Little Spoon - Luke Hemmings

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You flinched at the sound of the door slamming back shut and knew that Luke was home and he'd obviously had a rough day.
Slowly you inched your way out of the room and creeped down the stairs to your waiting boyfriend. He just stared back at you from where he stood. "Couch!" he yelled, but once he saw your scared face, his own face calmed down and relaxed. "Sorry, please lay on the couch."
You nodded and laid on the couch, on your side, looking up at him from under your lashes. "Bad day?" you whispered to which he nodded. "The worst."
Sitting up you were about to go out to him and hug him, but he pushed you back down. "No, stay, please."
The pleading of his voice lead you to lay back down and wait for him. "Luke, you're scaring me. Tell me about your day."
He was on his knees but crawled up onto the couch in front of you. His back was to you and you wrapped your arms around him, holding him tight. Your head was pressed against his shoulderblades. "Oh Luke."
He wasn't crying, but he wasn't calm faced either.
"I'd rather not talk, i'd prefer to stay here, right where i am. With you. All day long. Please, (YN), please let's just lay like this all day."
You nodded from behind him and brought your left hand up to his hair, ruffling it in a soothing way, so as to calm him down. "Go to sleep, Lukey. We'll talk later and i'll still be here when you wake up. Relax, i'm here. I'm not going anywhere."
"I love you, (YN)." He whispered, sleep already washing over him and you smiled. "I love you too, Luke, now sleep. I promise, i'm staying right here. I'll hold you all night long if i have to."
Keeping your fingers in his hair, you massaged his scalp until soft snores escaped his lips and you finally relaxed more yourself. "There you go Luke. Sleep the troubles away, but don't forget to dream about me as i'll dream about you."  

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