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Gaara looked up at Kakashi.  A look of mild irritation crossed the usually impassive face.  "No, we are not."

Kakashi sighed.  "Sorry, that isn't what I meant.  I know exactly where Naruto is."  Gaara raised an eyebrow, silently encouraging Kakashi to explain.  Kakashi continued, "Naruto is my student at the private academy I work for."

Gaara looked up.  "Will it be difficult to convince him to come with you?"

Kakashi shook his head.  "I am not sure...but I will have to bring Jiraiya back as well.  He is Naruto's godfather.  I knew he looked familiar, but I didn't remember him until I was...briefed."  Thinking for a moment, Gaara nodded his assent at this assessment.

"You all will go acquire Naruto.  Kakashi will lead this mission.  Go get prepared."  As the men turned to leave, Gaara spoke up.  "Kakashi, a moment."  Kakashi said nothing, just turned, awaiting Gaara's next words.  "Come with me."  Gaara stood, going over to a bookcase.  Curious, Kakashi followed. 

Opening the bookcase revealed a secret staircase.  Gaara went down the twisting spiral, Kakashi following him.  The stairwell opened to a medical area.  Gaara turned around.  "Kakashi, I don't expect this to be easy or quick.  The Akatsuki are always a force to be reckoned with, and never dealt with swiftly."  Kakashi nodded, thinking back on Obito.  Taking Kakashi to a medical chair that looked much like a dentist's, he ushered for Kakashi to sit down. 

As Kakashi sat down, Gaara motioned for a medic to come over.  The medic did, with a jar in his hand.  Gaara looked at Kakashi.  "I know your sharingan burnt out from use previously.  However Konkuro was able to retrieve one of Fugaku's.  We would like to replace your eye with his so you could use the sharingan again."

Kakashi didn't hesitate, nodding in assent as he removed his hitai-ate and mask.  As the medic prepared for the procedure, Kakashi steeled himself.  This would be done quickly, and without anesthesia, so it would hurt like a bitch.  As the medic made the incision and switched the eyes, Kakashi grunted in pain, gripping the chair until his knuckles were white.


Kakashi walked out afterwards, heading back to the group.  Guy caught up to Kakashi.  "Your Sorumeito?"  Guy asked, exceptionally quiet for Guy, so it came out as a hoarse whisper.  Kakashi stopped and sighed.  His head was splitting from the procedure he had just endured, even with the medic's care.

"What about him?"  Kakashi asked, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"He is who we are going to retrieve?"  Guy asked.

"Yes, Guy.  He is who we are going to retrieve."  Kakashi let out a labored sigh.  Pulling out his fingerless gloves with the metal plate on each, he put them on.  "We should get going before the Akatsuki find him."

"My Eternal Rival...I...I am sorry.  I should not have judged you."  Guy's eyes were troubled.

Kakashi didn't have time for this, but he appreciated the gesture.  "You have every right to feel as you do, just as I do.  But I do appreciate the apology."  Clapping Guy on the shoulder, Guy looked relieved, but still slightly troubled.  Shrugging it off, Kakashi took Guy out to Inoichi and Shikaku.  "I'll explain on the way.  Let's go."  As the squad moved from tree to tree, Kakashi recounted what he knew of Naruto, his history, his godfather, and where he would likely be.  The other three took what was said in.  Guy also noted what Kakashi didn't say, but he didn't interject.


Naruto lay down, exhausted.  After his confession to Jiraiya, he waited for the explosion that never came.  Jiraiya, very calmly (too calmly in Naruto's mind)  responded that when Kakashi came back, Jiraiya, Naruto, and Kakashi would sit down to discuss this whole situation.  Jiraiya then went about the day, taking Naruto out to dinner and a movie, and giving him his gift.  Naruto thought the gift, which consisted of a week in the Alps, very thoughtful seeing as how Naruto wanted to learn to ski.  After that, Sasuke had come over, with Oro (Naruto had relented and quit calling him Oreo on the condition he could call him Oro) and they gave him their gift...a gift card to Pho's Ramen Shop.  Yawning as he thought back on his day, Naruto fell into a fitful sleep.

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