Taika Waititi/Chris Hemsworth/Tom Hiddleston - PG Onset (Part 1)

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"Taika!" I cried, pulling the man into a hug. He smiled down at me, gesturing to the film set around us.

"What do you think?" He asked, motioning with his hand all his 'favourite bits' of the design. I smiled, shaking my head because I knew that he was so entranced with his world that everything was his 'favourite bit'.

"It looks amazing!" Looking around excitedly, "I can't believe you let me come and see this," I said, noticing the massive loads of cameras set up for filming. Suddenly I saw a tall figure walk towards us, and I gulped. Of course, I'd hoped that I'd see them, but I never thought it was an actual possibility. Thor, I mean, Chris Hemsworth made his way towards us, his cape flapping behind him as he looked at me quizzically.

"Taika? Who's this?" He asked, looking down at me with a raised eyebrow. I couldn't speak, partially terrified, so Taika introduced me.

"This is Willow, shes my understudy," he said, motioning to me. Chris held out his hand for me to shake, and I smiled.

"Very nice to meet you," I said. Suddenly his face lit up, turning to Taika excitedly.

"Another Aussie on the team! That's great! Taika, how about we ditch the rest of the cast and make this movie an all Aussie film! It'd be brilliant!" He said, looking from Taika to myself. Taika shook his head, looking up at him with a smile.

"There's no way Marvel will let that happen," he smiled, "besides, where are we gonna get Stan to come in?" He asked.

Chris smiled, before resuming his intrigued gaze at me. "Understudy huh? How'd you meet Taika?" He asked. He must have noticed that I was much younger than anyone else on the set.

Taika answered for me, seeing as I was nervous. "She saw me at Comicon last year," he explained, "she presented me with a story she'd written, and I offered to give her some experience in the film industry because it was awesome." He said, watching me carefully.

"What kind of story was it?" Chris asked.

"It was just fanfiction, nothing too exciting," I said, finding the courage to speak.

Taika laughed as he watched Chris frown. "What is?" He began before Taika started to explain.

"It's a story based on the Thor movies, characters and events told in a different way," Taika said, "It was quite well-written, and really different to what I've seen before," Taika smiled at me. I smiled back, and Chris seemed to finally understand.

"Oh! So, was I in it? Thor, I mean," Chris said, getting excited again. Taika starting laughing loudly and I couldn't speak. I felt my cheeks start to get hot as Chris stared at me for an answer. I avoided his gaze I was so embarrassed, and when Taika didn't stop laughing Chris turned to him instead. "Come on Taika, tell me," he said calmly, watching the director turn pink from laughing.

"Well, the funny thing is, the story was more focused on Tom," Taika smiled at me cheekily.

"What?! Loki?" Chris frowned, before breaking into a beaming grin, "That's awesome! Do you have it here? He has to read it, maybe they'll make it the plot for the Loki movie," He continued, winking at Taika as if a 'Loki movie' was actually a possibility. Chris turned slightly, looking around for Tom.

"No!" I blurted, desperate to stop him. He turned to me and frowned. Taika continued to giggle, practically biting down on his own fist.

"What? Why not?" Chris asked, before turning to Taika curiously, "Taika?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at the giggly director.

"Well, the thing is," Taika said, still giggling as he replied, "Well, let's say if we did a movie on it it wouldn't be completely PG." he smiled at me and I'm sure I went the colour of a beetroot.

Chris laughed heartily, like he really was Thor. He looked at Taika again before turning to me. He winked cheekily, like he was being someone's wingman. "I promise, if you send the story to me, I won't tell Tom," he smiled cheekily, showing me he was serious. I gasped, but I was even more desperate that Tom didn't find out, so I agreed with him.

"Fine!" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Marvellous!" Chris clapped his hands before winking at me again, "Just send it to my trailer, I love a good holiday read," he paused, seeming to catch someone's attention behind me, "hey! Tom! Have you met Taika's understudy yet?" He yelled. It had to be the simultaneously best and worst moment of my life.

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