Chapter 27 (Happy Birthday)

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Louis’s P.O.V.
Tomorrow is my birthday and I’m not so very happy about it. Eleanor has just ignored me for the past month. She called once in a while and never answered any of my calls. I just cannot give up on her. So, I decided to call her.
“Hello?” she answered. Thank God!
“Hey, baby. How are ya?” I asked.
“I’m baked, Lou!” she joked.
“Exams, right?” I chuckled.
“Yeah,” she agreed.
There was an awkward silence after this and I didn’t know what to say.
“Uhh.. El. I wanna ask you something,” I broke the silence.
“Sure,” she replied.
“Are you losing interest in me, El?” I questioned.
“What?” she asked.
“You heard me,” I said.
“No! What?! No way, Lou. I love you. I really do. How can you think like that? Just because I don’t answer you calls that doesn’t mean I’m not interested in you. I love you!” she boomed.
“I know.. I’m sorry.. I’m scared of losing you, El. I love you so much. I miss you,” I frowned.
“I miss you, too. And I’m really sorry because I can’t even come to visit for your birthday or Christmas,” she said.
“It’s okay, Love. Your studies are important,” I understood.
“Bye, Lou. I love you!” she said.
“Love you, too,” I said and we hung up.

Eleanor’s P.O.V.
After hanging up I cried. I cried so damn hard. Suddenly my bedroom door creaked open and I raised my head to see who it was. It was my mother.
“Eleanor..” she said and walked towards me.
“Mum..” I cried in her arms.
“Shh.. I know, baby. I know..” she said.
“How am I supposed to do this? I lied so much to him, Mum. I don’t have the guts to tell him the truth,” I cried.
“But, El. You have to. If he really loves you.. He will accept it,” she said.
“Are you sure?” I asked raising my head to look at her.
“Yes, my doll. You should tell him tomorrow,” she suggested.
“No Mum. It’s his birthday tomorrow. I can’t ruin it,” I said.
“No baby.. You won’t ruin it. Tell him,” She said.
“Okay. I guess I’ll leave now,” is said and stood up.
On my way to the airport I had called Harry and told him that I’d be coming. He said he was very happy.
When I reached I saw Harry leaning against his car. He saw me and ran towards me. He hugged but clearly I didn’t hug him back. He understood my hesitation and said, “You look dreadful.”
“Ha-Ha, Har. Very funny,” I rolled my eyes and he chuckled.
“Hey, where am I gonna stay?” I asked him as he had told me that we’ll be surprising Lou for midnight celebrations.
“You’ll be staying with Liam and Danielle,” he stated and drove to their place.
“Hey, guys!” I said and hugged them both.
“Hey, El. You look beautiful,” Liam commented.
“Thanks,” I said and Danielle showed me my room. It was probably the guest room.
“Get ready, El. We have an hour,” she said.
“Damn it!” I exclaimed, glancing at the watch.
“I leave you alone for now,” Danielle said and left the room.
I quickly changed into a plain one shoulder black dress. The one shoulder sleeve had sequins on it. It was an inch higher than mid-thigh so bending would definitely make my bum visible. I didn’t care about it. All I cared for was that, I’m telling the truth to Louis today itself. I put up a little make up and wore my black wedges. I quickly went down and Harry stared at me with wide eyes and mouth gape open.
“What?!” I questioned.
“Nothing… You look very beautiful,” he said.
“Thank you,” I said and then we all moved towards the car.
We met up with the other lads and Perrie in front of the apartment. We quickly went inside as there were too many flashes. When we entered the apartment all the lights were off which meant only one thing. Lou was asleep. Everyone waited in the hall and told me to go to him first. I went upstairs and turned the door knob and gratefully it wasn’t locked. Then I saw my Lou. He was soundly sleeping on his bed. Gosh, I missed him! I tip-toed towards the bed and sat next to him.
I brushed off his hair and bend down to kiss his forehead and then his cheeks and then his nose and finally his lips. He moaned. The clock struck twelve and I kissed him again. His eyes shot open and cupped my face in his hands and gently pulled me down. He kissed me like it was the last. I finally broke the kiss and said, “Happy Birthday, baby!”
“God, El. I missed you so much. Thank you.. I love you,” he said and kissed me again.
We kissed again until we heard someone clearly their throat.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” Everyone cheered and ran to hug Lou.
“Thank you, guys!” he said.
When everyone finally finished hugging him he had a huge smile on his face.  
“When did you come, El?” he asked.
“An hour ago. I was at Liam’s,” I answered.
When we went downstairs we found a huge cake placed on the table. Lou blew the candles and then insisted to cut the cake with him but, I refused. He pouted like a small kid and I gave up. We cut the cake together and Lou made me eat the first bite but, I turned his hand to his mouth and made him eat it. He then picked up another piece and made me eat it. He then kissed me and I gladly kissed him back. The girls ‘awed’ and the lads cheered. We then spent an hour or so eating the cake and Lou got calls from his family and other friends.
When everyone was busy with something or the other Harry glanced at me signaling that I should talk to Lou now so I did.
“Lou can I talk to you in private?” I stood up.
“Sure,” he said taking my hand and leading me upstairs.  

Hey, guys! I might triple update. I hope you all will enjoy! Please Vote and Comment.

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