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Naruto woke up next to something warm.  Opening his eyes, he looked over, and smiled.  Kakashi was laying on his stomach, his face turned towards Naruto, sleeping.  An arm was over Naruto as Kakashi slept.  Smiling, Naruto wiggled to get out of the grip, having to pee and wanting to make Kakashi breakfast for a change.  Sliding out as Kakashi let out a sigh, Naruto stood, wincing.

He gingerly walked to the bathroom to do his business.  Once done, he popped a couple of ibuprofen, slipping on sweats and a MarioKart tee shirt and went to the kitchen.  Settling on a fruit salad and his world famous omelets, he went to work.


Kakashi shifted, reaching on the bed for Naruto.  He knew what he did and that it was wrong, but he was pushing that out of his mind for the moment.  He wanted to enjoy these last few moments with Naruto before reality came crashing down around him.  Walking out, he smelled something wonderful.  Following his nose, he headed down to the kitchen.  Walking in quietly, Naruto's back was to him.  He stood in the doorway for a bit, watching Naruto work on breakfast.  "It smells amazing."  Kakashi said, and Naruto jumped.  Turning around with a glare, Naruto immediately had a concerned look on his face. 

"Shit!  Kakashi, what happened?"  Kakashi was confused as Naruto came over.  Looking down, he saw the cause for concern.  There was some blood on Kakashi's boxers from their session last night.  Mildly embarrassed that he wasn't able to think clearly enough to take off his boxers, instead just whipping it out from the flap, he smiled gently. 

"That's not my blood."  He said, looking pointedly at Naruto.  Recognition dawned in Naruto's eyes as he blushed, looking down.

"I am going to go change."  Kakshi winked, then went and took a quick shower, slipping on jeans and a black sleeveless tee shirt.  Coming back out, barefoot, Naruto was just finishing setting breakfast out.  Sitting down, Kakashi eyed the spread appreciatively.  "It looks really good."

Naruto smiled really big.  "I can't really cook much well, but Jii always loves my omelets."  Smiling, the pair sat, enjoying the food, and the company.  Kakashi caught himself sneaking glances at the teen. 

As breakfast was being finished the door slammed open and Jiraiya came storming in.  Dropping his bags at the door, he pulled Naruto into a hug as he looked the boy over to confirm that Naruto was, indeed, whole.  Naruto smiled, hugging Jiraiya tightly back.  Kakashi slipped out quietly, heading to the guestroom to put on his mask and to pack.


Walking into his empty apartment, Kakashi felt the first pang of loneliness.  He hadn't had time before then.  As he was getting ready to leave, Jiraiya stopped him, hugging him as well, much to Kakashi's embarrassment.  Thanking him profusely, and promising eternal gratitude, Jiraiya finally Kakashi go.  Kakashi had told Mr. Uzumaki goodbye and left, catching the bus back to his home.  The bus was full of people, and his mind was kept off of thinking by people watching.  But now, here he was, in his own home, pictures of his wife and daughter smiling at him. 

The gravity of what he did weighed upon him then.  The vows he broke...the shinobi promise he failed.  Kakashi felt miserable.  Putting down his bag, Kakashi got a bottle of beer and sat in the silence, thinking.  He didn't know how he let himself fall into this...and with a student none the less!  But what bothered him the most was that, without Naruto with him, he felt utterly...alone.


Naruto was happy to see Jii.  He loved him very much.  But Jii could get a bit overexcited at times, as he was now.  He didn't want to let Naruto out of his sight.  Jii constantly was apologizing for not being at home when the accident happened, and for not getting to Naruto faster, as if the blizzard was all Jii's fault.  Naruto assured Jii he was fine and that Kakashi took very good care of him.  Jiraiya finally agreed and let Naruto out of his sight, as Naruto feigned tiredness so he could have some peace and quiet.

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