Merlin: Trouble (Part 7)

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Morena's POV;

"I wanna know everything!" Merlin smiled at me, shovelling hay in the stables. He'd just asked me to tell him everything I knew about magic.

I giggled, "I know that, but where do you want me to start?" I asked, watching him practically skip around the stables as he talked to me.

"How do you write your own spells?" He asked, his eyes sparkling.

"Well, What makes a spell work?" I asked him. He frowned, looking at me curiously.

"I just say the words and stuff happens. Mostly." He said.

"My goodness! What has Gaius been teaching you?" I asked, giggling a little at his innocence.

He shrugged at me, "I know how to do the laundry and clean a leech tank at the same time," he said, though even he knew it wasn't very impressive.

I smiled, shaking my head at him to explain, "Basic spells are made of two components, direction and visualisation. You use the words to direct your magic, and visualising the result activates the spell and makes it work. Watch this," I said. I concentrated on a bucket of water nearby, and spoke. "Vide aqua spiritus," I said. Merlin gasped, watching a little watery figure appear out of the bucket, that waved at us. I smiled and stopped concentrating, letting it fall back into the bucket.

"How did you do that! Is that another one of your spells you've made?" He asked, watching the water bucket excitedly.

"Actually, I just made it up," I said, watching him gape at me.

"What?" He asked, voice breathy.

"Oh Merlin," I smiled at him, "you just need to know the right words." I said.

"The right words?" He asked, watching me carefully.

"Latin seems to be the best. I think it's because it's the ancient language. If you know the Latin words, can string them together to direct what you want, and visualise the result, you've got yourself a perfect spell." I smiled at him.

"Oh!" Merlin said, finally understanding what I was trying to tell him.

"Oh sweet one," I smiled, watching him try to lean on his shovel but almost tripping up instead. I was about to add something else when Arthur appeared. He didn't see me at first, sauntering up close to Merlin.

"Merlin aren't you done yet? I've got more jobs for you," he barked, standing very close to intimidate him.

"I'm sure it's not too urgent," I spoke up, gathering Arthur's attention like he was honey on a spoon.

Arthur nodded to me, his whole body softening at the sight of me. I sighed quietly, smiling at him. "Lady Morena," He said courteously, "What are doing here?" He asked, looking around at the stables with a disgusted look on his face.

"I'm keeping Merlin company while he does your dirty work." I said. Merlin frowned at me as if to say 'what are you doing?'. Arthur, however, looked guilty.

"Merlin, when you're finished you can have the afternoon off. I can't have a tired servant. Morena, may I see you at dinner?" Arthur asked, looking at me.

"If you wish, my lord," I said, curtsying to him. Arthur gave Merlin a little dazed smile, then quickly walked away. Merlin opened and closed his mouth, squeaking instead of speaking.

"Merlin, you look like a fish," I smiled, watching him stagger slightly with surprise.

"How did you do that?" Merlin breathed, watching me astounded, "please teach me." He said.

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