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Jiraiya was not happy. Not in the least. Nevertheless, he was proud of Naruto for standing his ground, doing what was right, and trying to fix his mistake. However, when Naruto told Jii he was moving to America, Jiraiya disagreed. "Why America? Anywhere but there?" Jiraiya groaned.

"Jii, if I stay anywhere near here, I'll be tempted to see Kakashi. If I put myself away from here...he will be okay. I'm eighteen; you know I don't have to keep going to school. I'll go to America, get a job. I'll be okay. You travel." Jiraiya didn't say anything...he couldn't. Naruto was an adult in most of the eyes of the world. Sighing, he made Naruto promise to keep in touch and let him know where Naruto was living so Jiraiya could come visit. Naruto started to pack.

He told Sasuke what happened when he went over to the raven-haired male's house Monday night after packing a bit. Sasuke wasn't shocked, but he did frown. "That sucks, dobe. I'll miss you."

Naruto grinned even though he felt like crying. "I'll be fine. I'll be back in two years." Sasuke nodded. "Two years isn't long at all." Naruto said, but even he thought that it sounded hollow.


The week went by quickly. Kakashi addressed the rumors of his resignation, dismissing them as just that...rumor. Kakashi was a model sensei, and Naruto remained nothing more than a student.

Saturday rolled around. As Naruto finished packing a suitcase and a bag, he looked around the brownstone that Jiraiya was keeping for when he came to Japan, because that was always Jiraiya's home base. Jiraiya said he would ship the rest to Naruto once he was settled. Sighing, Naruto headed to Sasuke's on the way to the airport. He had to say goodbye. Going up to the bedroom, he knocked. "Come in." Sasuke's disembodied voice came through the door. Plastering a smile on his face, Naruto walked in. He had left his suitcase and duffel bag downstairs. Sasuke was typing on a computer. "Hey, dobe."

"Hey, I'm heading out. Came by to say goodbye." Naruto sighed. Back on the road again.

Sasuke nodded. "C'mere a minute." Sasuke said. Naruto came over, seeing Kakashi's face on the screen. His throat squeezed tight as Rinni started waving, "Nuto! I misseded you!"

Naruto felt his heart in his chest. He loved that little girl...and he loved her daddy very much. Seeing Kakashi, his eyes watered. "Hey, Rinni...hey Kashi..."

Kakashi's face was somber. "Naruto..." Naruto put the smile back on.

"Hey...I get to see the world, cool, huh?" Naruto's voice wavered a bit. Frowning at that, he smiled brighter.

"Naruto...why?" Naruto heard the door click as Sasuke left the room.

"Kashi...I couldn't let you be dishonored. You are an amazing man...and this is my fault." Naruto said in resignation.

"Two years." Kakashi frowned, looking at Rinni and then at Naruto. "How are we supposed to survive without you for two years?"

Swallowing, Naruto blinked back the tears. "Well, he he, it'll give you a break from me. Probably the best thing for ya." Kakashi flinched with the statement. "Look, Kashi, I...I gotta go. Gotta catch the plane. Rinni, I love ya baby, see you soon, okay? Kashi...I...I love you." He left the room before he could hear anything else and change his mind.


America was not what he expected. He had lived there for a bit in that small, nowhere town...but as a student. Now, he was an adult...and he needed to find a job. He wasn't college educated, but he knew Japanese and English. He needed to find something. In doing research, he had determined that the cost of living was lower in the heartland. Finally, he settled on Missouri...there was a factory owned by Japanese where he was able to get a job, without a degree. Finding an apartment, he had a semblance of normalcy. It was a brownstone that had just been built; no one else had lived there yet. Naruto went about getting a bank account. He had some help to get his work visa extremely expedited thanks to Jiraiya and his fan following. Due to all of this, he was able to start work three weeks from the airplane landing. His being able to speak Japanese was a plus. Walking in for orientation, he sighed. He didn't necessarily want to work in a factory, but life had a funny way of working things out.


"Uzumaki, you got a phone call." His shift manager told him. Wiping the sweat off his face, Naruto pulled off his gloves, sticking them in his jeans pocket. His navy tee shirt with the company's emblem hung on his muscled frame. He had been working at this job in Mold Maintenance for about five months. He hadn't seen or heard from Kakashi in person. He talked to Sasuke about once a week. Of course, he relayed messages through Sasuke. The love struck teen wanted to write Kakashi, or send him a text or something...but he had promised Lady Tsunade. The thought that he had already dishonored Kakashi once...well, he didn't want to do it again. That was the only thing that kept him from breaking down and calling Kakashi. He felt bad relaying messages through Sasuke, but he could not cut off from Kakashi completely...he was able to convince himself this wasn't a violation of the agreement with the angry blonde haired lady. Going to the phone, he answered.


"Dobe, I came to surprise you while on school break. I'm in your parking lot. Can you bring me out a key?" Sasuke's voice came through the line.

Naruto's face busted out into a smile. "Sure. I'm on break in about fifteen, I'll be out then." Going back to work, he hummed.

When his break time came, Naruto rushed out to the parking lot. Looking around, he saw Sasuke stand, getting out of a car. Rushing up, he hugged Sasuke as he handed him the key and gave him an address. "I'm off at four. I'll be there by 4:30, okay? Just make yourself at home." Sasuke smiled, nodding and got back in the car. Jogging back into work, Naruto kept working, happier than he had been in a while. He had made some friends here, and Jiraiya had come to visit. However, besides Kakashi and Rinni, there wasn't anyone else he wanted to be around besides Sasuke.

When work was over, Naruto headed home. He was only about five minutes from the plant. Naruto had passed the motorcycle test and bought a bike to get around. Pulling up to his brownstone, he smiled in anticipation of seeing his friend. Parking the bike, he walked in. "Sasuke?" he called, frowning at the empty apartment.

"Surprise!" A little voice called out, attacking his legs. Standing in shock, Naruto saw Rinni on his leg as Kakashi stepped out of the kitchen.

"K...Kashi?" Naruto said.

"Happy birthday, Naruto. I wasn't missing it again."

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