Merlin: Trouble (Part 13)

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Morena's POV;

We hadn't spoken about my afternoon with Sir Edmund last night, which made me slightly anxious. Merlin had been even more tired than usual so we'd eaten and gone straight to bed. I lay on top of him, feeling his chest rise and fall gently. I smiled, cuddling into him more as I heard his gentle sighs. I'd been worried about squashing him in the night, but he'd been adamant that I sleep on top of him so that he could make sure I didn't disappear before he woke up again.

I heard him stir gently and I tilted my head to look at him. His eyes blinked slowly, and as his sleepy gaze focused on me he smiled. "I'm dreaming," he whispered sleepily.

I kept quiet, but leaned towards him and gently kissed his lips. His head tilted towards me to keep the kiss going for longer. I sighed happily as I broke the kiss, looking down at him. Merlin gave me an adorable sleepy smile. "Finally," his whispered, blinking slowly at me, "Good morning puella," he said, lifting an arm under his head to get a better look at me.


"Good morning," I smiled. His other arm wrapped around my waist and he sighed happily. He held me close, his fingers gently gracing the side of my body.

"Gaius comes back tomorrow," he said, his voice still weathery because he'd just woken up. It sounded like the gentle roll of a thunderstorm, just before the giggle of lightning splits the sky.

I nodded down at him, "We'd best make the most of today," I grinned at him.

"I've gotta go and look after Arthur," he said quickly, leaning up slightly as if he was getting up.

I frowned, "Don't you want to cuddle with me?" I asked, still lying mostly on top of his body. He blushed a little, looking down at my hands which were resting gently on his chest.

"I wish I could," he murmured, "I would lie in this bed for days and cuddle with you."

"If only Arthur would just stay in bed all day and sleep, then we'd have the day all to ourselves," I said, before smirking, "Well, maybe I could arrange it?" I asked.

Merlin frowned, scoffing at me. "You can't be serious," he said, "we can't use magic to make Arthur sleep all day."

"Why not? Just a 24 hour spell to give you the day off," I said, lifting myself up slightly and kneeling on top of him. I had my knees planted firmly on either side of his hips so he couldn't move, but as he looked up at me I knew I didn't need to. He had no intention of moving when I was hovering over him like this.

"What will Uther say?" He asked, tilting his head challengingly at me.

I shrugged, "You can say Arthur is spending time in solitary to study the laws of Camelot more closely. Uther won't suspect a thing," I said. Merlin looked at me, a genuine feeling of excitement washing over him.

"Alright," he said, watching me, "are you going to do it, or shall I?" He asked. I grinned at him, shifting my body to get off the bed.

"I'll go, I have to pick up another dress from my room anyway," I said, looking down at Merlin, "Stay put, don't move from that spot," I pointed at him and he threw his hands up in defeat.

"As you wish," he replied.


The spell worked a treat, Arthur snored loudly from his chambers as I snuck passed, and I knew that nothing would wake him up accidentally through the day. The spell id used I'd often used myself, to catch up on sleep every now and again.

"I thought I told you to stay put?" I asked, catching Merlin sitting at one of Gaius's workbenches. He looked up and jumped when he saw me.

"Morena, oh," he said, standing up from the bench guiltily.

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