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"W...what? Are you serious?" All vestiges of sleep were gone as bright blue eyes stared at the man laying next to him.

"I am." Dark eyes stared at Naruto as fingers trailed through the blonde hair. Naruto's face busted out into a huge smile. Hugging Kakashi tightly, he couldn't help but laugh. "What's the laugh for?"

Naruto smiled, looking up. "I get to be with you...like, be with you. Nobody here knows that we were teacher and student, so we can act like we want." Suddenly, Naruto's face fell, "Hey, wait...what about Tsunade?" Worry clouded the previous happy blue eyes.

Kakashi sighed. "I have to finish the term...meaning I can't leave Japan until May 1 of next year. Since the job is in America, it is far enough away to not draw stares or questions for her school, so she is willing to allow me to leave and keep the secret. Thankfully, the school here doesn't need me until the next school term, which starts in August." Kakashi looked at Naruto, running his finger down Naruto's cheek.

Leaning back, Naruto laid with his head on his hands, elbows out in triumph. Rolling his head over, he looked at Kakashi. Smiling softly, he rolled up on his elbows. Kissing Kakashi gently, he grinned. "I will definitely have you. You just shaved a year off our exile." Grinning, Naruto lay down, falling to sleep quickly as he cuddled against his lover.


The weekend flew by. Naruto looked on the internet to find some things to do. He found that St. Louis had a lot to do for kids, (which he expected). Taking Kakashi and Rinni up there, they went to the Zoo. Rinni adored the Zoo. As Kakashi and Naruto walked, hand in hand, Naruto felt truly right for the first time. No hiding or anything of the sort. Smiling, Naruto looked at Kakashi as Rinni was cooing over a tiger.

"What?" Kakashi asked, smiling at the tender look on his boyfriend's face.

"Nuthin'...it is just nice to be able to be...normal with you." Naruto smiled. Leaning over, he kissed Kakashi gently as Rinni turned, giggling.

"Daddy kissing Mommy!" Rinni chuckled as Naruto glowered.

"I am not mommy, damnit." Naruto turned, frowning, as Kakashi belly laughed, picking up the girl and swinging her around before putting her on his shoulders.


Sunday they went to the Children's Museum. Rinni had a great time. The same could not be said of Naruto. Rinni had made a friend at one point. Kakashi cuddled up to Naruto, content. When the two children came over at a break in their play, Naruto wiggled out from under Kakashi's arm, which had been draped over his shoulder as Kakashi read a book. Naruto smiled at the boy. "Hi." The boy smiled, waving.

"Travis, c'mere." A man said. Trotting back to the tall man, Naruto heard the conversation between the little boy and his dad.

"Daddy, why are those two boys acting like you and mommy act, but they bof boys?" The boy asked.

The man gave a none too friendly look at Kakashi and Naruto. "Because they are fags." His voice was harsh.

"Is dat bad?" The boy looked up, his face innocent, open, and untainted.

"Yea, that's bad...stop playing with that girl. Boys aren't supposed to kiss boys, just girls." And with that, Naruto saw the seed of hate planted in the boy's heart as he nodded, heading away from Rinni.

"Why that..." Naruto growled, his hands balling into fists. Kakashi turned at the outburst.

"Naruto, what is it?" Kakashi asked, eyebrow raised.

"That guy! He called us fags." Naruto had only been in America five months, but he knew derogatoey terms for his sexuality. Working in a factory hadn't helped. He had seen what some of the men went through if they appeared effeminate...even if they were straight as the day was long.

"So?" Kakashi asked seemingly unaffected by the offensive term.

"So?! Kakashi, that's a disgusting, offensive term! How can you be okay with this?" Naruto was shaking with anger.

"I am not okay with it. I know what it means. However," Kakashi picked Rinni up as he started walking to the next area, making Naruto follow him, "I am not going to make a scene about it, nor confront the man. I won't be able to change his mind, and I am not giving him pleasure at finding out that it bothered me." Heading off, Naruto followed, brooding silently.


The week passed by too quickly. Naruto did not have enough vacation time to take the week off, only two days, so he chose Thursday and Friday, since Sasuke would be there too. He enjoyed his alone time with Kakashi and Rinni, easily became accustomed to Kakashi and Rinni at home. Sasuke and Hinata arrived on Thursday, and Naruto showed them around. Naruto didn't realize how much he had missed his friend until he had been with Sasuke for awhile. But, as a testament to their friendship, it didn't feel like they had been apart at all, easily falling into their brotherly routine.

The following weekend, Naruto just kept everyone close to his home, so he could spend a great deal of time with them all. Sunday came too quick...


Walking into the airport on Sunday, Naruto felt his feet dragging. As Kakashi took Rinni to the bathroom, before the security area where Naruto wouldn't be allowed to follow, Sasuke walked up. "You okay, Dobe?" he asked quietly. Shrugging, Naruto looked in the shop at the wares. He didn't want to think about how lonely he would be when they left. Suddenly, something caught Naruto's eye. "What the..." Sasuke asked as Naruto grabbed his wallet and grabbed two items, putting them on the counter. After paying for them, he headed out. Shrugging, Sasuke followed. As Kakashi approached with Rinni, Sasuke hugged Naruto. "Later, dobe." He went through the security area as Hinata waved and did so as well.

Naruto frowned at the security area. Picking Rinni up, Naruto hugged her tightly. "I'll see you soon." Nodding, Rinni hugged him tightly. "Here, I got ya a little something." Opening the bag, he handed her a stuffed fox. "Hug this fox when you miss me, okay? It'll be like hugging me." Rinni nodded, eyes watery, tears slipping down her cheek, sniffling. Setting Rinni down, Naruto turned to Kakashi.

"Hey." His voice was thick. "I got you something too." Pulling the royal blue scarf out of the bag, he wrapped it around Kakashi's neck. "You keep this around yourself...to keep you warm in the winter. Remind you of me...til you come back to me." Kakashi nodded, pulling Naruto to him in a hug.

"It will fly by." Kakashi promised. "My Sorumeito, I will always come back to you."  

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