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Naruto seethed all day.  Kakashi-sensei was giving him detention on the second day of school because he was like, two minutes late!  What a dick!  At lunch he told Sasuke all of this.  Sasuke just gave him a "told ya so" look.  "So, who is this Orochimaru Kickapoo, or whoever you said?"  Sasuke asked disinterestedly.

"The guy you eyed going into my classroom."  Naruto knew Sasuke was gay, and he didn't care.  Sasuke had never tried to hit on Naruto, and that's all Naruto cared about.  Sasuke was fine and all, but, Sasuke was like Naruto's brother, so that would have been weird.  Naruto hadn't really thought too much about relationships.  He hadn't found anyone to catch his eye, so he didn't really know if he was straight, gay or bi.  His godfather was straight...dear God was he straight!  He would go off, having to do "research" on his stories.  Which meant he went off to look at naked ladies.  

Jiraiya was the author of the popular "Icha Icha" series, and he loved to "research" the beautiful and naked women "for literature purposes only, of course".  Naruto swore Jiraiya had to have at least 3 different STD's.  Jiraiya had traveled a great deal, until he inherited Naruto at the age of 6, when Naruto's parents died in a plane crash.  Jiraiya quit traveling for awhile, staying close, but still writing.  He hadn't done a great deal of research and travel when Naruto was little...but about the time Naruto hit 14, Jiraiya started traveling more.  Little trips at first, then extending more.  Now he was gone about three to four months at a time.  He always kept in touch with Facebook, Skype, things like that.  Naruto liked the arrangement.  He had family, but he also had his independence.  It was nice.

Naruto was glad that Jiraiya was gone now, so he didn't have to explain about detention.  After the last bell rang and all the students left, looking oddly at Naruto, the room went silent.  Naruto sighed, looking up at Kakashi.  Kakashi put his papers up, and looked up at Naruto.  Staring at the angry teen, he raised an eyebrow.  "You can start your homework.  I don't make students stare at the wall or stand in a corner.  By being stuck with me, it's punishment enough."  Naruto said nothing, silently agreeing, and just pulled out his book and started working.


Kakashi walked home, his mind going back over the day.  The students seemed just as typical as usual.  Some of them were bright and eager, others resentful and surly.  And then there was the Uzumaki kid.  Kakashi wondered if Naruto was related to the great Minato Uzumaki, greatest shinobi known.  Kakashi's own father, Sakumo Hatake, was a great shinobi known as the White Fang of the Leaf.  He had been friends with Minato, or so Sakumo told Kakashi.  Sakumo told great stories of their times together, and Kakashi had been enamored with the stories.

After graduating from school early, Kakashi became a shinobi, serving honorably.  While serving, he met his now wife Rin, whom he loved very much.  Once she became pregnant, Kakashi stepped down, becoming a teacher so that he could protect and care for his wife and daughter.  He was still a "reserve shinobi" so to speak.  He had been married to Rin for five years; Rinni was two now.  They were his world.

Sadly, his world was visiting Rin's mother right now.  Rin's mother had taken a nasty fall, and Rin's father had passed away about a year ago, so Rin and Rinni had went to visit her, help take care of her, and keep her spirits up.  Kakashi couldn't, as the term was just starting.  It was shitty timing, but it was what it was.

Unlocking the door, the apartment was silent.  Kicking off his shoes, Kakashi wandered around the house.  He didn't really want to eat anything in the house.  Frowning, he sighed.  Pulling out a bowl of ramen, he sat down and ate, falling asleep on the couch.


Naruto was five minutes early to class the next day.  Kakashi looked up.  "Good, you are learning."  Naruto rolled his eyes, still pissed at how much of a dick his sensei was.  But he stayed quiet and paid attention in class.

When detention came around, Naruto didn't even try to get up.  Sitting there, he just pulled out his homework and started working.

Suddenly, a cell phone broke the silence.  Kakashi pulled it out and answered it.  "Hai."

Naruto tried to ignore the conversation, but it was hard when his sensei, the hard nosed dick named Kakashi, started talking like an idiot.  "What happened, sweet baby?" he asked.  Naruto rolled his eyes.  Must be talking to the kid.  I mean, I hope he is talking to the kid.  If he is talking to his wife, oh boy.  He figured Kakashi was married, Kakashi seemed too honorable to just knock someone up.  Naruto also saw the wedding ring, so that pretty much cemented the theory when taking into consideration the picture as well.

Kakashi talked all baby-ish for a few minutes, then he talked normally to someone; from the sound of it, his wife.  Finally he put the phone up.  Naruto kept working, wondering how anyone could marry that asshole.


Finally, it was Wednesday, and no more detention!  Naruto made sure he was at school early, sliding into his seat.  As Kakashi-sensei walked in, he looked around.   "I'll collect the homework now."  Naruto dug around in his bag...where was my, fuck!  His homework was on the kitchen table...just where he left it this morning.  Groaning, he just looked up at Kakashi as he held out his hand, waiting for papers.  

"Kakashi-sensei, I forgot my homework at home.  I can run home at lunch and get it.  I promise it's done!"  Naruto stated in a begging tone.

Kakashi stared hard at Naruto, but finally sighed.  "Fine."

Naruto wanted to whoop for joy.  No detention!  Finally, he and Sasuke could go to this ramen shop Sasuke was talking about.  When lunch rolled around, Naruto got a pass and ran home, grabbing the homework and running back.  He went straight back to class, handing it to Kakashi, who was grading papers.  Geez, didn't the man eat?

"Thank you, Naruto.  Detention today and tomorrow."

"Wha...what for?"  Naruto sputtered.  "I went straight home, got it, and brought it straight back.  What more do you want from me?  This shows that I had it done!"  

"Yes, but you had to leave school to go get it.  You were unprepared.  And to top it off, you inconvenienced me during my lunch hour.  So, detention today and tomorrow."

Naruto stomped out without another word.  


Naruto said nothing during detention, just did his homework.  Kakashi watched the boy out of the corner of his eye.  He definitely resembled the great Minato.  He had to be related somehow.  When detention was finished, Naruto walked out, not saying a word.


Thursday was much the same.  Naruto bitched during lunch to Sasuke, who looked bored.  "Well, quit being a dick and forgetting your shit and he'll get off your ass."  Sasuke pointed out.

"Yea, but it's like he is purposefully trying to pick on me!"  Naruto whined.

"Yea, Kakashi-sensei has nothing better to do than pick on you.  Whatever."  Sasuke rolled his eyes.  "Look, Naruto, my brother is going to be in town this weekend.  Why don't you come with me and Itachi?  We're going out Friday night.  It'll give you something to look forward to."  Sasuke offered.  "Saturday there is a party, you can come too, it'll let you meet some more people."

Naruto mulled that offer over.  It would be nice to just hang out with Sasuke, and Naruto hadn't seen Itachi in forever.  "Alright!"  Naruto grinned.  The party would be good too.  People had been nice, and introducing themselves, but it was hard for Naruto to remember names.  In a casual setting, where he could connect some action or funny comment, it would be easier to put the face to the name.  

Buoyed by the plans he now had, he went back to class in a better mood.  Detention even seemed to go better, although he still said nothing to the dick.  Walking out the door, he felt free.  Tomorrow was Friday, he was going out, and no detention!  Life.  Was.  Good.

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