The Tutor

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"But, I really think someone else would be better suited..."  Kakashi began, but was silenced by Lady Tsunade.  

"Please, Kakashi...modesty doesn't suit you well.  You are the most patient and structured teacher we have, as well as being specifically specially adapted for this.  Jiraiya is willing to pay very good money for a private tutor for Naruto.  We need results, Kakashi."  It was Tuesday, not even a week after the meeting with Jiraiya.  He hadn't wanted to sell himself as a tutor, just that the boy needed one.

Kakashi sighed.  He looked at the blonde haired woman with the fierce eyes.  He didn't really have a say in the matter.  Lady Tsunade was the principal of the school, so what she said went.  Frowning, he sighed, head hanging.  Heading into his class, he adjusted his papers, getting ready for the day.


"Mr. Uzumaki, a moment."  Naruto frowned as he was grabbing his backpack to leave for the day.  Shoulders slouching, he walked up to the desk.

"Yes, sensei?" he mumbled.

Kakashi frowned behind his mask.  "Lady Tsunade received a call from your godfather.  He has requested a tutor for you."  Kakashi let out a big sigh.  "I have been assigned to tutor you."

Naruto nodded his head.  He had figured this may happen.  "Okay.  When do you want to start?" 

"Well, since this is a tutoring session and not detention, I was going to ask you what was better for you, mornings or afternoons, and which days of the week would be better for you?"

Naruto stopped, sighing.  "Well, I hate gettin' up early, but I hate losin' my afternoons, so...I guess I'd rather come in the mornings?"  Naruto asked.

Kakashi nodded.  "Six thirty a.m. each morning?  That would give us an hour."

Naruto thought about it.  "Okay, yea, I can be here by six thirty."  

Kakashi nodded.  "We'll start tomorrow morning then?"

Naruto nodded.  Grabbing his backpack, he walked out.


"It's very nice of you to tutor this boy."  Rin said, smoothing out Kakashi's shirt, her hands running down his shoulders after he slipped it on and started buttoning it up.

"Well, I really couldn't refuse, with Lady Tsunade telling me I had to, after all."  He chuckled.  Turning around, he kissed her gently on the lips.  "I love you.  Very much."  He said, cupping her face.  Smiling at him, she nuzzled her face into his hands and grinned.

"I love you too.  Now go, don't make your student wait for you."  She grinned, running a hand down his face.  Nodding, he slipped his mask up, putting his headband on, grabbing his briefcase and heading out.

As he walked to school, he checked his watch.  He was early, and he would still be early, even if he took a detour.  Walking into the cemetery, he stopped at a gravestone.  Kneeling down, he stared at the headstone.  "I miss you, my friend.  I'm taking care of her, as I promised you I would.  I love her very much."  Pulling out a coin from his pocket, he laid it on the gravestone next to the name:  Obito Uchiha.


Naruto got up early, showering and getting ready.  Throwing on a pair of jeans and a tee shirt saying, "No Ramen, No Life" with a bowl of Ramen between the two phrases, Naruto grabbed his backpack, keys, wallet, and phone and headed out.  Yawning, he grabbed a poptart on the way out, munching on it as he walked to school.  The sun was really bright, and the birds were really annoyingly awake at this hour of the morning.  Walking up to the school, he saw nobody.  Shit...would the school even be unlocked?  Frowning, he looked at his cell phone.  6:07 a.m.  What the hell did I get up this early for?

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