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"My birthday?" Naruto asked, stunned. He had been so busy working and trying not to miss Kakashi that he had forgotten completely that it was, indeed, his birthday. Stooping over, he picked up Rinni, hugging her tightly. She had gotten so much bigger, her hair down to her waist. Kissing her nose, he looked at Kakashi.

Walking over, Kakashi smiled, pulling Naruto into a hug. "I have missed you." Leaning back, the copy nin kissed Naruto's forehead, each eye, and then his lips. Running the back of his knuckles down Naruto's cheek, the look in his eyes caused Naruto to catch his breath.

"Daddy!!" Rinni called, "I'm being squisheded!" Chuckling, Kakashi leaned back and she wiggled down, running to go rescue a doll from Naruto's floor that she had dropped when seeing Naruto.

Awkwardly, Naruto stood there. The man he had missed for so long was finally in front of him, and he didn't know what to do. Kakashi looked at him, concern etching across his face. "Am I too late? Has someone..."

", no!" Naruto shook his head, recognition dawning at what Kakashi was getting at. "No, it's just...I haven't seen you in what? Four, five it's just kinda...awkward." Naruto shrugged, smiling and rubbing his neck.

"Well, let's get reacquainted over dinner, and then get more reacquainted after Rinni falls asleep." Kakashi winked; unable to control himself he couldn't help but smirk at Naruto's ability to become beet red. Chuckling, he walked back into the kitchen. "I took the liberty of making dinner."

Naruto followed the smell of something delicious assaulting his nostrils. Walking into his kitchen, Naruto saw that a salad had been prepared, along with some stir-fry. Mouth watering, Naruto set the table, pouring some tea for Kakashi and himself, and some milk for Rinni. Sitting Rinni down at the table, Naruto sat as well. Once Kakashi was settled, Naruto dug in. "So, how long are you staying?" Naruto asked between bites.

"We'll leave with Sasuke, in a week. He is taking Hinata to a concert tomorrow, so they went and stayed in a hotel tonight. He said he'd be back down here by Thursday to spend some time with you. Rinni and I can stay at a hotel if this inconveniences you." Kakashi's face was genuine, curious.

"Hell, no, Kakashi! I miss you both. I hate being away from you." Naruto frowned at Kakashi.

"Alright then." Kakashi smiled, and Naruto swore that there was the tiniest bit of relief in those black eyes.


The evening was nice. Naruto had not really enjoyed a Friday evening since coming there. Relaxing with Rinni and Kakashi just felt...right. After dinner, they had retired to the living room to watch television. Talking, catching up, they continue to touch each other. Little touches, on the elbow, the thigh, the knee. Once the little girl fell asleep, Naruto realized that there was a predicament. "Well, um...I only have one bed." Naruto looked at Kakashi.

"We can put her on a pallet on the floor?" Kakashi suggested. "Pull the cushions off the couch, make her a little bed?"

Naruto shook his head in agreement relieved. "Well, uh, since she's asleep, and I'm sure that you had a long day, maybe we should go to bed now?" He hoped his face wasn't red. His hand was just not the same as Kakashi's ass at night...but it was making due for now, and had been passable these past five months.

Kakashi smirked. "Well, if you're too tired, that's fine. Go on to sleep. I was hoping to do some more...physical exertions." Naruto had no clue how Kakashi kept such a straight face.

Naruto scowled and got up, going to get some blankets for Rinni. Coming back, he looked at Kakashi. "Get up, old man. Gotta make Rinni's bed." Kakashi tried to look affronted, but just couldn't do it. Smiling, he got up, pulling the cushions off the couch. After Rinni's bed was made and the girl laid in it, Naruto stretched. "I gotta go take a shower. I usually take one when I get home, but I forgot, with the burglars in the house."

"Burglars?" Kakashi asked. "We took nothing!"

"Only my heart." Naruto grinned, heading off to the bathroom. Stripping, he kicked his clothes to the corner of the bathroom. Turning on the warm spray, he stepped gratefully in, letting the heat soak his sore body. He was happy that Kakashi was here, but he knew he was going to be miserable in a week when Kakashi left. Frowning, he shook that thought out of his head, grabbing the shampoo and washing his blonde hair. Suddenly, he heard the shower curtain rustle, and felt Kakashi step in behind him, running a hand down Naruto's back.

"Thought you might need a hand." Kakashi whispered gruffly in Naruto's ear as he kissed the back of Naruto's neck. Shivering, Naruto couldn't find his voice, merely nodding. Grabbing the body wash, Kakashi lathered up his hands, running them down the blonde's tanned back. Moaning softly, Naruto put his hands on the shower wall as he enjoyed the feel of his lover's hands on his body. He missed the feel of Kakashi...hell, who was he kidding? He missed everything about Kakashi.

Kakashi's hands started massaging Naruto's muscles. "You've gotten stronger since you left." Kakashi murmured, nuzzling Naruto's neck as his hands started to snake around the front of the blonde man. Feeling the six-pack that had developed, Kakashi hummed in appreciation. Turning around, Naruto's eyes were dark and he pulled the older man into a kiss, full of all the passion and longing he felt.

Wrapping his arms around Naruto, Kakashi kissed the male back with all the love and longing he felt. As he grabbed Naruto's ass, he felt himself hardening as Naruto was kneading his hips, whimpering in their kiss. Going past Naruto, Kakashi turned off the shower faucets. Grabbing Naruto, he headed out to the bedroom. Laying Naruto on the bed, he took the man he loved most in this world in his mouth, working Naruto to a frenzy.

Naruto's head was back, the sheets bunching up underneath him as he whimpered at the sensations around him. Licking and kissing the slit, Kakashi took Naruto all the way in his mouth to the hilt, blonde hair tickling his nose. Naruto let out a loud moan as he grabbed the pillow, putting it over his face. As Kakashi worked Naruto towards climax, he stopped just short.

"K...Kashi, ya are going to kill me..." he moaned, whimpering, rock hard and pointing at the sky. Kakashi smirked.

"Get up." Kakashi ordered. Naruto complied, a bit slowly, confusion and lust on his face. Crawling on the bed on all fours, Kakashi claimed Naruto's position and put his ass towards Naruto. Needing no further invitation, Naruto opened his bedside table drawer and lubed up, sliding into Kakashi with a grunt from both men. Gripping Kakashi's hips, he pumped in and out until he came, sliding out and lying next to Kakashi with a mumbled "sorry". Moving Naruto away from the wet spot he had created, Kakashi cuddled next to Naruto.

"I never gave you your present." Kakashi said into Naruto's shoulder.

"Don' need a present." Naruto mumbled, nuzzling Kakashi.

"But you'll like this one...I promise. I got a job teaching at the high school here. I want to accept it, if you'll have me."

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