... and Hell

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Naruto kept working. In fact, he worked as much as he could the weeks following Kakashi's departure to stave off the loneliness. Who knew how lonely a brownstone would feel?

Naruto still passed messages through Sasuke. He didn't want to mess up what had already been started...it was going to be bad enough to wait seven more months...but it was better than having to wait a year and seven months. That is what Naruto kept telling himself. Although these past two months seemed like two years.

Sighing heavily, Naruto sat in the restaurant. He didn't feel like being alone. It was Christmas Eve and Jiraiya was snowed in somewhere up in New York State. Eating quietly, he heard happy couples talking, laughing, just being...happy. Frowning, he kept looking at his food.

"Hey, you look like the world is ending." The server said. In her twenties, she had a slim face and wide open smile, as well as being obviously pregnant. Naruto assumed she would be attractive, if he was into girls. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, the restaurant's logo on her shirt. "Wanna talk?"

"Nah, you're working. I will get out of your way." Shrugging, he laid some money on the table and headed out. Frowning, the girl looked after him. Walking out into the bitter cold, Naruto swore. He hadn't thought to grab his jacket when he left to eat. Cursing silently, he got on his motorcycle.

"You are gonna freeze like that. Let me give you a lift home." The waitress said a thick purple coat on, keys in her hand. Naruto looked at her.

"Why?" he asked suspiciously.

"Because you look like you need a friend. And, you are a regular who tips well, so I don't want to lose you Naruto." She winked.

His face cracked a smile. He felt bad; he could not remember her name. "Awright, I guess." Crawling in her beat up old Toyota, he slipped the seat belt on, shivering as she turned on the vents, blasting cold air.

"Sorry, takes a bit to warm up." She apologized. Grimacing, she rubbed her stomach.

"When is the baby due?" Naruto asked. He saw a ring on her finger too. He hoped it would be okay that he asked this. He remembered one time something about Jiraiya saying to never ask if a woman was pregnant.

Smiling, she rubbed her stomach. "February 18. The little guy is ready now though, it feels. He kicks almost all the time it seems." Pulling out of the parking lot, she looked at him. "Where to?" she asked.

Giving her his address, she nodded, heading that direction. She chattered happily about the baby. His name was going to be Hunter, because his daddy loves to hunt. Her voice went soft as she pulled up at the brownstone. Naruto looked up at that. "You okay?" He asked.

Sighing, she smiled. "Yea, I will be. Have a merry Christmas."

"You too, uh...what's your name?" Naruto asked sheepishly.

She chuckled. "Alexis."

"You too, Alexis." Getting out, he hummed going into his apartment. Maybe he had made a new friend.


Naruto started going to the restaurant more often. Eventually, he and Alexis started doing things together. Mostly, they talked. They talked about Kevin, Alexis's husband, and about Kakashi. Naruto found out that Kevin was at war. He would not be able to be there for his son's birth. It turned out that Naruto knew Kevin; they had worked together in Mold Maintenance and Kevin had always been friendly with Naruto. Naruto quickly assumed the role as her protector. When Hunter was born, Naruto was there, videotaping it for Kevin. The two drew closer due to their mutual loneliness. By the time Hunter was born, Naruto felt like Alexis was like his sister.


As April rolled around, Naruto couldn't help but start getting excited...in less than two months, Kakashi would be with him permanently. Alexis was happy for him. She was also happy for herself, as Kevin would be home in May. Kevin never got to hold Hunter, and Alexis was busy planning all kinds of things to help Kevin make up for the time he missed. She couldn't wait for them to continue their lives and be a family. She missed him dearly.


Naruto wasn't sure when in May Kakashi and Rinni would be there. Kakashi had said late May to get everything wrapped up. Walking in his house on Mayday, he stopped short at noticing a suitcase on the floor that wasn't there when he left. Kakashi came up, pulling Naruto into a hug. "Hi honey, I'm home." He chuckled. Naruto's eyes were huge.

"I...I thought you couldn't finish school and move til after the first?" Naruto blurted out.

"It is after the first in Japan...and I couldn't wait. Asuma is going to forward Rinni and I's things." Smiling, Kakashi's smile faltered just a bit. "A...aren't you happy we are here?" the former copy nin asked.

Busting out in a big smile, Naruto hugged him tightly. "I'm fucking thrilled...I'm just shocked that's all. So...you both are here...for good?" he asked, hopeful.

"Yes, Naruto...we are here for good. Rinni is sleeping right now." Kakashi pulled Naruto into a hug as the blonde held onto his former sensei for dear life.


Within twenty-four hours, Kakashi and Naruto realized they needed a bigger place to live. There was an opening for a four-bedroom brownstone down the complex. Naruto and Kakashi got it together, since Naruto had been a model tenant. They didn't really need more than two rooms, but there weren't a great deal of options in this small town. There was no reason to have separate households, both men just wanted to be together. Rinni needed her own room, just as Naruto and Kakashi needed one for their...extracurricular activities. The one bedroom brownstone just was not big enough. They decided they would have a guest room and a library.

After signing the lease and to celebrate the finalization of the agreement, as well as because Naruto wanted Alexis to meet Kakashi and Rinni to meet Hunter, Naruto suggested they go to his favorite restaurant. Kakashi readily agreed. Walking into the restaurant, Naruto frowned.

"What's wrong, Naruto?" Kakashi asked as he held Rinni on a hip.

"I dunno...Alexis was supposed to be at work." Alexis didn't miss work. The restaurant was small, so there wasn't any place for the servers to hide. Looking around, Naruto recognized someone "Hey, Nanc'...where's Alexis?"

Nancy looked up. "Hi, Naruto. She's home...seems Hunter is sick." Nodding, Naruto looked at Kakashi. "Let's get some lunch and go over there. Kevin's not home yet, so she'd probably like the company. Besides, I've talked so much about you and Rinni; I know she wants to meet you all." Kakashi nodded, grabbing a lunch for all of them.

Once at Alexis's apartment, Naruto knocked. No one answered, but they could hear Hunter crying. Standing there, Naruto felt like something was off. Knocking again, there was no answer. Trying the door, it opened. Walking in, Naruto vomited at the scene in front of him as Kakashi picked Rinni up, turning her from the gruesome scene. Alexis was there...dried blood having spilled from the gunshot wound to her head, the pistol lying next to her dead hand.

"Hunter!" Naruto ran to the crying baby, who was laying in the crib. There was a piece of paper on the baby. Picking it up, Naruto read Alexis's handwriting: Forgive me for not being strong enough, Hunter. For not being strong enough to be here for you. But, when I found out your daddy died the day before he was to be deployed home...I couldn't take it anymore. I have already taken the appropriate measures to make sure you are taken care of. My attorney's name is Jacob Stilley, and he has the paperwork that will allow Naruto Uzumaki to adopt you, if he will. Naruto is a good man, and will be a fine daddy to you. Neither your daddy nor me had any other family, so Naruto is the logical choice...he was there for your birth, and supported your daddy and me. I love you Hunter, always.

Looking up at hearing a sound, he saw Kakashi enter the room, his mask over Rinni's eyes to keep her from seeing anything. Handing Kakashi the note with a shaky hand, Kakashi took it gently. Reading it, he nodded, a look of pain crossing his face. Handing Rinni to Naruto, Kakashi took Hunter, changing the boy's diaper as Naruto sat on the floor until the police came.

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