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Two years earlier...

The blonde let out a big sigh, blowing his spiky bangs out of his face.  He could do this.  He didn't want to do it, but he could do it.  Adjusting the backpack strap on his right shoulder, he started walking up the stairs to school.

"Naruto!  Hey, Naruto!"  A familiar voice caught the blonde's attention.  Turning, he saw his best friend of sixteen years wave at him, the spiky black hair framing a pale face.  A smile broke out on his face.

"Sasuke!"  Naruto made his way over to the other teen.  "Hey, man I am glad you're here!  This sucks."  The worry crawled up in his voice as Naruto looked around.

"Hn." was all Sasuke would say.  He was used to the school, having went there since kindergarten.  He didn't see anything particularly special or worrysome about it.  Taking Naruto into the school, he directed him to the office. 

A pretty receptionist smiled from behind a desk, her too white and too straight teeth making her look like the poster child for Crest.  "You're new?" she asked politely.

"Uh huh," nodded Naruto, blushing.

"Well, I'm Ino Yamanaka, it's a pleasure to meet you..." she took the paper, reading it, "Naruto Uzumaki.  Let me get your schedule."  Going to her computer, she typed a bit, then a piece of paper spit out.  Taking it, she handed it to Naruto.  "Here's your schedule.  Enjoy!"

Naruto looked at the paper.  Looking all over the paper, he flipped it over.  Sasuke just looked at him.  "Um...excuse me."  She looked up.  "Um...where is my locker and combination?"  Naruto couldn't find it to save his life.

She smiled back at him.  "You don't have lockers.  You have a homeroom.  You'll keep your items in there.  Your homeroom teacher is listed at the top in the right hand corner."

"Oh..yea, thanks."  Smiling, Naruto went out, Sasuke following him.  

"So, who is your homeroom teacher?"  Sasuke asked, peeking at the paper, although he already knew...only one of two teachers got the newbies.  Upon seeing the name, he groaned.  "Damn, man...I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?"  

"You got the biggest dick for a teacher."  Sasuke frowned. 

"Great, just great."  Naruto mumbled.  

Sasuke led him to the classroom.  "Good luck."  He walked off, giving a sideways glance to a pale teen with long dark hair pulled in a ponytail who walked up, going into the room Sasuke dropped Naruto off at.  Sighing, Naruto walked in.  Some kids were already sitting there, notebooks open.

Naruto looked around and found a seat, but it was up front.  Of course.  He nervously fiddled with his pencil, waiting.  Suddenly the door opened and a young man walked in in dress shoes, gray slacks, and a gray dress shirt.  His silver hair was bushy.  But the most remarkable thing was his was covered by a black mask, covering up his nose and left eye.  He was wearing the traditional hitai-ate with what Naruto knew was an engraving of a leaf.  He must be a shinobi.  Naruto perked up a bit.  Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.  Naruto wanted to be a shinobi, but his godfather wouldn't let him.   Naruto wanted to sign up, explaining to Jiraiya that he could become a shinobi, but still have a regular job, just being in the reserves.  Jiraiya wouldn't hear of it.

Walking in, the man sat his bag on the desk.  Looking around at the room, his eyes took in everyone.  "Good morning, students.  My name is Kakashi Hatake.  You may call me Mr. Hatake or Kakashi-sensei.  I will not tolerate errant behavior in my class.  I will not tolerate laziness.  I will not tolerate insubordination.  I expect all homework to be completed on time.  Do you have any questions?"

No one said anything.  Looking around the class, he picked up a roster and called roll.  Of course, Naruto didn't know any names.  He noticed the teen that caught Sasuke's attention was called, "Kishimoto, Orochimaru."  Suddenly he heard "Uzumaki, Naruto." 

"Present!"  Naruto stated, looking up.  The sensei stared a moment longer than he had with the others, but nodded.  He then proceeded to go through the litany of the syllabus, handing them out.  As the bell rang, he looked at the time. 

"Ten minute break, then back here."  Students got up, heading for the door.  Naruto kept sitting there, he didn't know what to do.  He didn't have to go to the bathroom, and he didn't know anyone besides Sasuke, whom he didn't know where he he had no reason to leave.

Kakashi looked up at the student.  Everyone was always so ready to leave...why didn't this blonde leave?

"Yes, Mr. Uzumaki?  Did you need something?"  Kakashi studied the student.

"Uh...well, I don't know anyone, so I didn't see the need to go outside."  Naruto offered.

"Hn."  Was all Kakashi said.  Organizing his paperwork, he didn't say anything else.

Naruto just laid his head on the desk.   Well, this will be fun.


The school day went by quickly.  Finally, the last bell rang and Naruto was free.  Catching up to the spot Sasuke was waiting for him at, Naruto smiled.  "Hey."

Sasuke nodded.  "Hey, how did it go?"

"Eh, okay.  I think you were right about Kakashi-sensei, he's gonna be a hard ass."  Naruto sighed, thinking about the amount of homework that Kakashi had given them that night for the next day.

"Told ya."  Sauske said.  "How different was this from your school?"  They started walking back to the apartment Naruto shared with his godfather.

"Well, in my school, we had lockers, and would change classes every hour.  None of this staying in the same room all day.  It's weird.  When do I change?"  Naruto asked, moving his backpack to the other shoulder.

"Not til semester, then you'll get a new homeroom...maybe.  If you don't do well enough, Kakashi-sensei can ask that you be held back in his class.  He's the hardest teacher, and they put any troubled, struggling, or new students in his or Lady Tsunade's class."  Sasuke stopped at the door.  

Naruto sighed.  "How long were you with him?"  

Sasuke smirked.  "One semester, back in my freshman year."  He turned around, heading home.  "See ya, I bet you have a lot of homework."

Naruto really wanted to punch that smirk off Sasuke's face...but Sasuke was right, Naruto had too much homework to do.  He grinned though.  "Orochimaru Kishimoto."  Sasuke turned, giving a confused look.  With a triumphant smile, Naruto turned around and went upstairs, into the empty apartment.


Naruto rushed to school the next morning.  "Shit, shit, shit!"  He cursed.  He was running late.  Skidding into the school, the bell rang before he could get to the door.  "Damnit!"  He cursed, opening it.  Kakashi-sensei was taking roll.  Naruto went to sit down, happy his name hadn't been called yet.  Sitting down, he heard his name called.  "Present!"  he stated.

Thanking his lucky stars, Naruto started to think that maybe Kakashi-sensei wasn't so bad after all.  Kakashi went about teaching class, not mentioning Naruto's tardiness.  At first break, Naruto got up.  He had to pee...he hadn't had a chance since he was running late.  As he got up to leave, he heard Kakashi, "Mr. Uzumaki, a moment."

Turning around, Naruto went up to the desk.  It was immaculate.  He noticed a picture on the desk of a beautiful young woman and a girl, maybe two, with silver hair  in pigtails, big brown eyes that looked like the woman next to her, staring at the camera as she smiled, one tooth showing.  "Yes, sensei?"

"You were tardy.  You will have detention this afternoon with me.  You are dismissed."  Kakashi stated.

"But, sensei!  I was in my seat before you called my name!"  Naruto argued.

"And you are being insubordinate.  Detention tomorrow as well."  Kakashi was looking at papers and didn't even look up.  Naruto clenched his fists.  Kakashi looked up at him.  "Dismissed."

Naruto turned angrily and walked out, saying nothing.  Fuck.  My.  Life. 

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