BSM Your Boyfriend Cheats, Another Member Comforts You, Confesses He Likes You

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Ashton: "(YN)?" you hear when you opened the door and shut it behind you with a slam. "(YN)?" Your brother, Calum, appeared with the other guys behind him. "What's wrong, (YN)?" "You know how Caleb said he was going to play football with his cousin today?" Calum nodded. "Well, i didn't know by that he meant he was going to fuck some blond bitch in his bed." "He cheated on you?" Ashton's voice worked it's way to you and you nodded, wiping a tear from your eye. "Yeah, i guess he never cared about me." "Well i care." he says and pushed his way through the guys and held you in his arms and Calum's eyes were focused on the door. "I'm going to kick his ass!" "Please don't." you say looking under Ashton's arm and Calum shakes his head. "No one treats my sister like shit and gets away with it, (YN)! Ashton, stay here with her. Michael, Luke, with me. We need to have a chat with someone." Before you could protest anymore, Ashton lead you further into the house as the guys left. "Let someone who actually likes you take care of you, which movie are we watching first?" "Why would you want to watch a movie with me?" "Didn't you just hear me? I care about you, i like you, i don't like seeing you hurt, so once again, which movie are we watching first?"

Michael: "Luke!" you shout with a sniffle and shut your bedroom door, walking down the stairs to seek comfort from your big brother. "Luke!" Still nothing until you went into your backyard towards the pool, you thought that a swim would clear your head. Tugging your clothes off until you were in a bikini you stopped at the edge of the pool, looking in. "Michael?" "Oh, hey, (YN)! What's up, i mean what's wrong! You look like you've been crying." he started to get out of the pool and you looked him up and down before nodding your head. "What happened?" "Derek cheated on me. He just outright texted me and i thought it was a joke until i called him and he told me that he was really seeing another girl and she just did it for him and i didn't." Michael shook his head and wrapped his arms around you. "I'm sorry to hear that. Should i call Luke? He went to the store with Cal and Ash to get snacks, i decided to stay back." You shook your head. "No, we'll just wait for him to get back. Do you mind if i just stay here and talk to you?" He smirked. "Not at all. A pretty girl i like wants to talk to me, that sounds good to me." That spun your head. "Wait? You like me?" "I could never lie to you, (YN), you know me better then that."

Calum: "Michael, can you come pick me up?" "Where are you?" "At the restaurant." "Shouldn't your boyfriend be bringing you home?" "He was here with another girl when i arrived, Michael. He cheated on me and forgot he scheduled our date the same night as the other girl. It was awkward and horrible, pick me up?" "Be right there." It only took Michael five minutes to get to you and when he arrived you sat in the backseat next to Calum. "Hey." you waved sadly and he pulled you in for a hug as Michael drove. "Hey. Sorry, do you want to go somewhere to eat and have a proper dinner with people who care about you?" You blush and look up to see Michael staring back at you with a smile. "How about just you and (YN), Calum. I wouldn't want to intrude on something pretty cool in the making" "What?" you ask breaking your gaze off of Calum's eyes to your brothers who only shook his head. "I call them as i see them. Calum wants to take you out to dinner, (YN), take it, or well, you have no choice, we're already here and i'll be back in an hour or so to pick you guys up. Have a nice dinner you two, i'm going to kick your ex boyfriend's ass! Have fun!"

Luke: "Where's your sister?" Luke asked and Ashton pointed upstairs with a glare. "Her asshole of an ex boyfriend broke up with her because she found him cheating and she's been up there ever since. I hate that she's always up there, she won't talk to anyone! I mean it, i tried talking to her, mom tried, Lauren tried, Harry tried, all to no avail. I'd love to kill him for what he did to her but apparently that's not the right thing to do." Luke nodded. "Mind if i try?" Ashton waved his hand towards the stairs. "May the odds be ever in your favor." Luke laughed at the Hunger Games references and skipped steps to your room before knocking on the door with a soft tap. "(YN)?" "Go away!" "Not happening this time." Luke opened the door and you lifted your head up from your pillow, your eyes bloodshot and your pillow stained with tears. "(YN)!" Luke breathed and strode over to your bed, kneeling by its side. "Ash told me what happened and i'm sorry. I know you really liked him." You nodded. "I did. i was wrong. I don't think i'll ever love a guy again." Luke chuckled nervously. "Maybe you're not looking at the right kind of guy." "What do you mean?" you ask sitting up and Luke sat next to you. "You're looking too far instead of close." Resting your head on his shoulder you sighed. "Do you like me?" "Did i make it too obvious?" you laughed, it was a good feeling. "Yeah, but i don't mind. Ash is going to hate you because you got me to speak and he couldn't." Luke turned and kissed your cheek. "It's amazing what the right kind of guy can do for a beautiful girl."

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