Pool House

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Saturday drug by.  Naruto just bummed around, moping.  About two in the afternoon, his phone rang.  Looking at it, he saw it was Sasuke.  " 'Lo." is all Naruto said.

"Hey, dobe.  I'm having a party by the pool tonight.  Bring your sorry ass."

"Nah, Sas'...I don't really..." Naruto started.

"Shut up.  There will be beer.  Itachi's coming over.  See you at seven."  And the line went dead.  Frowning, Naruto tossed his phone on the bed.  Rolling over, he worked on some homework.  A party at Sasuke's meant he wouldn't be home til evening Sunday.  He was still behind.  Sighing, he set to work.


Telling Jii where he'd be, Naruto headed over to Sasuke's around seven that night.  He really wished he knew what had happened between the Uchiha's and Jii, but Jii never said, and Naruto wasn't going to ask Sasuke's family.  Walking up, he heard music playing and heard the sound of music.  Going around, he walked into the backyard through the gate.  Itachi was there, as were Sasuke and some older looking guys and girls about Itachi's age.  Raising an eyebrow, Naruto went up to where Sasuke was.  "I thought you said you were throwing a party?"

Sasuke just looked over at him, handing him a beer.  "I am.  Itachi has more friends than me."  Grabbing a beer for himself, he stopped suddenly, looking at his phone.  "Damnit." he swore.  "Dobe, come with me and help me."  Heading for the pool house, he left no room for argument.  Grunting, Naruto followed.  Walking into the pool house, Naruto stopped short.  There was Orochimaru, and Kakashi sitting around a table, a book open between them.

Kakashi looked up about then.  "What the hell?"

Orochimaru smirked and came over to his lover, putting Sasuke under his arm.  "Well, we knew you two needed to talk...and the pool house is the only ... safe ... place for you to talk.  So...talk."  Orochimaru led Sasuke out, shutting the door behind them, muffling the noise of the party.

Kakashi stood, shoving books back into his bag.  "I knew something was wrong.  When Orochimaru asked me to help tutor him, something just sounded fishy."  Shoving items in his bag, Kakashi's arm muscles were tense.  

Naruto cleared his throat.  "They are right, you know.  We need to talk."

Kakashi looked up, eyes blazing.  "No, Mr. Uzumaki, we don't.  We have already talked this to death."

Naruto put his beer down on the table.  He walked over, putting a hand on Kakashi's arm.  Stopping, Kakashi kept his back to Naruto.  "Kakashi...I love you."  Naruto could see the muscles in Kakashi's back tighten as Kakashi said nothing.  "And you love me...you told me so."

"T...that was a mistake."  Kakashi ground out in gritted teeth.

Naruto wasn't to be deterred.  Turing Kakashi around, he could see the pain in Kakashi's eye.  Pulling down Kakashi's mask, Kakashi caught Naruto's wrist.  "Don't."   Kakashi warned, his eyes dark.

"Or what?"  Naruto challenged.  Keeping eye contact with Kakashi, he leaned in, kissing Kakashi gently.  Moaning, Kakashi pulled Naruto to him hungrily, kissing him deeply.  Finally, Kakashi pulled away, putting his forehead against Naruto's.  

"How can I do this?  How is it fair to you?" he whispered.

Naruto looked at him with adoring eyes.  "I'll take you anyway I can get you.  This way, you can still keep your promise, but we can still see each other.  If you broke your promise, you wouldn't be happy with me.  If you won't see me, I'll go insane.  I thought I could handle one night...but I can't.  You're my heroin...I can't put you down."

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