Merlin: Trouble (Part 10)

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Morena's POV;

The two days before Gaius left felt like an eternity. On top of his usual chores, Merlin was studying basic remedies with Gaius, just in case anything minor happened while he was away. And Arthur seemed to be even more arrogant than before. I hadn't so much as seen Merlin in 48 hours, and I was missing him terribly. I paced about my bedroom, thinking of something I could do to ease my boredom.

There was a sharp knock on my door and I jumped, watching Arthur frantically peak his head into my room. When he saw me his gaze softened, but he was still clearly irritated. "Morena, have you seen Merlin?" He asked, scanning my room.

"Not in two days," I said, "but that's probably because he's been caught up doing useless jobs for you." I snapped, annoyed that he was so oblivious.

He shrugged, shifting his way into my chambers and closing the door. "I haven't seen you recently," He started, stepping forward only to lean back against the door again. "What's going on?" He asked.

His tone was strange. Gentle, like when we were younger. It was like he was my best friend again, and I wasn't just a toy to distract him. "I'm fine," I said, sitting down on my bed and watching him, "I've just been preoccupied."

"You haven't even snuck in to have dinner with me," Arthur said, looking down sadly, "I was worried you'd be getting lonely," he added, looking up at me with a soft smile.

I frowned, "Since when do we just 'have dinner'?" I asked, still annoyed by him even though he was being kind to me for once, "We haven't been just 'friends' in years, what makes you think we can go back to that?" I stared him down.

"I know, Morena," Arthur said firmly, watching my face loose it's colour. "I know you've caught sight of some boy. I'm willing to back down, but I have to warn you that I might not be able to protect you as easily. But I have to ask," he said, stepping forward and holding my hands in his, "That my father doesn't know about this 'change of arrangement'. If he does he'll see you as disposable, and I don't want you to loose your place in the court."

"There's no boy," I laughed innocently.

"Morena," Arthur said, drawing out my name like I was in trouble. "I know there's a boy, alright? You can't lie to me, I know you too well. Now, are you going to tell me who it is, or do I have to guess?" He asked, sitting cross legged on the floor in front of me. I was stunned at how comfortable he looked, and he suddenly reminded me of his fourteen year old self. I used to read him stories, because I did all the voices, and no matter what he had to sit cross legged on the floor in front of me.

And now, when I looked down at him, I was almost about to tell him everything about Merlin and I. But i couldn't, because of Merlin found out about Arthur and me our relationship would be ruined. I shook my head and smiled in spite of myself. "Arthur, you'll be guessing til you die," I said. Arthur sat up straighter and puffed his chest out.

"Challenge accepted," He said, giving me a hard stare before making his first guess, "Is he...handsome?" He asked.

"Handsome is a subjective term Arthur," I smirked at him.

"Right," Arthur said, thinking for a moment before frowning, "You know, we've been in an exclusive relationship for so long I don't even know what you find attractive anymore," he said, glancing at me.

"Now that is something you'll definitely have to find out for yourself. I'm not going to make this easy for you." I smirked, knowing that Merlin would be his very last guess. Even after his own father.

He frowned, pouting slightly. "Fine, then I'll just have to figure out what you find attractive first. Then I'll know the basic parameters of what your gentleman friend looks like."

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