Merlin: Sweetheart (Percival)

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The knights, Leon, Gwaine, Percival and Mordred, their King and Merlin were out hunting. They knew they were coming close to the Valley of the Fallen Kings, but they'd managed to avoid bandits. Until now. They heard shouting up ahead and they all dismounted their horses. Arthur and the knights quietly drew their swords except Percival, who didn't want to use his sword unless he had to.

They crept closer, watching a group of bandits scaring a young girl, pawing at her as she shouted at them. One of the bandits grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close when she did something that shocked everyone. She threw her right fist at the bandit, hitting him in the head and sending him instantly unconscious as he dropped to the floor.

"I told you not to touch me, you worm." She said, before looking around at the other men around her. They started to close in on her but the knights jumped to her rescue, even Merlin joined the fight as best he could. Percival was the first to reach the girl herself, and he placed a hand on her forearm. She looked up at him with a fierce look, but soon smiled as she recognised him.

"Perce!" She cried, looking up at him and beaming, "Is it really you?!"

"Hello sweetheart," Percival replied, his hand dropping to her waist so he could pick her up bridal-style and she could hug his neck.

"Where've you been?" They asked each other at the same time. They both laughed and pressed their foreheads together, but their moment was broken when they were noticed by the other knights.

"Who's this?" Gwaine asked, looking excitedly at the girl.

"Looks like a 'close friend' of Percival's," Leon added, looking curious too.

Percival and the girl paid little attention to them, rubbing their noses together cutely. "What? Who is she? What's going on?" Mordred spluttered, his cheeks blushing with naive embarrassment as he watched the girl and Percival.

Arthur and Gwaine attempted to comfort Mordred by giving him pats on the back. "We'll explain when you're older," Arthur began.

"Percival's old lady friend, we think," Gwaine winked.

Arthur gave him a sharp look. "Gwaine, I said when he's older. He doesn't need to know about girls yet." He said as if Mordred wasn't there.

"Oh come on you two," Leon interrupted, "Look at Percival, I've never seen him so happy."

"Except when he's in the tavern," Gwaine argued.

"Or training," Arthur offered.

"Or when he gets chicken drumsticks for dinner," Merlin added.

Leon threw them all a stern look. "No wonder you three are so hopeless. Can't you tell how romantic this is? And you guys are ruining it?" He scolded them.

"I agree with Leon," Percival spoke up, lifting his head up to look at the other knights, "You four are all hopeless."

Leon gave them an 'I told you so' look. Percival finally settled, sitting on a log and resting the girl in his lap. He looked at his king, then at his brother knights, and finally to Merlin, who gave him an encouraging smile. "Fellas, this is Mari-Anne," he introduced them, wrapping his arms around her and settling them around her waist. He rested his head gently on her shoulder and looked to the other knights for their approval.

"A pleasure," Arthur nodded to her politely. Leon did the same, giving her a respecting smile too.

"Percival's a lucky man to have a girl with such a good right hook," Gwaine grinned at her.

"She's a little scary, but if she is a friend of Percival's she is a friend of mine," Mordred said quietly.

"Mari-Anne, you and Percival are close? He's never mentioned you before," Merlin said, a little suspicious because he was worried about Percival getting hurt.

Mari-Anne giggled, leaning closer into Percival. "I hope he hasn't, because that would defeat the point of me being 'in disguise' now wouldn't it?" She asked, looking at each of the knights in turn as she cuddled into Percival's chest like a cat. Percival chuckled, tilting his head down to look at her.

"You said you wouldn't," he said to her, making her smile at him.

"It's fun watching you blush," she replied, making him smile back.

"Umm, while I love Percival getting some cuddling, this is too much for Mordred. Come on little one, I'll take you back to Camelot," Gwaine said, turning Mordred around by the shoulder.

"I'm coming with you," Arthur said, turning quickly to Gwaine, "I'm not leaving you alone with Mordred. Merlin?" He called. Merlin soon left as well, following Arthur, Gwaine and Mordred back through the forest towards Camelot. Leon hang around for a minute longer, giving Percival a look.

"You'll be alright by yourself if bandits turn up?" Leon asked, watching Mari-Anne close her eyes in Percival's chest.

Percival nodded, "Thunder and lightning," he reassured Leon, flexing both his fists to prove it. Leon smiled.

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mari-Anne. I hope you and Percival have an enjoyable afternoon. See you when you come home, thunder and lightning," Leon smirked at Percival before riding away on his own horse.

Percival bent his head down to look at Mari-Anne, who was almost asleep on his chest. "I missed you sweetheart," he whispered, kissing the top of her head.

"Perce, I can't believe it," she whispered back, patting his chainmail-clad chest and hearing it jingle, "you're a knight, just like you dreamed." She said.

"All thanks to Arthur," Percival said, "I'm glad I finally found you again."

"You've always been a sweetheart Perce," Mari-Anne sighed, "a big softie."

"Will you stay with me now? Now I'm a knight and I can protect you?" He asked.

"Who says I need protecting?" She asked with a yawn, "i have to protect you more, because you're too sweet for the evils in this world." She murmured, sleep starting to overcome her as she felt Percival's steady breathing through his armour. "I missed you too Perce," she whispered, almost asleep, "Every minute."

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