Because of You - Calum Hood

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"(YN), turn off the lights and come to bed! Please!" your loving boyfriend, Calum, was now begging of you as you sat on your couch, typing away at your laptop. You were an aspiring author and had found yourself in a creative buzz where you just could not stop typing.

"In a minute Calum, I'm really in a groove here!" It hurt you to push him away at the moment, as he'd just gotten back home from tour a few hours before. He was tired, all he wanted was to cuddle with you, maybe take a bath together, enjoy sleeping in the same bed as you again and you were typing away at your laptop. You'd barely given him a proper hello since he'd come home. "Just a few more pages." You said moreso to yourself than to him.

Calum sighed and turned on his heel and went back into the bedroom, this wasn't the welcome home celebration he'd been dreaming of for the last couple weeks. He was nothing more than proud of you for your writing, he knew how it'd made you happy. He just wanted to spend some quality time with you now that he didn't have rehearsals or shows to perform.

An hour later you'd finally turned off the lights and strolled into the dark bedroom you shared with Calum. He had the covers over him but his head peeked out and his eyes were open. "Finally, you come up with good stuff?"

A small smile formed on your lips as you crawled under the covers to join him. "Not to brag, but I think it's my best writing to date. I am so sorry Calum, you just came home from tour, you wanted me and I put my work over you. I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you tomorrow."

Calum's lips tilted up and his eyes twinkled as he moved a hair from your eyes. "Don't worry about it baby, I know your writing is your everything the way the band is mine. While I do wish I had spent every second since I got home with you, seeing you excited about whatever it was you were writing about, that made me happy."

"I love you." You whisper.

"Love you more." He kissed you and pulled back before staring into your eyes again. "I really do love you, so damn much. All tour long, I thought about you, missing you next to me, hearing your voice on the phone isn't the same as in person."

"Was it a good tour though?"

"One of our best." He smiled sheepishly. "Maybe you can come on the next leg of the tour. Wonder what crazy stuff you could write up out on the road, probably some crazy ass stuff. Especially with the other guys around."

You giggled. "The stories I could write about you boys, it'd make you all blush so hard you'd turn into crabs from being so red." As if on cue, Calum's face turned into a deep shade of red and you stroked his cheek. "Yeah, just like that. I missed you too. Do you really want to know what I was writing about?"

He nodded as he put an arm around you and started to stroke up and down your arm as you used a hand to trace circles along his abdomen.

"I was writing about you. And me. The crazy life we live with a twist, the crazy life we'll have in the future. All my dreams come true, hopefully making yours come true as well."

Calum couldn't believe it, he was in absolute awe. "You wrote about me? Us?"

You nod. "Like I said, I think it's the best stuff I've ever written. When you wanted me to turn out the lights, you gave me a whole new idea and I just had to write it down. I think I've got a future best seller on that laptop down there."

"If it stars you, it's already a best seller to me." He kissed the top of your head. "I don't know how my life could get even better, (YN)."

You propped yourself on your elbow and placed a finger on his lips. "I can come up with a reason or two on how it can get better, now keep quiet, I don't want the neighbors to hear."

*one year later*

Calum stood at your side proudly as you stood in front of all of your friends and family, a published novel in your hands.

"Because of the love I have in my life, the man I could never live without, this book is finally a reality. I can't thank him enough. Now, if everyone could please take their copy of the new number one best selling book, that would be amazing. Thank you all for your support!"

Everyone cheered and Calum took you into his arms, spinning you around once before giving you a quick kiss. "You did it babe."

"Because of you!"

He shook his head. "No, because of you. Now that your book is published and is number one everywhere, what do you say we get to planning our wedding?"

You blushed and hugged him tight. "Nothing would make me happier."

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