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Kakashi went home.  He definitely had to talk to Rin.  Walking in, she was in the kitchen, making dinner.  Looking up, she smiled at him.  "Hungry?  I'm making a roast."

Kakashi shook his head as Rinni tackled him.  "Daddy!"  She wrapped little arms around his neck.  Picking her up, Kakashi hugged her.  Oh, this is going to be bad.  What will I do without my little sweetbaby twenty four hours a day?  Setting her down, he looked at her.  "Mommy and Daddy need to talk.  Wanna watch a movie..."Frozen"?"  Kakashi asked as she squealed and nodded, running into the living room.  Looking at Rin, who looked confused, Kakashi said "I'll get her set up."  Going into the living room, Kakshi put the movie on, Rinni sitting down happily to watch it.  Coming back into the dining room, Kakashi looked at Rin.  "Please, come sit."

Rin frowned but nodded.  Sitting down, she put her hands on his.  "What is it?"

Kakashi pulled his mask down...and his headband off.  This needed to be done with no hiding.  Looking her straight in the eyes, Kakashi sighed.  "I've cheated on you, and you have cheated on me, so it is obvious we are not happy.  We should release each other from our vows."  He said it simply, plainly, no anger in his voice.  He kept eye contact with Rin.

Her eyes widened, then, as recognition dawned, a tear slipped out.  Looking down, her voice was ashamed.  "I have not been happy since Obito died.  I wanted to fulfill his wish...he told me that you were a brother to him, and if something happened to him, that I was to make you happy, and take care of you.  W...when you suggested we get married, I thought that would fulfill my vow."  Tears slipped down her face.

Kakashi looked at her, shocked.  "T...that's why I married you!"  Realizing that sounded bad, he hastily explained, "I...I mean, I have always loved you...but, honestly, I don't think I have ever been in love with you." Kakashi explained.  Rin looked up, her eyes shining.

"Do you love this girl?"  Rin asked quietly.  Kakashi squirmed uncomfortably. 

"I...I do love...him."  Kakashi said, looking at her.

A lightbulb went off in her head.  "Naruto?" she asked quietly.  Hanging his head, Kakashi nodded.  He felt his chin being pulled up by Rin's finger.  Expecting anger and revulsion, he was shocked by what he saw.  Understanding.  Compassion.

"I am not in any place to judge.  You know who I am with, don't you?"  Rin asked softly.  When Kakashi nodded, Rin looked down at her hands.  "I love her, Kakashi...that's why I couldn't go and listen to the band.  I thought it would be written all over my face."

Kakashi smiled ruefully.  "We can make an appointment with a lawyer Monday morning."  Nodding, Rin wiped her face.  "I will move out...if you don't mind me moving in with Kurenai?"

Kakashi nodded.  He knew Kurenai would be good to Rinni.  Talking late into the night, the two worked out as many plans as they could, especially the custody arrangements.  Laying down on the couch, Kakashi had the first restful sleep in many, many months.

The next morning, Kakashi and Rin decided to try to explain to Rinni what was going on.  They kept it basic, even though she was advanced for a two year old.  They told her that mommy and daddy weren't going to be living together anymore.  They would still love her very much, but that mommy would be living with Aunt Kurenai, and daddy would be staying in the house.  Rinni would spend time with both of them.  Rinni seemed to undersrand...the best a two year old could.


Naruto woke up, checking his phone.  He grinned when he saw Kakashi's text.  Pool house at 7.  Smiling, he got up and went about his day.


Naruto was at the pool house at 6:45.  He was excited to see Kakashi.  Grinning, he turned when he heard the door open.  Turning, his mouth dropped open when he saw the small, silver haired girl with Kakashi.  "K...kakashi...sensei?" he added quickly as he now had an audience.

Kakashi smiled.  "Naruto, this is Rinni.  Rinni, this is my friend, Naruto."

Rinni looked up at Naruto.  "Daddy?" she stuck her thumb in her mouth as she grabbed Kakashi's leg.

"What, angelbaby?"  Kakashi asked, leaning down closer to her.

"Dis my udder daddy?"  Rinni asked.  Kakashi went blood red as Naruto blushed, confused.

"Uh, heh, heh, t...this is Naruto.  You can call him Naruto."  Kakashi stuttered.  Looking at the blonde, Rinni came over and gave a small hug to Naruto's leg, then went back to Kakashi.

"So, uh, Naruto, we need to talk."  Kakashi said, as he pulled a chair out, sitting down and putting Rinni in his lap.  Nodding, Naruto sat down as well.

"Rin and I are getting a divorce.  I found out that she was cheating on me, and, well, of course, she found out about you."  Naruto gave a scared look.  Kakashi waved the fear aside.  "She isn't mad.  Seems we both made the same promise to Obito...and seems we both love other people."

"She isn't freaking over my age?"  Naruto asked as Rinni started to lightly snore, her head on Kakashi's chest.

Kakashi chuckled lightly.  "No, she isn't.  She said she wasn't in any position to judge.  Honestly, I think she is happy it's out in the open and neither of us are that hurt."

Naruto mulled this over.  Slowly, a huge grin covered his face.  "So this means...we are free to date!"  Naruto grinned.

Kakashi frowned.  "Uh, not exactly.  You are still my student, after all."

"Darn."  Naruto grumbled, but nodded.  "Do you feel better or worse, what with your promise and all?"  Naruto asked, curious.

"Both."  Kakashi admitted thoughtfully.  Naruto nodded.

"Hey, Kashi?"  Naruto looked up.  "What if I went to a public school.  Could you date me then?"

Kakashi looked around thoughtfully.  "Perhaps, but definitely not for a few defer suspicion."  Kakashi stated.  Taking it in, Naruto nodded thoughtfully again.

"Why did you introduce me to Rinni?"  Naruto asked, smiling at the sleeping girl.

Kakashi looked down, love shining off his face.  "Because, I wanted the two people I love most in this world to meet.  In time, assuming I don't screw this up, we will hopefully become a family."  Kakashi kept his eyes down, trained on Rinni.

Grinning big, Naruto sat back.  He could handle that.  Family is what he had been searching for, too.

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