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Naruto gaped, then grabbed Kakashi around the neck.  Kakashi staggered, but held Naruto.  Pulling back, Naruto took in Kakashi's appearance.  Kakashi had on dark slacks, a black silk shirt, and no mask.  His hitai-ate was on, covering his red eye.  "What are you doing here?"  Naruto blurted out.

"Well, I can leave of you would rather that of me."  Kakashi stated, straight faced as he turned slightly.

Naruto glared, holding onto Kakashi.  "Don't be stupid."  Naruto leaned up, kissing him softly.  Naruto could feel that Kakashi had bulked up, his muscles more pronounced now.  Chuckling, Kakashi led Naruto out onto the dance floor.  Naruto laid his head on Kakashi's neck.  As the two men danced to the slow ballad, Naruto finally felt at peace.

After the song ended, Kakashi led them to a table, sitting down.  Some of Naruto's friends came up, sitting with them.  "Whoa, is this why you been turning down dates?  I can understand." Tenten looked appreciaticely at Kakashi as Rock hmphed.  Tenten rolled her eyes.  "Oh, you know you are the only one for me."  Laying her head on Rock's arm, he smiled at her after she used her puppy dog eyes of doom on him.

Naruto grinned as Kakashi raised an eyebrow teasingly at Naruto.  "Quite the playboy, Naruto?"

Naruto blushed frantically and shook his head.  "Nope...you're the only one for me."  He took Kakashi's hand as Temari made a gagging sound as she sat down.  Rolling his eyes, Naruto turned his attention back to Kakashi.  "So, when did you get back in?  For how long?"  His eyes were bright...but cautious.

Kakashi smiled, leaning down.  "Can you keep a secret?" he whispered.

"Yea!"  Naruto exclaimed.

"I'm done with field work.  The threat has been contained.  You are safe, but they have assigned me to you...just in case.  I haven't been debriefed yet, hence my hetai-ate to cover my sharingan.  I am going back to Japan on Monday and resuming my job teaching.  Jiraiya is going to pack up and move you both back...that is, if you want to."  Kakashi stared at Naruto.

Naruto busted out into a big grin.  "Oh, yea...I definitely want to."  Hugging Kakashi, Naruto was on cloud nine.


After the dance, Naruto confirmed with Jii that the move was happening.  It would take Jiraiya about a week to get everything taken care of, so he...begrudgingly...agreed to allow Naruto to go back with Kakashi.  Naruto was going to stay with Kakashi until Jiraiya got back. 

Going into Kakashi's home, adter the flight, Naruto dropped his duffle bag.  "Rinni will be over in the morning."  Kakashi confirmed, noting that it was about ten at night.  Yawning, he looked at Naruto.  "Ready for bed?"  Naruto nodded. "Mkay.  I'm going to take a quick shower, then I'll be back."  Kakashi left the blonde alone with his thoughts.  As Naruto heard the steaming water turn on, an idea formed.  Grinning devilishly, he slipped out of his clothes and crept into the bathroom.  Kakashi had shampoo in his hair, his eyes closed, his back to Naruto.

"Mind if I help?"  Naruto whispered, running hands down Kakashi's back.  The teen could see the developed muscles in that back, much more pronounced than last time.   Turning around, Kakashi opened his right eye.  His breath quickening, he nodded a no.

"Not at all, but I will have to return the favor."  Kakashi said huskily, eye roaming over Naruto's body.  Leaning up slightly, Naruto kissed Kakashi, using his tongue to pry open the copycat's mouth.  Kakashi let out a soft moan, pulling Naruto to him as the shower's spray fell over them both.

Kakashi ran his hands down Naruto's back as Naruto broke the kiss and kissed Kakashi's neck, kissing down to that muscular chest.  Kakashi let his head fall back, a moan escaping his lips as he felt himself hardening under the blonde's kisses.  "Let's take a shower later...we are going to be getting dirty," Kakashi managed to get out as Naruto nodded.  Grabbing Kakashi's hand, Naruto led Kakashi to the bed.  Pushing Kakashi down, Kakashi's eye widened in surprise.

