Merlin: Trouble (Part 8)

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Italics = Latin
[Brackets/Bold] = translation of each word/sentence.

Merlin's POV;

Arthur had told me there was a Midsummer Ball tonight, but I had no idea it would be this exciting. Gaius had gotten me a new set of clothes especially, a deep, forest green outfit so that I'd match Lady Morena. Of course, I hadn't told Gaius or Morena that that's why it had to be green, even though I'd helped Morena pick her dress out a few days ago. Morena didn't know I'd dressed to match her, all I'd said was to find me when she arrived in the ballroom.

I was watching Arthur out the corner of my eye. He was sitting with his back against a wall, talking very loudly with some of his favourite knights. If I concentrated I could hear him, even from the other side of the room. "There's many beauties out tonight," said one of the knights coyly, glancing at some ladies dancing nearby.

Arthur nodded, and I heard him say, "There's only one that could possibly hold my attention longer than a minute." The knights laughed, though I didn't know why. Then suddenly it seemed like half the room fell silent, and I looked towards the opened doors.

Morena stepped forward and I gasped. Her hair was half curled up and half left out, trailing down her back in curls like fire. Her dress was a dark, shiny green, her corset was slightly lighter and had a leafy pattern sewn on it. Though, I thought to myself, it isn't really the dress that's beautiful. I kept staring her up and down, and realised that yes, it was her figure in the dress that made it so beautiful. Her curves fit the dress so perfectly I gulped, looking down at my shoes because I was sure my face had gone as red as her hair.

The next thing I knew a pair of tiny, delicate hands were gently tapping on my own, making me look up. Morena was watching me curiously, and when we made eye contact she smiled. "You dressed to match," she whispered, looking me over happily, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted it to be a surprise," I said, my voice surprisingly deep considering how nervous I was.

"I like it," she smiled, though she looked away, her hands returning to her sides as she tried to look normal. We still had reputations to uphold, even if there were less people watching us tonight than there usually would have been.

"Have you seen Arthur yet?" I asked, leaning against a pillar calmly, watching her shift her weight to one foot.

"No, what's up with him?" She asked, looking around to get a glimpse of the Prince.

"I'm pretty sure he's drunk already, and his father hasn't even sent for food yet." I scoffed, shaking my head at the ridiculousness of it. "Look at me, I'm sorry," I said, watching her finally turn her gaze back to me, "I'm at a ball, with the most beautiful girl in the world, and all I can talk about is my job."

Morena shook her head, giving me a soft smile. "No, mellis, I am sorry," she said, leaning her hips closer to me, "I'm not being as enthusiastic as you are." She said, looking guilty.


"Oh, don't worry," I said, before noticing someone beckoning me over. "Umm, speaking of work," I said.

Morena turned around to where I was looking, and she scoffed when she saw Arthur waving for me to come over. "What does Sir Clotpole want now?" She asked.

I shook my head, giggling under my breath because she used the word 'clotpole'. I'd honestly never heard anything close to a swear word escape her lips, so to hear her say that meant that she was genuinely irritated. Swiftly she looped her arm in mine and we started walking closer to where Arthur was sitting. I rather liked walking with her like this, but just as we got close to Arthur she slunk away from me, though she did keep walking towards Arthur with me.

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