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Monday rolled around. Naruto had ignored all the calls from Kakashi and Sasuke on Sunday. Making his way to school on Monday, Naruto had bags under his eyes. He hadn't slept well Saturday night or Sunday night. Walking into school, he sat down in his seat. Kakashi was there. "Mr. Uzumaki, good morning." The silver haired sensei was stiff, formal. Naruto thought his tone might be laced with hurt, but he convinced himself that he was imagining it.

The rest of the class filled in over time, and then the first bell rang. Naruto ignored Hinata when she came in, keeping his nose in a book. When lunchtime rolled around, Naruto wasn't surprised when Kakashi asked him to stay after for a few minutes. Naruto stayed seated. "Naruto?" Kakashi's voice was soft.

"What?" Naruto asked, not looking at Kakashi.

"What did I do..." Kakashi started.

"Kakashi-sensei, I don't know what you are speaking of. I am hungry. May I be excused?" Naruto's voice was painfully polite.

Letting out a huge sigh, Kakashi just sat down. "Of course, Mr. Uzumaki."

Naruto left, going to lunch. Grabbing food, he sat down. Hinata sat down quietly. "A...are you okay, Naruto?" she asked quietly.

"Yea, why wouldn't I be?" Naruto asked angrily. Sasuke sat down, looking oddly at Naruto.

"What the hell, Naruto? What is going on with you? You leave prom without telling us, you won't respond to my texts, now you are just being an ass. You and him fight?" Sasuke frowned.

"No, we broke up." Naruto said, pushing his food around.

"What the hell, why?" Sasuke asked. He had never seen Naruto as happy as he had seen him with Kakashi.

"Well, not everyone can be as happy as you and Hinata." Naruto hissed standing and taking his tray to dump. He ignored Hinata's gasp of surprise, as well as her look of hurt. As he got up, Sasuke stood, grabbing Naruto's arm, pulling him close.

"Don't you even fucking start with me!" Sasuke hissed angrily, his eyes hard and flashing. "You don't know what the hell you are talking about."

"Oh really?" Naruto sneered. "Well you and she seemed to be really happy kissing each other at prom..."

Sasuke balled his fist, punching Naruto in the gut. "Don't fucking talk about her like that." He hissed. Naruto reared back, punching Sasuke. As the two teens fought, they ended up on the floor, rolling around as students gathered around him. Suddenly, the two were pulled apart. Naruto was held back by Iruka-sensei, and Kakashi had grabbed Sasuke.

"Both of you, detention. My classroom after school." Kakashi said with no room for argument. Both of them huffing for air, faces red, anger flashing in their eyes, were released to return to lunch. Naruto shrugged his clothing back into place as Sasuke just stared at Naruto. The lunchroom went back to normal as the bell rang, signaling everyone to return to class.


After class, Sasuke knocked on the door. "Sensei?" He asked with his lip swollen and busted as Naruto was sitting at his desk, his eye turning a shade of purple from the fight. Kakashi nodded, motioning for Sasuke to take a seat. As the door shut, Kakashi stood in front of his desk.

"What the hell is going on? Did I shift into another dimension?" Kakashi asked, looking between the two.

"I don't know what the hell is going on with this guy." Sasuke mumbled, crossing his arms. Kakashi looked at Naruto. Naruto crossed his arms, looking the other way. Kakashi sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

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