"My turn to top."  Naruto said hungrily.  Kakashi was about to say something, but nothing came out but a moan as Naruto went down and engulfed Kakashi in one deft stroke.  Kakashi arched his back as his fists balled up the sheets as Naruto worked on Kakashi.

Naruto's eyes were dark as he took in the image of his lover.  He had been practicing in his mind for this moment for months.  Grinning, he grabbed his pants, pulling out the small bottle of lube.  "Always prepared."  Naruto grinned.

Kakashi sat up, taking the bottle from Naruto.  "Hey, no f..."  The hungry blonde couldn't finish since Kakashi had put some lube on Naruto and was working on making him prepared.  Once done, Kakashi laid back down, his own need quite apparent.  Lining up, Naruto slid in as Kakashi grunted in pain.  Eyes scrunching, Naruto was confused.  "Y...you don't like it?"

Kakashi kept his head down on the bed.  Through gritted teeth he said, "No, I am sure it will be fine, but you didn't prepare me, so it hurts." 

Naruto frowned, slipping out.  "Shit...I'm sorry, Kashi." 

Grabbing the lube, he put some more on himself, as well as some fingers.  After appropriately preparing Kakashi, Naruto entered slowly.  This time, the grunts were of pleasure.  Sighing in relief, Naruto set up a steady pace until they were done.  They did need a shower afterwards.


The next morning, Naruto woke up to knocking on the door.  Yawning, he got up, noticing that Kakashi wasn't in the bed.  Rummaging around in his duffle bag, he pulled out some sweatpants, slipping them on.  Padding out on bare feet, he stopped, smiling at the scene in front of him.  Rinni was wrapped around Kakashi, her little arms clinging for dear life to the silver nin's neck.  Kakashi was holding her.

"Love you, Daddy." She sniffled.

"I love you too, sweet baby."  Kakashi murmured.  Picking her up, Kakashi turned, smiling at Naruto.  The blue-eyed man rubbed the back of his neck smiling as well.  Rinni picked her head up and looked around.

"Nuto!" she yelled, reaching her arms for the blonde.  Grinning he came over, grabbing her in a hug. 

"Hey, Rin tin tin, how you doing bugaboo?" he asked, kissing her neck and blowing a raspberry as she giggled. 

"Misseded you." she pouted.

"Aww, and I missed you."  Naruto admitted, kissing her head and sitting her down.  "Why don't we eat breakfast and then play a game?" he asked.

"Yaaay!" she shouted.  "Candywand?"

"Anything you want, sweetheart."  Naruto stood to see Kakashi pulling out ingredients to make breakfast...chocolate chip pancakes by the look of it.  "Hey, I can cook."  Naruto pouted.

"Yes, but I want to eat the food as well."  Kakashi winked.  Naruto frowned, sticking out his tongue.


Later in the day, Naruto went over to Sasuke's.  He was excited to see his friend again.  Knocking on the door, he grinned when Sasuke opened the door.  Sasuke's face broke out into a smile as he hugged Naruto.  "Dobe, it's good to see you." he grinned.

"Who is it?"  The voice of Orochimaru wafted on the wind.

"Dobe!"  Sasuke called, ushering Naruto in.  Grinning, Naruto went into the Uchiha home.  Saying his hellos, Naruto sat and visited with the couple.  Things were going very well between the two, obviously.  Naruto observed thick black bands on both teens' ring fingers of their right hands.  Naruto was happy that his friend found happiness.

After several hours at Sasuke's, Naruto returned to Kakashi's.  Walking in, the house was quiet.  Going into the living room, he saw Kakashi asleep on the couch, Rinni asleep on his bare chest as the radio played quietly.  Grinning, Naruto felt like he was finally at home.

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