Merlin: Trouble (Part 12)

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Merlin's POV;

I woke up the next morning, shivering at the cold. I frowned, looking down to see that both my blanket and my lady had both disappeared. I got up quickly, pulling my undershirt close around me as I crossed my arms over my chest. I took a step out of my door, still frowning.

"You know, it really hurts when you keep disappearing before I wake up," I said, looking down at the ground angrily.

I heard a rustling and I looked up just in time to catch Morena in my arms. She had her arms and legs wrapped around me, and my blanket was curled around her. She giggled, her arms wrapped around my neck. "Good morning amica mea," She said, pecking me on the lips.

[My love]

I frowned, but I couldn't help smiling either. "I'm your love now?" I asked, swaying her gently from side to side.

"Only if you don't mind the trouble that comes with it," she grinned.

"Oh, well in that case," I grinned, spinning her around in my arms and listening to her squeal. I brought her close to my face, letting our foreheads touch gently. "You can call me anything you want, amica mea." I whispered. She smiled at me and I set her back down again.

She tilted her head at me, "You look adorable when your hair is all scruffy," she said.

I mirrored her head tilt, "You look adorable wrapped up in my blanket." I replied. She giggled, cuddling up more. I looked down at my bedshirt and sighed.

"I still have to go to work," I grumbled, thinking about how I'd rather risk magic in front of Uther than not see Morena all day.

"Don't worry Merlin," Morena said, wrapping the blanket around me too, "I'll be here when you come home," she said, resting her head on my chest.

"You promise?" I asked, pulling her closer.

"I promise," she smiled, nuzzling into my chest and taking a deep breath in.

"No, don't smell me," I said, gently pushing her away, "I have awful breath in the morning," I said, remembering Gaius's complaints.

"No! Merlin come here," Morena said, her voice like a little kid as she held her arms out to me. I shook my head, stepping back in so we were hugging again. She took another deep breath in and looked up at me. "My favourite smell," she whispered, her eyes gentle and affectionate.

"What smell?" I asked.

"You," she whispered. She stood on her tiptoes and caught my lips for a moment. I smiled, unable to stop the giggles from escaping me.


Merlin's POV;

"Ah! Sir Edmund!" Arthur said, catching my attention away from reorganising his wardrobe.

"You wanted to see my sire?" Edmund asked, looking a little worried. I frowned when I noticed it, glad that I was practically invisible to the knight. "Is this about my training? I apologise for failing you yesterday," he began, his hands waving about as his nerves kicked in. He was one of the younger knights, as I remembered, and he hadn't had very much training directly from Arthur yet.

Arthur put his hand up to stop him, strangely calm. "No need," he said calmly, "This isn't about your training. Please sit down," Arthur gestured to the chair next to him.

Sir Edmund gave a slightly bewildered nod before sitting down in the chair Arthur had indicated. Arthur put his hands together, his elbows propped up on the table. "Sir Edmund," he began, "You haven't been with us very long, I'd understand if you never thought too much on the subject," Arthur said, his tone almost, What was it? I knew him too well to say soft, but that's how it sounded.

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