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Waking up in the morning, Naruto stretched. As he was about to get up, he heard voices.

"Inoichi and Shikaku explained the situation on the way over." Naruto recognized that as Jii's voice.

"Yes, I was reactivated to retrieve Naruto so Gaara can get that jutsu from Naruto's head. After the information is retrieved...oof." Naruto heard Kakashi take a sharp intake of breath and then a loud thud. Rolling over, Naruto was met with the sight of Kakashi on his knees, a hand out, holding off the brown haired male, a blonde, and a black haired Bruce Lee wannabe. Jiraiya stood over Kakashi, his hands balled into fists.

"He was 17, you asshole!" Jiraiya said, arms taut with anger.

"I know." Kakashi gasped out.

Giving two swift punches to Kakashi's head, Naruto jumped up as Jiraiya yelled, "He was a child!"

Kakashi saw Naruto stand and moved a hand to stop him as well. "I know." Kakashi repeated. "I didn't mean for this to happen. But I will protect him with my dying breath. Just like you have been, by moving him around to protect him."

Jiraiya's arms slackened, his head dropping. Nodding, he reached out a hand to help Kakashi up. "You hurt him..." Jiraiya tapped Kakashi hard in the chest, "and the whole Allied Shinobi Forces won't be able to save you." Kakashi nodded, standing. Naruto came over, hugging Kakashi as he looked balefully at Jiraiya.

"Jii, I love him. If you can't accept that, then I can't see you. But I hope you can." Naruto said.

"Kid,...ah, fuck." Jiraiya just walked outside. The other three men just went back to what they were doing.

Kakashi looked at Naruto as he glared at him. "I'm not fighting him. I deserve what I got." Kakashi said simply. Anger flared up in Naruto, but he nodded. Looking at the squad, Kakashi said, "Let's get moving; we need to get Naruto back to Gaara."


The trip was not as difficult as Naruto expected. He had to ride on Kakashi's back to keep up with the shinobi. Surprisingly enough, Jiraiya was able to keep up. Naruto thought that perhaps Jiraiya was an undercover shinobi...he would have to ask him about that later.

Upon reaching Gaara's headquarters, the redhead nodded at the squad. Standing, he walked over to the blonde. Naruto gaped in surprise. "You're the same age as me!" he explained.

Gaara smirked. "Please, I presume the squad told you what happened?" Gaara asked. As Naruto nodded, Gaara motioned for Naruto to go over to a gurney. "We will extract the information. We have a ... friend, who will be able to report this to the Akatsuki. You will be released back to your home once this is done. Jiraiya, you will have to move again." Jiraiya nodded in agreement.

Naruto hopped up on the gurney, getting comfortable. As Naruto was wheeled away, the last thing he saw was Kakashi watching him.


Waking up, Naruto's head was spinning. He hurt. Looking around, Jiraiya was there. "Hey, kiddo. How ya feel?"

Naruto grimaced. "Like horseshit."

Jiraiya nodded. "That's to be expected. Rest up; we'll be heading for home in a couple days."

"Where's Kakashi?" Naruto asked.

"On a mission. I promise you'll see him before we leave. Now sleep." Jiraiya smoothed Naruto's hair, kissing his forehead. Nodding, Naruto laid down, too tired and in pain to ask any questions. As he fell asleep, he figured he would ask later.


Naruto spent three days in the hospital, before being ready to go home. He still had not seen Kakashi. As he was getting ready to leave, there was a knock on the door. "Come in." he called out. Looking up, he saw the copycat standing there in battle garb.

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