Baby's First Flight

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(another early writing of mine, i'll try to edit later and make better)

ashton: you held onto your 5 month old baby girl and sat in your seat rocking her back and forth. ashton kept glancing over. "she doing alright?" you looked down at her still sleeping form and smiled. "yeah, she's quite content in whatever dream she's having." ashton did a mini fist pump into the air. "sweet success! baby's first flight, so far, so smooth!" he cheered and you shushed him. "quiet, if she wakes up, she's your problem!"

calum: your son did not like being on the plane and he was making sure that everyone else on the plane knew it. you passed him over to calum who started to rock him back and forth and softly sang to him as you got a couple of his toys out and binky. you saw the binky and put it in his mouth, and he got quiet instantly. almost everyone on the plane sighed in relief and you and calum bumped fists. "not the ideal first flight with him, but better then what it could have been!" calum says as you only nod in response.

michael: she was awake in michael's arms as you came back from the bathroom. "she hungry yet, michael?" you ask and michael shakes his head. "no, so far she's only been staring at me. the entire flight she's been staring at me, (yn)!" you giggled. "she wants to be close to her daddy! she might be scared michael, this is her first flight and she wants to be with who protects her most, and to her, that's most likely you!" michael grinned with happiness at your words. "you think so?" you nodded. "i know so."

luke: you each held a baby and they were playing with each other and you and luke didn't mind, it kept them occupied on their first flight to the states. at a year old, the twins were able to keep their minds set on each other and not the fact they were thousands of feet up in the air. "not bad for their first flight." luke notes and you nod. "this is there, what are they going to be like on the flight back?" luke groaned. "better be like this, i don't know if i can handle them both crying the entire flight."

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