Merlin: The Forgotten Son (Part 1)

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*set just after Lancelot's first 'death'*

Merlin's POV;

The boy had been found creeping around the castle in a small cloak. He was barely eight years old, I was sure, and he'd managed to get into Camelot and within the castle walls before anyone had questioned him. He'd been brought straight to Arthur, and looking at him in a hall full of knights and noblemen I knew he must be frightened. His cloak was short but it flooded the floor around him, and he was shaking as he stood before Arthur on his throne.

"You managed to walk straight into this castle," Arthur said, his voice firm. I stood a little to the right of the king, looking from Arthur to the boy. "You had no help, and you're not known by anyone in Camelot. I want to know why." Arthur asked.

The boy quaked. He stuttered heavily, and I could only just hear him. "I was looking, sire." He whispered.

"For what? Who are you?" Arthur asked.

"I am Galahad of Corbenic, sire," the boy stammered, a little louder, "Son of Princess Elaine of Corbenic, Grandson of King Pelles."

"Pelles has no quarrel with Camelot, neither does he have an allegiance to Morgana," Arthur said, studying the boy with a glare, "So it is not my death you seek, I doubt that Pelles would send a boy to do anything like treason, let alone his grandson. So what, Galahad, are you looking for?" Arthur asked.

"My-my father, sire," Galahad squeaked, looking like he could melt into the floor under Arthur's gaze.

"And his name?" Arthur asked, leaning forward as he grew tense.

"I cannot tell you sire," the boy replied, dropping his gaze to the floor.

"Your father is a traitor of Camelot then? A sorcerer?" Arthur grumbled, his voice getting louder.

"No sire!" Galahad squeaked quickly, defending himself.

"Then What is his name!" Arthur yelled. As soon as he did the boy started to silently cry, and I knew I had to step in.

"Arthur," I said, loud enough for Arthur to hear, but quiet enough that no one else could. "Look at him, he's small, and alone. And you're scaring him," I continued, glancing at the crying boy, "you won't get anything from him if you scare him."

Arthurs eyes widened and he took another look at the boy. His shoulders dropped as he softened, and he nodded to me to show he understood. "I apologise," Arthur said to the boy, before he did something surprising. He stood up from his throne, and stepped down towards the boy. Galahad took a worried step back, but Arthur knelt down so he was the boys height.

"Galahad, I'm sorry I yelled," I heard Arthur say gently. He put his hand protectively on the boys shoulder and Galahad stopped crying. "Could you please tell me your fathers name so we can help you find him?" He asked, and I'd never heard his voice so soft before.

The small boy sniffled, his eyes welling up again. "I can't tell you sire, because I don't know his name," he whispered. Arthur frowned sadly.

"How were you going to find him? If you don't know his name?" Arthur asked, his voice still soft.

"I'd hoped he would recognise my mother's name," Galahad sighed, "all I know is he was a knight of Camelot. I'm sorry sire."

"So he wasn't with your mother long?" Arthur asked, almost sitting on the floor he was kneeling so low.

Galahad shook his head, sniffled, and started crying silently again. Arthur stood back, still with his hand on the boys shoulder as he turned to Gaius. "Gaius, would you please look after Galahad, until we've found his father?" He asked. Gaius looked surprised but he stepped forward to look down at the boy and nodded.

"Yes sire, I will make sure he's looked after," Gaius said. Gaius was shepherding the boy out of the hall when Galahad turned to look at me. I gave him a little smile and he jogged towards me. I was afraid he'd trip on his cloak, but he made it until he was practically centimetres in front of me.

He looked up at me with big brown eyes, and for a moment he looked strangely familiar. "Thank you, mister Merlin," the boy whispered. He suddenly threw himself at me, wrapping his small arms around my skinny waist. I was surprised, but I couldn't help giving the boy a little pat on the back. He was really cute.

Arthur looked at me curiously, but when he tilted his head down to the boy he softened again. "Merlin, you better go with Galahad and Gaius," Arthur said, nodding to me.

I unwrapped the boys arms from me and he gripped my hand in his tiny one. He wasn't going to let me go, even if Arthur had refused to let me go with him. I squeezed the boys hand, and we walked together out of the hall, Gaius following behind us.


Merlin's POV;

"Gaius," I whispered. I'd just tucked Galahad into my bed, and crept out to ask Gaius something. Gaius looked up from a book and frowned at me.

"Gaius, does Galahad look, familiar to you?" I asked.

"That's exactly the point Merlin," Gaius said, "Galahad's father is apparently a knight of Camelot, so we have to find out who he reminds us of."

"You've no doubt then?" I asked, a little confused, "You think he's telling the complete truth?" I asked.

"Absolutely," Gaius nodded firmly, "A boy that small, that confused and terrified," he said, "that, and I've recognised something in him too." He added.

"So you've seen it too?" I asked, sitting down next to him, "he definitely looks familiar, but I can't pinpoint where."

Gaius nodded, "There's something in his eyes, a look I've seen before," he mused.

"I saw it too," I said, leaning closer, "Gaius, you don't think he's Gwaine's son, do you?" I asked.

Gaius looked shocked, "If he is he's probably one of many," we both chuckled at that, "But I doubt it, otherwise Gwaine would have said something. Besides, the boy is barely eight years old, which would take his birth back just before the battle of Camelot, when Arthur gathered his first knights."

"You don't think it could be one of the closest knights, do you?" I asked, "One of them that were seated at the first Round Table?" I asked.

"Each and every one, apart from Leon, we're away from Camelot at some point," Gaius said, "potentially they could have travelled through Corbenic at some point."

I frowned, and Gaius suddenly gave me a look. "When the boy hugged you, he said your name," he said, looking at me curiously.

I frowned, "You can't think he's my son," i said.

"No! Merlin," Gaius's voice was low now, "He knew who you were, he knew your name. Which means that his mother had told him of you, probably information given to her by the boys' father."

My eyes widened, "Well, of the knights that were at the first Round Table, Elyan can't be his father, Percival didn't know me until then, so that leaves Gwaine.....and Lancelot," I gasped. I looked to my bedroom, the door was open so we could keep an eye on Galahad. The boy was sleeping peacefully, little curls of brown hair sticking up as he rolled slightly in his sleep. I was sure of it now. He was definitely Lancelot's son.

"How are we going to tell him?" I asked Gaius before I frowned, "Gaius, when Lancelot left he loved Gwen, and when he came back he still did. How could he have had a relationship with Princess Elaine and had a son if he still loved Gwen the whole time?" I asked.

Gaius frowned too, looking up at me, "I'll have to do a small test, but I have a theory," He said.

"What's your theory?" I asked.

"I'd rather not say until I complete the test," Gaius replied, watching Galahad sleep too. I could see he wouldn't talk about the matter further so I grabbed and blanket and pillow and made my way to my bedroom door. "What are you doing?" Gaius whispered, watching me carefully.

"I'm going to sleep on the floor here," I whispered back, stepping into my room, "So he doesn't feel alone." I explained.

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