his ears, he picked 2d
up by the collar once more and held a fist" IM SORRY" 2d yelled, murdoc punched him, in that split second 2d gathered himself and got lose of Murdoc's grip, he limped out of the house, going far away as he could manage.

Just wanna say, thank you so much for reading this far!! If you actually like this thanks!! And don't worry there will be plenty more!!😆😭(so happy people are actually staring(if that's the correct term) this!!)

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