The end??

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"Do you really think Murdoc's gonna Listen?" Noodle ask. They were sitting in the kitchen, waiting to hear something. Noodles head was down on the table, flat against it, her finger sketching circles into the scarred table. Russel didn't respond, he couldn't really tell what would happen next.

"Do you think Toochi is going to be okay?" She asked yet another question, just like the past hour, only questions were the words to be spoken, never answered.
*2ds pov*

Wh-what d-d-do I do? He's with, with a girl!! Does, does that mean? Mean were over? It was a misunderstanding!! I hid under the blankets, it muffling my sobs. There had been no shuffle or slightest of sound besides the sobs, murdoc and the girl still stood in the same place.

A few more minutes went by until movements were heard, they were getting closer to me. What, what is he.... the covers were pulled off, revealing me curled up and crying. I didn't look up, I was too scared. A rough hand gripped my neck, pulling me off the couch.

"Finish your bloody sentence dullard" the words acid in the still, suffocating room. I couldn't talk, I troubled to breathe....the...grip too tight!! My shaky hand scratched at his hand to let go. Little oxygen coming in, not enough going out, minutes before everything blacked out, I was tossed to the wall.

"It....was....was a" gasping between breathes, I tried to explain" a......" shuffles fading, door slammed shut. He's gone. I sat, tears falling...why....why am I the one chasing him! Shouldn't I be happy that he's gone! I couldn't move, everything hurt too much. I laid down, and tried to fall asleep.

My head pounding, my hand went to grab for my pills. I opened my eyes when I didn't find them nor a bedside table. I woke up, on the couch. Memories of last night rushing in...Russel must have found me. I stood up, every bone in my body cracking in displeasure, I fell back down into the couch, spacing out, not thinking about anything, there was nothing to think about.

"Toochi!!!" The high squeak of noodle made my head pulse, I quickly covered my ears signaling I had a migraine, not the worse, just something that I didn't like the feeling of, like someone was squeezing my brain as if I was on an operating table, a dream I had very often.

" you go" she whispered, handing me a tray with my pills and orange juice with cereal. I grabbed the tray smiling at her, saying thanks. I downed my pills with the orange juice, coughing when the pulp got stuck in my throat. Noodle started to freak out, hitting my back thinking to make it better.

In all the commotion, I didn't noice Murdoc stumbling in, drunk already. That was one thing of his that disgusted me, he couldn't go a single minute of being sober. My coughing stopped only to hear him cackling. Noodle glared at him and marched over.

"Ohhhh I'm so scared!!" He taunted. I got more frustrated, didn't he feel bad for hurting noodle? I can't take this.

"You b—" noodle started.


"What do you mean misunderstanding?" His voice sounded sincere and furious, he grabbed my collar, but I didn't let go of his, noodle ran out of the living room, running up the stairs.

"Oh so now you care!! You didn't even think or even act hurt! You, you just went and picked up another girl" I wasn't finished, not by a long shot of yelling at him" only you would cheat on someone! Only you would take,....take someone away!" Tears started to fall again. I wanted to say so much more, but everything hurt, something broke in my chest, like there was something there after I saw that girl with murdoc, like I still had hope after that. I fell to my knees.

I rubbed my eyes, trying to look tough, but no justice came to that image for me. My hand slid off his collar down into my lap.

"What do you mean 'misunderstanding'?" He asked, squatting down infront of me, trying to make eye contact, I didn't follow.

"Why....why d-do you c-care?" My cries making it hard to talk, my breath coming out shaky. It hurt to think that murdoc didn't hurt as much as I did, to think he didn't care that I cheated, that he actually didn't love me, just wanted me for my body.

"cause it killed ta see those words." He grabbed my wrist, putting it around his neck, then put one of his arms under my legs and back, he lifted me up, and plopped me down on the couch, he sat infront of my stomach, his face right next to mine. His hand went up to my hair covering my face, he brushed it out of the way to locked his crimson unalike eyes with my black dull ones. His words hit me like a life potion, he did care! More sobs came out, I couldn't control it.

"I...I made, made the song....about, you and me....I...thought you didn't want, people ta, ta find out about, so....I changed he ta she.." his eyes widen and hugged me tightly.

"I'm so sorry!!" I never heard his voice sound so apologetic..."is there anyway you could forgive me?"

I thought for a few, make it look like it was hard and an unforgivable thing, but knew exactly what I wanted,"First, apologize to noodle! Do what ever she says if she says anything....annnnnd...." I gave his signature smirk right back at him"date me again!" I couldn't keep the slick grin on my face and gave away my own childish toothless one.

His face lit up and nodded furiously" I'll be right back" he ran up stairs. I smiled to myself, I heard some muttering from the stairs and decided to go check it out.

Limping my way over, I struggled to see what was up the stairs. I saw murdoc talking to noodle and Russel, then both looking guilty.

I looked at murdoc for an answer" they were eavesdroppin'!"

"Well, I'm happy you guys are back together!" Russel nervously said.

"Back? Did ya know before?" Murdoc's voice faded away once he saw my guilty face.

"I may have told Russel" I said.

"Who may have told me!!" Noodle giggled.

Happy ending right?!?....oh it? I honestly don't know, I was thinking to ask u guys if I should continue with this OR make another book about these guys and put the rest of this plot in there, cause I think this might be enough of a short story....right? Well up to you guys!

New story            OR        Continue?

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