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Life settled down for a bit after that.  Rin and Kakashi made an appointment with the municipal office and drew up the rikon todoke.  Within thirty days they had submitted the rikon todoke and were divorced...right before Naruto's birthday.  Both were thankful.  Kurenai still wouldn't speak to Kakashi and he felt saddened by that.  He had thought of her as a good friend, but, due to the circumstances, he couldn't get angry.  She had helped him in a way.  

Asuma hung out with Kakashi more.  He still wasn't very keen on the idea of Naruto and Kakashi as a couple, so Kakashi didn't have Naruto over when Asuma was there.  Kakashi hadn't heard from Guy at all, and that saddened him greatly.  While not approving, Kakashi thought Guy would at least not disappear.

Naruto and Kakashi kept it very low key.  They usually met at Sasuke's pool house on the weekends.  Kakashi thought it best not to have a student over to his house, since others knew where Kakashi lived; whereas Naruto going to Sasuke's house wouldn't be unusual at all.  Kakashi could get over there stealthily...he had been a top shinobi after all.

It had been blissful, this past month with Naruto.  For every day that went by, Kakashi loved the boy more.  They spent much time together; just being able to touch each other in platonic ways without guilt weighing them down was wonderful.  Rinni had grown to love him too.  She was happy when she got to go over on her weekends with Daddy to see "Nuto" as she called him.  Suddenly, Kakashi's phone rang him out of his thoughts.  Frowning, he didn't know the number.  "Hello."  He stated.

"Hatake, Kakashi, Kopi Ninja no Kakashi."  Kakashi winced at the title, "you have been activated.  Return to headquarters this Friday.  Orders have already been sent to the school."  The phone clicked silent.  Dark eyes regarded the phone.  Shit. It was Wednesday.  Well, they wouldn't activate him if it wasn't important.  Of course he wouldn't have much time.  At least he got this much time...probably because of his job and Rinni.

Rinni.  Frowning, he picked up the phone to call Rin.  Explaining the situation, Rin assured him she would take good care of Rinni and he could call whenever he wanted to video chat with her.  He could hear fear in her voice.  He was glad that they had ended it well.  He was glad that he didn't have that issue of Rin not wanting Rinni to see Naruto.  

Naruto.  Kakashi sighed.  He wanted to tell Naruto, but it had to be face to face.  However, with Jiriaya there at home, since it was so close to Naruto's birthday, it was difficult.  He guess he'd have to wait til tomorrow.


"Hey, Kakashi-sensei."  Naruto said, smiling at him.  "So, uh, Saturday is my birthday..."  His eyes shown with happiness.  Kakashi frowned. 

"I'm sorry, Naruto, but I can't meet you this weekend."  Kakashi started.

"You can bring Rinni, too.  I'll be 18, so I'm not having a party...it'll just be Sasuke and Oreo."  Naruto looked up, eyes pleading.

"Naruto, I can't.  I'm being activated back into service of the shinobi.  I leave tomorrow."

Naruto paled.  "W...what do you mean?"

Kakashi came over, wrapping his arms around the teen.  "I mean, I being drafted."  He kissed Naruto's forehead.

"No...y..you can't.  You have to teach and everything."

Kakashi looked at Naruto.  "I have to.  On my honor.  I gave my word."

Anger sliced through Naruto then, white hot and blazing.  Angrily, Naruto pushed him away.  "What about me?  I'm not as important as your precious word?"  Naruto snarled.

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