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After class, as Naruto was gathering his books to leave, he heard the infamous, "Mr. Uzumaki, a word?"  He bit his lip to keep from groaning out loud.  Dropping his head, he sat back down in his seat.  After the last student left, he looked up.

"Sensei, I didn't disrespect you, I finished my homework, why am I in trouble now?" he asked.

Kakashi actually felt sorry for the boy.  Coming around, Kakashi half sat-half leaned on the desk.  "You aren't in trouble.  I was letting you know, you do have dyslexia."

Naruto looked up.  "Huh?  Really?  Is that why I am having such difficulties?"  Hope shimmered in those deep blue eyes.

"Yes, I do believe that would be part of your problem."  Kakashi confirmed.  "You'll need to go to a counselor to help you learn to adjust and learn easier.  Would you like me to talk to your guardian about that?"

Naruto frowned.  "No, that's okay.  I'll talk to him about it."  Naruto didn't want people to know who his godfather was.  People either wanted to get to know him because of Jiraiya, or thought he was a pervert like Jiraiya.  Either way, Naruto didn't want that attention again here.

Kakashi nodded.  "If you need anything, please, feel free to let me know.  I will have to document your file.  Special accommodations can be made."

Naruto shook his head.  "No, no special treatment; I'll figure this out."  Sighing, Naruto looked up.  "Can I go now?" he asked.

Kakashi nodded.  Getting up, Naruto headed out.  Stopping at the door, he turned around.  "Hey, maybe...well, I guess you're not that big of a dick after all."  Heading out, he didn't see the smile that reached Kakashi's eye.


Naruto walked in the house.  Smelling the scent of bread, he smiled.  Jiraiya was home.  "Hey, Jii...when did you get in?"

The white haired man turned, pulling a loaf of bread out of the bread maker.  "About two hours ago.  How come you're late?  Get in trouble again?"

Naruto blushed.  "No...not today." he conceded.

Jiraiya sighed.  He had to deal with Naruto's explosive temper and his discipline problems.  He hoped moving Naruto to a private school would have helped, where his best friend was, but perhaps he had been wrong.  Frowning, he sighed, motioning for Naruto to have a seat.  "What happened, kid?"

Naruto sat down.  Jiraiya cut the bread, giving some to Naruto.  Naruto ate some.  "Well, I got into trouble for some stupid shit, but anyways, one of the senseis determined that I have dyslexia."

Jiraiya's eyes widened, then his shoulders slumped.  "D...damn, kid, I'm sorry.  I didn' know..."  Jiraiya felt like shit.  He failed the kid.  He should have seen it.

"Jii, stop.  Self pity doesn't work on you."  Naruto grinned.  "You couldn't have known, none of us did.  Kakashi-sensei was the one to figure it out.  And to be fair, I'm not sure how he did."  Naruto shrugged.

"Well then, invite this Kakashi over.  I need to thank him for helping you.  And ask him some questions.  He can help us get answers we need...therapist, counselors, whatever."

Naruto sighed.  He really didn't want to have a teacher over...besides the obvious fact of the lameness of having a teacher over for dinner, there was the issue of Naruto not wanting people to know who his godfather was.  "Uh, well, I mean, he has a wife and kid...so, I uh, I don't think..."

"Invite them too.  Tomorrow.  Do it, Naruto."  Jiraiya glared at Naruto.  It wasn't often that Jiraiya was firm with Naruto, but Naruto knew not to cross him when he was.  Sighing, Naruto nodded.


"And of course Kakashi-sensei said yes."  Naruto grumbled to Sasuke at lunch.  Sasuke was walking into the cafeteria with Naruto, but he seemed to be only half listening.  "You listening to me, Sasuke?"  Naruto asked.

"Hn?  Yea, of course."  Seeing the long haired male hanging outside of the cafeteria, Sasuke picked up his step.  Naruto frowned. 

"Great, just great...I get pushed aside for some dick."  Frowning, Naruto walked on, getting some food, eating, and worrying about dinner. with a teacher.


Kakashi stopped, picking up a bottle of wine.  He didn't know this godfather, but he wanted to be polite.  Changing to nice slacks and a dark blue polo, he headed out, going to the address Naruto had given him.  Knocking on the door, Naruto opened the door.  "Hi Kakashi-sensei, c'mon in."  He sounded less than enthused.

Kakashi tipped his head, studying Naruto.  "Mr. Uzumaki, if you don't want me to be here..."

"Nonsense!  He loves the fact that you are here!"  A booming voice said, cuffing Naruto in the head as Naruto glared and rubbed his dissheveled hair.  A white haired man appeared, and Kakashi was glad that he had his mask on, or his mouth would have dropped open.

"J...Jiraya?  The author?"  Kakashi asked, shocked.  Looking at Naruto, "You're godfather is Jiraiya?"  

Naruto nodded his head miserably.  "In the flesh!"  Jiraiya said, smiling.  "And you must be Mr. Hatake." Jiraiya bowed to Kakashi, who bowed in return.  Smiling, Jiraiya took the bottle of wine that Kakashi offered.  "Please, come in."  Jiriaya looked for the family Naruto had mentioned.

"Please, it's Kakashi.  And my wife and daughter are visiting her mother.  They won't be back until Sunday."  Kakashi explained, taking off his shoes, figuring that is who Jiraiya was looking for.

"Of course."  Leading Kakashi into the dining room, Jiraiya got him settled, then went back to the kitchen, leaving a very uncomfortable Naruto sitting there.

"So, Naruto..." before he could say more, Naruto interrupted.

"Look, sensei, please, please, don't tell anyone who my godfather is."  Naruto begged.

Kakashi raised an eyebrow.  "Naruto...I won't, it's not my place.  But may I ask why you want this kept hidden so?"

Naruto sat down.  Rubbing his hands over his face, he sighed.  Looking around to make sure Jiraiya wasn't there, he whispered, "Look..when people find out Jii is my godfather, they either just want to be my friend to meet him, or they think I'm a perv like him.  And I'm not.  I love Jii, very much.  I'd do anything for him.  But I...I'm not him."

Kakashi stared at the youth.  "I see." was all he'd say.


Dinner was surprisingly enjoyable, much to Naruto's surprise.  Kakashi was much more pleasant and charming than he was in school.  Naruto found that he was laughing at the jokes, and all three were engaged in the conversation.  

Kakashi got the formalities of the dinner out of the way, handing an envelope of information to Jiraiya about dyslexia and dyslexic resources.  The night was pleasant, with no awkward pauses or silences.  The three talked most of the evening away.  Finally, noticing that it was close to midnight, Kakashi took his leave.   Bowing, Kakashi left.  

Naruto was surprised that he didn't want the night to end. Sighing, he closed the door, confused at this turn of events.

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