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It wasn't supposed to be like this. It was never supposed to have went this way...or this far. The man with the untameable silver hair, dark eye, black mask covering up to his nose and one eye, and brooding posture stood on the sidewalk in the gray October afternoon. Staring up at the brownstone, he didn't know what to say. He didn't know how to say it, even though he didn't know what "it" was. As the wind whipped at the dark gray trench coat, fluttering the royal blue scarf around his neck, the chill seemed to cut him to the core. Sighing, he trudged up the stairs...

No, it wasn't supposed to be like this, the blonde thought. Sweat pant covered legs with bare feet pulled up underneath him, a too large tee shirt on, bright blue eyes stared at the door. He willed it to open. He prayed for it to open. But...he didn't want it to open. Because when it did, his whole world may topple. Sighing, he waited...


Kakashi unlocked the door, walking in. As Naruto sat in the chair, staring at the door, he jumped as it opened. Seeing Kakashi walk in, and Kakashi's mask on, Naruto fidgeted. Kakashi never wore his mask in America unless it was an extremely bad situation. Naruto's stomach became nauseous at seeing Kakashi's obviously uneasy countenance. "'Kashi...everything okay?" He got up, padding over to Kakashi, hugging him after Kakashi took his shoes off.

Kakashi looked around. "Where is Rinni and Hunter?" Kakashi asked, evading Naruto's question.

"With Sasuke." Naruto stated. Sasuke was here on business, as he inherited the family business upon graduation since Itachi refused to take it over. While Naruto knew that the Uchihas had businesses in other places besides Japan, he did not know that the Uchihas owned the company he worked at when he moved here and applied. However, it was. Therefore, Sasuke was Naruto's boss. Sasuke found that hilarious. Naruto did not.

Kakashi nodded. Saying nothing, Kakashi took off his scarf, and his coat. "D...did you hear? Did work call you?" Naruto was suddenly very nervous.

"They did." Kakashi said. His eyebrow twitched.

"A...are you mad?" Naruto asked, following Kakashi into the kitchen.

Kakashi got a cup of water, sipping it. He refused to answer.

"...Kashi...I...I mean, it just happened." Naruto frowned.

"I see." Kakashi said his back still toward Naruto, his knuckles white around the glass.

"Alcohol was involved...and then, I mean...well, they just found us..." Naruto rubbed his hands on his sweatpants.

Kakashi sat the cup down. "So I was told." Brushing past Naruto, Kakashi refused to look at the blonde.

"'Kashi, please...I'm sorry." Naruto said, the apology not sounding like enough. "I love know I'd never do anything stupid to lose you intentionally!"

Kakashi whirled around. Eyes stormy, and angry, he advanced on Naruto as Naruto backed up, until his hips hit the kitchen counter. "Really? Could have fooled me!" Kakashi snarled, lips inches from Naruto's, eyes flaring in anger. Naruto had never been afraid of Kakashi until now. Whimpering, Naruto's eyes darted in every direction, unable to find an escape. "What the fuck were you thinking? You could have been killed!" Kakashi whispered. "I don't give a shit if they were drunk and screwed up. You trying to save them almost had you killed!" He hands were fisted at his sides as Naruto noticed the emotions battling in Kakashi's eyes. Whirling the other way, Kakashi stomped off, out of the kitchen.

Shaking, Naruto wrapped his arms around himself, the tears slipping. Calling Sasuke, he asked if Rinni and Hunter could spend the night. Hinata had answered and assured Naruto it was fine. She giggled, mentioning something about Kakashi giving him a hero's welcome. If only she knew...

Walking into the bedroom, Naruto stood, quietly surveying the scene. Kakashi had slipped off his shirt, now only in his dress pants. He was sitting on the foot of the bed, his face in his hands. Naruto sat down next to Kakashi saying nothing. Looking up, Naruto saw that Kakashi's eyes were bloodshot. "Naruto...I'm sorry. I should not have blown up, but I...I cannot lose you. To hear that you put yourself in harm's way to save some scared me." Kakashi's voice was raw with fear.

Naruto swallowed, listening to the words. Saying nothing, he tried to put himself in Kakashi's place; sitting on the bed, he became lost in thought. If that had happened to Kakashi, he could understand the fear. Naruto could not imagine not having Kakashi, not after what they went through to be together. Naruto hadn't intentionally tried to put himself in harm's way. It's just when Tracy came in smelling of alcohol, Naruto had a feeling things were going to be bad. Then, when Tracy missed the mold and it fell, well...Naruto just saw a ton of metal coming down on a co-worker. Naruto didn't think, he just reacted, getting Tracy out of the way. Naruto wasn't hurt, but work told him to take two days off, just in case.

"I know, 'Kashi...and I'm sorry. I am really sorry. I wasn't trying to get hurt...I was just trying to do the right thing." Naruto whispered, putting his arms around the man he loved. Kakashi just leaned into Naruto, and wept. Sliding down onto his knees, he came in front of Naruto. Leaning up, he cupped Naruto's face in his hands.

"Naruto...I've never met anyone like you. You bring such joy and happiness into my life. It feels like we've known each other forever, instead of just about two years. You make me happy when I'm sad. I want to wake up every morning to you. I can' imagine my life without are my soulmate. You are my home. Naruto..." pulling out something from his pocket, Kakashi took a deep breath and slipped a silver band with four diamonds on it onto Naruto's ring finger, "would you please marry me? There is no one else I want to be with and no one else I could ever want to grow old with besides you. I want you to be mine, and mine alone, as I am yours alone."

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