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Monday rolled around. Waking up early, Naruto yawned. Kakashi was still asleep. Smiling, he got out of bed. Taking a quick shower, the blonde was just stepping out, towel around his waist, as Kakashi was stripping to get into the shower. A hungry eye looked over Naruto's towel clad body. "We have about an hour..." Kakashi stated. Naruto gulped, feeling the heat rise to his cheeks...


Naruto jogged to school, now running late after his second shower of the day. Trotting into the school, he smiled at Ino. "Hey! I need to re-enroll here."

Ino stood, smiling. "Hi, Naruto. Sure, give me a few minutes. I got the message from Jiraiya, but haven't had time to populate your schedule." Sitting in front of her computer, she began typing. After a few minutes, she studied the screen. Looking like she was comparing something, she then typed some more. Finally, a piece of paper spit from the printer. Getting it, she handed it to Naruto.

"Sorry, I had to pull your grades from America." She smiled apologetically. "You know the drill," she said brightly. "Homeroom and all that." Smiling she sat down as Naruto looked at his schedule.

"Damnit." Naruto growled upon seeing his teacher, Hatake, Kakashi.


Kakashi had informed the school of his return a week prior, so they knew he was returning from military duty. Iruka had proven himself as a skilled teacher, and an offer had been extended to him to start again at the next term.  Coming in, Kakashi smiled. There was some reassurance in normalcy. Preparing for the day, he saw the mixture of amusement, surprise, distress, and lack of concern on his students' faces. Looking down at his roster, he started calling out roll.

Suddenly, the door opened and Naruto walked in glumly. Kakashi refrained from acting surprised...after all, this was his first day back...he shouldn't know that it was Naruto's as well, since the computer updated in real time.

"Late, Mr. Uzumaki?" Kakashi sighed. "Detention."

"But sensei..." the look from Kakashi silenced him. "Awright." he mumbled.


At lunchtime, Naruto sat down next to Oro and Sasuke.  "Hey, how ya doin'?"  Naruto asked, opening his juice.

"Good."  Sasuke said.  Orochimaru just smirked.

"What?"  Naruto was suspicious. 

"Just ask him."  Orochimaru said, the smile still in place as he kissed Sasuke's neck.

"Ask me what?"  Naruto queried as he ate.

"Naruto, will you be the best man at my wedding?"


Detention was horrible, as Kakashi made him take some assessment tests to determine where he was at academically.  Kakashi refused to act any way other than as student and sensei.  Naruto hadn't done well in America, so he had some catching up to do.  Even when Naruto whispered suggestions to Kakashi for extra credit to help Naruto's grade, Kakashi acted as if he hadn't heard.  This was going to suck.


"So of course I said yes!"  Naruto said over dinner.  Rinni was sitting between Naruto and Kakashi in a highchair as the men ate Ramen while Rinni played with her macaroni and cheese.

Kakashi smiled.  "When is it?"  He asked, picking up Rinni's sippy cup she knocked on the floor.

"It is gonna be during the break...the Uchihas said that Sasuke and Oro could live in the pool house."  Naruto shrugged.  He was happy for his friend, but sad that he and Kakashi's meeting place was gone.

"Well, it's good that they have Sasuke's mother's blessing."  Kakashi said, picking the cup up again as Rinni giggled in delight.

"Yea, I guess, I got it."  Naruto said as he grabbed the cup off the floor this time.  Rinni was finding this hilarious.  Naruto mock scowled at her.  He couldn't be mad at her.  Running a finger down her nose, he smiled.  About then, the phone rang.  Looking at it, Kakashi picked it up.

"Hello?  What?  Where...ok, yes...I am on my way."  Kakashi got up quickly.  "Grab Rinni, we've got to go."  Rushing, he grabbed his wallet as Naruto grabbed Rinni.  Rushing out, Kakashi hailed a cab.  Naruto climbed in, handing Rinni to Kakashi once the older male was settled.  The cab took them to a hospital.  Getting out, Kakshi had already  handed money as he ran in, Rinni on his hip.

Naruto followed quickly, dread growing in his stomach.  Kakashi hadn't spoken, and that worried Naruto.  Walking in, Naruto saw Kurenai and the Bruce Lee wannabe.  Kurenai was a red-faced mess, makeup running down her face.  Guy looked somber.  Kakashi looked at them.  "Well?"  is all the silver haired male would say.

"Kakashi...we do not know anything."  Guy said, voice subdued.

Shit.  Naruto looked between the three.  The only question he didn't know...was it Asuma or Rin?


Naruto didn't have to wait long.  The doctor came out; looking around, he went to Kurenai.  Kakashi handed a sleeping Rinni to Naruto as he rushed up with Guy.  Whatever was being said wasn't good.

Suddenly, Kurenai collapsed, sobbing, into Guy's arms as Kakashi's face went pale.  Laying Rinni on the couch, since she was fast asleep, Naruto went up.  Gently touching Kakashi's elbow, Kakashi turned.  Naruto just looked at him questioningly.

"It's Rin.  She's dead."

Naruto's mouth dropped open.  "" 

About then, the doctor sighed.  "The driver that hit her has died too."  Kakashi nodded, his mouth in a grim line.

Taking Kurenai to a couch, Guy sat down with her.  Looking at the other two males, he frowned.  "From what I could get from Kurenai and the police, Rin was going to meet Kurenai for dinner.  As she was walking to the restaurant, a drunk driver jumped the curb and hit her, pinning her to the building as they crashed."  Guy said nothing else, looking sadly at Rinni, who slept, oblivious to the world.

Kakashi nodded woodenly.  "Who was the driver?"  Guy just shrugged.  Kakashi put his head into his hands as Naruto put his arms around Kakashi.  Suddenly, the doors flew open with a loud crash.  Naruto jerked up his head as Sasuke rushed in, face pale.  Naruto stood up.

"Sasuke?"  Naruto went up to his friend.  Sasuke turned, looking confused.  About then, the doctor came out. 

"Mr. Uchiha?" The doctor asked as Sasuke nodded.  "Sir...I am sorry, but...we couldn't save him, there was too much internal damage.  Orochimaru is dead.  The lady he hit died too."

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