Merlin: Trouble (Part 9)

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Merlin's POV;

I opened one eye slowly, trying to figure out whether I had the chance to sleep in a bit longer. I looked down, expecting to see a sleepy Morena still nested in my arm, but I was alone in my bed again. I frowned, wondering whether I'd dreamt last night. But there were still pillows and blankets on the floor where Morena had been, and there was a small note on my bedside table.

'Gone back to my own room. Gaius didn't see me. See you later today.' The note read. I frowned, wishing Morena was still here with me. I got up and quietly dressed, putting on my blue shirt.

I slipped out of my bedroom, watching Gaius making tea. "Morning," I said cheerfully, grinning at him.

"This is a surprise," Gaius said, looking at me curiously, "Your dressed and awake at a reasonable hour for once." He remarked. He suddenly frowned, looking at a spot on my chest.

"Where did you get those scratches?" He asked, frowning at me. I looked down, noticing the scratches on my chest that were just visible under my shirt. I realised Morena must have scratched me in her sleep last night as she held onto me.

"Oh, must have done it in my sleep," I said innocently, "I was a bit hot last night."

Gaius nodded, though he seemed to only half believe me. "Merlin, I have to tell you something," he said, setting down two bowls of breakfast and sitting down in his chair. I sat across from him, my eyebrows raised.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothings wrong," he started, "I'll just be away for a few days. There's an herb that only grows in a specific village on the border of the kingdom. I stock up once a year, and I just wanted to make sure you'd be fine on your own." Gaius said.

"Oh, alright," I said, continuing to eat my breakfast, "I'll make sure I don't let Camelot fall while you're away," I said, smirking at him.

He chuckled, shaking his head. "Good," He said. I got up after breakfast and decided I'd pay Morena a visit before I went to check on Arthur. I was still a little worried about her nightmare last night, and I wanted to be sure that she was okay. I'd noticed more and more that she didn't really have contact with anyone else except Gaius, Arthur and me, and I realised she must get rather lonely.

As I knocked on her door I heard a scuffling noise inside. There was a loud bang and I opened the door quickly. Morena flung herself at me from somewhere, and I held onto her quickly. I frowned, though she couldn't see me. "What's going on? Are you okay?" I asked, feeling her squeeze me tighter and tighter around my neck. She shivered against me, and I made circles on her back to calm her.

"I, I missed you," She stammered, like she was on the verge of tears. I held her closer, lifting her almost off the ground.

"When did you leave this morning?" I asked, resting my head on her shoulder.

"A half hour before dawn," she replied, loosening her grip slightly. Though I could feel her heart beating quickly still.

"You've been awake since before dawn?" I asked.

"No, I came back and slept for a bit. I had a nightmare, when you knocked I'd just woken up." She replied. I looked down at her change of clothes and realised she was in a nightdress.

"You had a nightmare? The same one as last night?" I asked.

"No, a different one. But Merlin, I was so scared." She held me tighter, almost crushing my chest as if to make sure I was still there.

Morena's POV;

"What happened?" Merlin asked, letting me down and loosening his hold on me so he could look at me.

"You died." I whispered, remembering only bits of the dream. There was armour, and fire, and Merlin was screaming but I couldn't move.

"Oh Morena," Merlin said, "You're not getting rid of me that easily." He smiled cheekily down at me. I leant forward, resting my head on his shoulder. I was so relieved I kissed his shoulder, before travelling along his collarbone slowly. I heard him gasp and his body tensed slightly at the sensation. I smiled, planting a stronger kiss just under his jawline.

He let out a quiet moan and I smiled at him. He shook and looked at me with wide eyes. "What was that?! What happened?" He asked, and I realised he was talking about the sound he'd just made. He didn't know what he'd just done, let alone what it meant. I looked up at him and he seemed to be panicking. "That wasn't right, I'm sorry, I've never done that before," he rambled, his face going bright red.

"Merlin," I sighed, placing a hand in the middle of his chest to stop him talking. He went silent and looked at my hand before turning his gaze up to my eyes. "Kiss me, right here," I pointed to a spot between my jaw and my ear. Merlin bent down, following my instructions and kissing me softly in the spot. I moaned in his ear, and his head quickly shot up to look at me.

I smiled at him, giggling at his surprised expression. Something clicked in his head and he started giggling too. "I'm sorry about making that noise," I said gently, playing with his early apology.

"No," he said, his blue eyes sparkling at me, "I like it when you make that noise," he said timidly.

"You see? It's okay," I said.

Merlin's eyes shined golden, and I watched the door close behind him. "Do it again, please," he whispered, smiling faintly because he was embarrassed.

"Hmm, I don't know if you deserve it," I grinned cheekily, watching him go a darker shade of pink.

"Well, umm, I had to tell you, Gaius will be away for a few days, and he, well, I," He stammered so much I couldn't catch what he was saying. I kissed him gently on the lips to stop him, and it was like a reset button.

"Gaius will be away for a few days, and I don't want to be alone. Do you want to stay with me while he's away?" He asked, looking hopefully at me.

I smiled, hanging onto his shoulders and jumping so that he had to catch me. I kissed him again, and I could feel him smiling. "I'd love to Merlin," I said, nuzzling my nose with his. I gently tilted my head down and kissed under his jaw again, earning another, louder moan than before. I grinned and he frowned.

"That's not fair, I asked you first," he glared at me.

"Yes, but you look adorable when you're flustered." I said, tilting my head to the side and smiling at him. He took his chance and latched onto my neck, surprising me. I melted, making a satisfying sound that left him grinning triumphantly at me.

"Now we're even," he said, setting me down gently. "I have to go or Arthur will be looking for me," he said, one foot already out the door. He turned to me, leaning forward to give me a quick peck on the lips before walking out. I smiled to myself, happier than I'd felt in ages. I closed my eyes, using my magic to follow Merlin as he walked to Arthur's chambers. He practically skipped down the corridors, humming to himself. He stopped at Arthur's door, let the last of his giggles escape before entering, a huge grin on his face. I opened my eyes again and smiled, sitting on my bed and playing with my hair as I remembered every detail of his kisses.

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