Dinner Date

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The rest of that week went by, pretty much disastrously.  Naruto didn't want to look or talk to Kakashi, basically just going through the motions of the tutoring.  He spoke only when spoken to.  Kakashi felt miserable.  To make matters worse, Rin was back home and obliviously happy and content.  She was worried about Kakashi, but he made up some story about a great amount of catching up because of the week he was gone.  Rin didn't question him.  She believed him too much.  This combination of misery, emptiness, and aggravation was about to make Kakashi snap.

Friday morning, Jiraiya caught Naruto before he left for school.  "Don't forget, come straight home.  I'm having some important people over for dinner, and I want you to meet them."  Nodding glumly, Naruto agreed, grabbing a pop tart as he walked out the door.  Getting to the school, he happened to get there as Kakashi did, so he didn't have to text him.  Kakashi opened the door and Naruto stepped through, silently.  As they walked up to the classroom, Kakashi unlocked the door and ushered Naruto through it.

"If your vows mean so much to you, why did you do it?"  Naruto spat, bags under his eyes.  Kakashi pinched the bridge of his nose.  He really wasn't in the mood to discuss this, with his current mood and his sleep deprivation status.

"We have discussed this already, Mr. Uzumaki."  Kakashi repeated rotely.  Naruto laughed harshly.  Frowning, Kakashi walked over, leaning over Naruto's desk.  "You were the one to ask me.  You were the one who said it would just be one night and you'd never ask again."  Kakashi's voice shook as he tried to control his rage.  "I made a promise...on my honor as a shinobi...that I would marry Rin, love her, and take care of her.  I promised this to my best friend as he was dying.  I've now shattered that promise to him.  I've ruined my deathbed vow, my marriage, and you as well."  Kakashi turned, his back to Naruto.  "I never go back on my word...and now I have.  Because of you.  Because of your pull on me."  Kakashi finished quietly.  "Naruto, don't you see?  I want nothing more than to grab you, hug you, and kiss the pain from your eyes...but I can't."  Rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands, he sighed.  "Just go for the day.  We'll resume lessons on Monday."  Shaking his head, Kakashi walked out, leaving a very confused Naruto to try to process everything he had been told.


"So this "shinobi promise" is very big to him."  Naruto said to Sasuke, who was leaning against Orochimaru under a tree at lunch.  Actually, leaning was a generous word.  Sasuke was sitting between Orochimaru's legs, his back against Orochimaru's chest.  Finishing his soda, Sasuke stared at his friend.

"So, why the fuck do you care?"  Sasuke asked.  "He was just a fuck, right?"

Naruto glared balefully at Sasuke.  "You know that's not true."

Sasuke gave a lopsided frown.  "Yea, I thought so, but I wanted to gauge your reaction."  Sighing, Sasuke ate a piece of sushi.  "I don't know what to tell ya.  I think you're screwed."

Orochimaru had been listening to this intently.  Thoughtfully, he asked, "What, exactly, was the Shinobi Promise he made?"  Orochimaru had studied shinobis, and knew the Shinobi Promise was a solemn vow that meant everything to a shinobi.

"He said he promised his best friend that he would marry Rin, love her, and take care of her."  Naruto shrugged, trying to remember Kakashi's exact words.

"Alright..." Orochimaru said, softly tapping his finger against his lips.  Suddenly, a thin smile appeared on his lips.  "Well, there it is then."

Naruto looked confused as Sasuke just lifted his head and looked at Orochimaru quizzically.  "Well, just explain to him that if you all keep it on the DL, he will not have broken his Shinobi Promise.  He promised to marry Rin, love her, take care of her...he didn't promise fidelity.  And to make her happy, he has to be truly happy himself..."  

Sauske just looked up at Orochimaru like he had grown two heads.  "Oro, you really are too much sometimes."  Leaning up, Sasuke kissed Orochimaru as Orochimaru hummed, running hands down Sasuke's sides.

"Well, you have said that sometimes." he murmured, biting Sasuke's lip gently.

"Okay, enough...I'm going back to class."  Naruto said, raising his hands and getting up before seeng the PDA he didn't want to see.


Naruto mulled over what Orochimaru said the rest of that day.  Going home, he had already forgotten about the dinner date until he walked in, smelling all sorts of delicious aromas.  Groaning, he wanted to feign sickness.  Walking into the kitchen, he saw Jiraiya finishing up preparations.  Smiling at Naruto, he sat a tray of cookies on a platter.  "Go clean up and get changed.  They should be here around six."  Sighing, Naruto nodded glumly.  When Jii got like this, there was no talking to him.  Going to his room, Naruto went, washing up his face and changing into nice pants and a clean white dress shirt.  When he heard the doorbell, he went down.

Jii motioned for Naruto to answer, as he was putting the finishing touches on the meal.  Naruto noticed he had already cleaned up as well. Tthat was good; that way Naruto wouldn't have to entertain the guests by himself.  Going to the door he opened it and caught himself from throwing up in the doorway.  There stood a beautiful brunette and a very perturbed looking Kakashi.


Dinner went well; the tension that Naruto felt, as did Kakashi, didn't seem to be noticed by the other two in the room.  Jii and Rin talked and laughed and had a great time.  Rin especially was proud she kept this a surprise from Kakashi.  Seems Jii wanted to express his gratitude properly, and thought a nice dinner would do it.  Rin had gotten a babysitter for Rinni so Kakashi and she could have a nice date night...as adults.  Naruto felt nauseous.  He didn't want to see the happy couple.  Making an excuse of still having a small headache, he bowed to Rin and Kakashi, hugged Jii, and went to his bedroom.  Laying down, he put headphones in and put on some music, trying to keep the silver haired male out of his mind.


Kakashi had not been so miserable since Obito died.  The past week was just...horrific.  And now, to have to sit across from Naruto and act like nothing happened.  To try to be an adult and have a civilized conversation.  When Rin told him she had made plans for a date, Kakashi had been...well, annoyed.  He had wanted to sit at home and just relax.  But  being the adult, he went ahead and went.  Dread had filled his stomach the closer and closer he got to the area where Naruto's home was.  Getting out of the taxi in front of it, he had wanted to vomit.  Seeing Naruto at the door, well, that was the last straw.  The headache behind his eye grew exponentially.  He tried to engage during dinner, really, he did.  Luckily, Rin liked to talk, as did Jiraiya, so Kakashi didn't have to.  When Naruto left, Kakashi felt a bit of relief.  At least he didn't have to stare at that gorgeous face anymore.  While still being mostly silent, a bit of tension left.


After dinner, Jii offered to go into the sitting room to talk more and have drinks.  Rin happily agreed, so Kakashi was drug into that.  After a bit of time, Kakashi excused himself to use the bathroom.  Going in and shutting the door, Kakashi looked at himself in the mirror.  He was ever grateful for the mask to help hide his face.  He only had to put it down while he ate.  Using the restroom and then finishing up, he walked out, almost bumping into Naruto.  Stopping, each male looked at each other in the hall.  "S...sorry."  Kakashi mumbled, walking past.  Naruto frowned.  It was now or never.

"Sensei?"  Naruto asked quietly.  

Kakashi turned around warily.  "Yes, Mr. Uzumaki?"  

The tension was thick in the air as Naruto walked down the hall the five steps to stand in front of Kakashi.  "If we keep it on the DL, you won't have broken your shinobi promise.  You promised to marry her, love her, and make her happy.  You didn't promise fidelity...and you can't make her happy if you aren't happy yourself."  

Kakashi swallowed hard, his adam's apple bobbing in his throat.  "You spend too much time with Orochimaru." he said, before turning on his heel and going back into the room with his wife.

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