Mutual Mistake

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"Daddy!"  A small pair of arms wrapped around Kakashi.  Sitting up, rubbing his face, he hugged the little girl tightly.  

"Hey Rinni-bobbinni, how are you doing sweet baby?"  Kakashi asked tenderly to the little girl.

"I misseded you."  She pouted.  Sitting up in the bed, Kakashi kissed her nose.

"I missed you, too."  He confided.  About then, he heard another voice.

"Guess I'm just chopped liver."  Rin was standing in the door, a smile on her face, her brunette hair pulled up in a ponytail as her hazel eyes twinkled.  She came over, crawling in the bed with her family, hugging Kakashi.

Guilt washed over Kakashi immediately as her arms wrapped around him.  He hugged her back.  "Hey, you.  Of course I missed you too."  Kissing her gently, Kakashi smoothed her hair down.  "Let me get up, use the bathroom, then you both can fill me in on these last two weeks over my Super Duper Chocolate Chip Pancakes.  How does that sound?"  Rinni clapped and Rin smiled, getting up and helping the young girl off the bed.  Kakashi got up, peed, and washed his face.  Staring at his reflection, it looked like he had the word "Guilty" written over his face.  What the fuck did I do last night?  Okay, I fucked up.  I've never fucked up before and never will again.  C'mon face.

Going out, he put on his happy daddy/husband face.  Walking out to his family, he enjoyed the reunion, the blonde locked away in a corner of his mind.


Said blonde woke up, confused.  What the hell happened last night?  He knew he couldn't talk to Jii; Jii might be open minded, but even Naruto realized that Jii would probably flip his shit with Naruto making out with Kakashi.  Not because it was a man--Jii didn't care about sexuality, even though he was heterosexual, but he did care about marriage and the fact that Kakashi was a teacher.  Groaning, Naruto picked up his phone, calling Sauske.

"What, dobe?  It's early."  Sasuke grumbled.

"Shut up, teme.  I need to talk to you.  Now.  It's important."  Naruto growled.

"Fine.  Sakura's in twenty?"

"Fine."  Naruto got up, throwing on some clothes, grabbing his wallet and keys and scribbling a note to Jii.  Heading out, he was at the little coffee house ten minutes before Sasuke.

"Hi, I'm Sakura, can I help you?"  A rosette asked Naruto as he came in.  

Naruto smiled at her.  She was nice...with an inviting face.  "Wow, the owner is taking my order?  Cool. Uh, I'll take a hot chocolate?" 

She laughed.  "It's not mine, its my parents.  I just work at it.  But I do get to help decorate...hence the pinks, reds, and the trees named after me.  Let me go get your order."  Smiling, she walked off.

Sasuke walked in a few minutes later.  Sakura came over, bringing Naruto's hot chocolate and a cup of steaming liquid, setting it down in front of Sasuke.  Guess he was a regular here.  Naruto shrugged, taking a sip, licking the whipped cream.  He hummed in was good.

Naruto traveled around so much with Jii, he had never gotten to know any place too well.  Thank God for Facebook and Skype, or he may not have been able to stay that close with Sasuke.  Lukily, Jii knew how much Sasuke meant to Naruto, so he had made sure that the two spent a lot of their free time together, though usually it was Sasuke coming to visit Naruto, as he wanted to see the sights.

After Sakura left, Sasuke looked at Naruto.  "What was so important?"  He idly sipped at his cup.

"I...I kinda made out with Kakashi-sensei last night."  Naruto blushed, looking down, never one to beat around the bush.  Suddenly, he felt hot coffee on his face that Sasuke spit on Naruto.

"What the fuck?"  Sasuke hissed, shock evident on his face.

"I...I didn't mean it to just..."  Naruto wiped his face with a napkin from the table, then buried his face in his hands.

Sasuke sat, mulling this turn of events over.  Finally, "Did you like it?"

A bright blue eye peeked over a napkin.  "Did I like what?" came the muffled reply.

Sasuke rolled his eyes.  "Did you like making out with a guy?" he asked.

Naruto stopped, looking down, analyzing his thoughts.  Sasuke said nothing, as he understood the need to figure out emotions being complex, and probably not able to be done in one sitting...but it could be a start.

Naruto sat, trying to figure out himself.  He hadn't thought much about whether he was into guys or girls...he hadn't had too many experiences.  I mean, he saw girls he thought was hot, but he never even looked at guys.  Jii was always talking about women, so it was hard to even think about anything else.  Sasuke was gay, sure, but he was Naruto's friend, so Naruto hadn't thought about it from that aspect either.

Biting his lip, he thought back to last night.  Immediately he felt a reaction in his dick as he stiffened at thinking of Kakashi kissing him.  Shaking his head, he closed his eyes.  Thinking of the most beautiful girl he knew, he tried to picture doing that with her.  Annnnd...nothing.  Frowning, he opened his eyes.  "Yea, I did."

Sasuke shrugged.  "Okay, you're at least bi."

Naruto frowned.  "I...I guess so."

"But why a teacher?"  Sasuke asked, quietly.  

"Fuck, Sas' I didn't mean just...happened."  Naruto glared at Sasuke.

Sasuke stared at his friend, then shrugged.  Taking another sip, he looked at Naruto.  "So...what are you going to do now?"

Naruto frowned.  "Nothing!  In case you don't know it, he's married!  And I don't cheat, no matter what Kakashi-sensei does!"  Naruto angrily slammed his hands on the table and got up, pushing the chair away and stomping out.  

Sighing, Sasuke took another sip.  "You just did."


Monday morning came along, glaringly bright and annoying.  Naruto went into the quiet school, sitting down.  He didn't know how he was going to feel seeing the sensei, but he did know he wanted to be there before his sensei came in.  Walking into school about thirty minutes early, he slipped into the classroom, sitting down.  Great, I got here first.  Pulling out his school book, he tried to work out some math problems.

A few minutes later, he heard the door open, and shut.  "Ah, Mr. Uzumaki..."  Looking up, Naruto saw Kakashi-sensei step into the room.  To his credit, Kakashi-sensei looked ...uncomfortable.  "I, ah, I would like to apologize for the other night."  He looked anywhere but at Naruto.

Naruto cleared his throat.  "Hey, it's okay.  There were two of us there.  Mutual mistake, huh?"  Naruto smiled crookedly.  Kakashi looked up, the smile reaching his eye as his heart lurched unexpectedly in his chest.

Kakashi nodded.  "Mutual Mistake."

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