Dark Horse

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A/N: Hope you all enjoyed. I don't own the song in this, it's Dark Horse by Katy Perry. This is my first Kakanaru fic so I hope I'm doing it justice! Enjoy!  

Naruto spent the day with Jiraiya, just hanging out, enjoying each other's company.  Naruto loved his godfather very much.  Jii was like the father he didn't really remember.  But, when seven p.m. rolled around and Jiraiya disappeared, the smell of cologne wafting on Naruto's nostrils, Naruto knew he needed to leave.  "Hey, Jii...you got a date?"

"Why of course, I need more...research."  Jiraiya popped his head out of the bathroom and winked at Naruto, who rolled his eyes.

"Okay, Jii...well, I'm gonna go out."  Naruto threw on a white tee shirt and blue jeans, putting on some tennis shoes.  Checking his hair, he grabbed his keys, phone, and wallet.

"Have fun, be careful."  Jiraiya called out as Naruto went out.

"Yea, yea."  Naruto mumbled as he headed out.

Suddenly, he realized that he didn't know where to go.  Pulling out his phone, he called Sasuke.

"Hey."  Naruto heard his best friend's voice.

"Hey, Sasuke, ya wanna do something?  Jii is back in town and having company, so I needed to get out of there.  Can I come over and play video games or something?"

"No.  I'm going out on a date.  Sorry."  Sasuke almost sounded apologetic.

"Hey, don't worry about it.  Have a good time.  That Oro guy?"  Naruto asked.

"Yep.  Bye."  Sasuke hung up.  Naruto frowned.  He didn't want to go to a movie, he couldn't go to Sasuke's, he sure as hell wasn't going back home.  Looking around, the sign of XO caught his eye.  Shrugging, Naruto headed to the door.  

Pulling out his ID, he handed it to the bouncer.  Looking at it, the bouncer handed it back to Naruto.  "Sorry kid, you're not 18."

"Fuck."  Naruto frowned, taking back his ID.  He really didn't realize the power in the Uchiha name.

"He's with me."  Naruto heard a voice and looked up.  What the fuck?  Naruto saw Kakashi-sensei standing there, just inside the club.  The bouncer looked at Kakashi, then at Naruto.

"With you?...He's 17."  The bouncer raised an eyebrow.

"He's my cousin.  I thought he wasn't coming, he was late."  Kakashi glared at the bouncer with his eye.  Handing a bill to the bouncer, he grabbed Naruto's arm and pulled him into the club.

Naruto gaped at Kakashi.  "S...sensei?" he asked, shocked.

"What?  Don't look so shocked.  I don't approve of underage drinking, but you looked so lost out there, I didn't want you to be alone."  Kakashi said simply.  Truth be told, Kakashi was confused as to why he helped the blonde out as well.

"T...thanks."  Naruto blushed.  

Kakashi grabbed a whiskey for himself, and a...turning to Naruto he looked at him.  "Water, soda?"

"Pepsi's fine."  Naruto said.  Ordering it, Kakashi handed it to him before paying, grabbing his whiskey and directing Naruto to a table.  About then, the band started warming up.  

Kakashi looked at Naruto.  "You don't have to stay sitting with me.  I doubt the bouncer is going to throw you out."

Naruto blushed.  "I...I don't have any place to go."  He mumbled.

Kakashi nodded.  "Feel free to stay here then.  My friend, Asuma, is the drummer in this  band and his girlfriend, Kurenai is the lead singer.  They're great.  My wife doesn't like going to bars, so I don't get to hear them much."

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