Merlin: Trouble (Part 2)

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Merlin's POV;

"Merlin, will you please inform Lady Morena that I would like her company tonight," Arthur ordered, pacing around his room as I picked up after him.

"Lady Morena? Why do you want her tonight?" I asked, not thinking that it might be private.

"I don't answer to you Merlin," Arthur snapped, "just go and tell her for me will you? I've had an intolerable day as it is," he said, slumping into his chair and staring at the empty fireplace.

I thought it was strange, because I'd never heard Arthur talk about Lady Morena until now, but I was glad I could get away from him for a few minutes. He'd been unusually....well, unusually tense lately, and he was getting on my nerves. I'd been practicing freezing spells specifically to give myself a break from his ranting, but now I had a better excuse. I left him to brood and walked towards one of the castle towers, where I'd heard was Lady Morena's chambers.

I knocked on the door hurriedly, getting nervous. "What?!" I heard her shout. I quickly opened the door and tried my best to sound mildly confident.

"I'm sorry to disturb you-," I started. I couldn't see anyone in the room, which surprised me.

"Oh! Is that you Merlin? I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else," Lady Morena's voice came from behind a curtain, and I made the realisation that she was changing. I almost backed out of the room, but her happy tone made me stay put.

"That's alright, I just came to tell you something," I said, trying to make myself look natural as I stood in the middle of her room.

"Is the door closed?" She asked, surprising me further. I turned around and closed the door quickly before answering.

"Yes," I replied.

Morena's POV;

"Thank you," I said, appearing from behind the curtain and smiling at Merlin. He looked so adorably awkward I couldn't help but feel instantly attached to him.

He seemed surprised to see me, though it could have been the emerald green dress I was wearing. It made me look a bit like a witch with my red hair, but it also made me feel powerful. And considering I kind of was a witch, it made sense.

"Um, I," Merlin stammered, looking down at his shoes, "Arthur asked that you join him tonight, though he didn't tell me why," he said, meeting my gaze when he mentioned Arthur. I was a bit disappointed, but I kept a calm face for Merlin's sake.

"Thank you for letting me know," I said. I watched him give a little bow and he was about to walk out when I remembered something. "Merlin?" I asked softly, watching him whirl around quickly.

"What can I do for you?" He asked, looking clearly excited.

I smiled sheepishly, knowing this was a very unladylike, very embarrassing thing to ask of the young boy. "This is a rather awkward ask," I said slowly, "it's alright if you don't feel comfortable, but I need you to do me a favour," I said.

"Anything," Merlin blurted out breathlessly. I raised an eyebrow at him and he quickly backtracked, "Everyone else gets me to do things for them, it's not like you're the only one," he added to excuse himself.

"Do you mind helping me tie my dress? I've done most of it, but I can't reach it to tie it," I said, looking down to cover the fact that my cheeks had grown red hot.

Merlin went even paler than before, and he started to stammer hurriedly. "Umm, it's really not my place, I mean, shouldn't you get a handmaiden to do that?" He asked.

"I trust you," I said, watching him look up, "besides, I don't have a handmaiden," I added, noticing him frown.

"But you're a Lady of the Court, why don't you have a handmaiden?" He asked.

I started to panic about how much I could tell him without being found out. "I'm not a proper Lady," I explained to him, "it's more of an honorary title, because of my affiliation with Prince Arthur," I said.

"Oh, well then can I get Gwen to come and help you?" He asked.

"Merlin, I'd rather you didn't," I said, Merlin frowned and I kept going, "Guinevere doesn't like me very much, because of my occupation," I said, instantly regretting my slip up.

"Occupation?" He asked, suspicious of me.

"Please don't ask me," I sighed, shifting slightly in my dress, "could you please help me with my dress?" I asked again, pleading with him not to delve further.

Merlin looked anxious, but he yielded anyway. "Alright," he murmured, "as long as I'm not going to get executed for this," he said, smirking cheekily.

"Not at all," I shook my head, letting a smile sneak onto my own face, "why do you think I got you to close the door?" I asked. Merlin glanced at the door and nodded, walking steadily closer to me.

I turned around so he could get to the laced back of my dress, shifting my hair to the side for him. "You have to pull it tight," I said to him, feeling his fingers gently flutter over my back as he grabbed the lace. He pulled tightly and I gasped.

"Sorry! Did I do it wrong?" He asked, letting go and quickly walking backwards from me.

"No Merlin, it's fine, could you just tie a bow at the end?" I asked, looking over my shoulder at him. He stepped forward again, gently tying a bow before stepping away to a more suitable distance. I turned back around and smiled at him gently. "These dresses," I said to him, "they're made to suffocate you, so that you look more fragile than you really are," I smiled at him and he sighed with relief. He smiled back at me and I felt my heart flutter.

"Thank you again Merlin," I said, searching my mind for another reason for him to stay longer. I honestly needed the company, but I knew he'd have to get back to Arthur or he'd be punished.

"No problem," he breathed, giving me a look up and down before jumping to go. "I guess I'll see you tonight, maybe?" He asked, giving me a hopeful glance. I looked down at the floor, feeling bad because I knew that wouldn't happen.

"Arthur doesn't like other people around when I visit him," i said, "but I should like to see you tomorrow morning if that's alright? Quite early if I may?" I asked quickly, watching his face light up again.

"Of course, I'll make sure Gaius knows you're coming," he said, opening my door, "I just hope Arthur doesn't want me before you arrive," he smiled at me and left, closing the door behind him. I sighed, sitting down heavily in my chair.

"Trust me," I muttered to myself bitterly, "Arthur will most definitely be sleeping in tomorrow." I gritted my teeth angrily before turning to fix my hair. I shook my head as I started to rehearse scenarios in my room by myself, making sure to put on a deep, irritating voice for Arthur. I continued like that for the rest of the afternoon, dreading my meeting with the Prince.

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