He Dreams About You On Tour And Calls You

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Michael: The dream had him staring at the clock until he knew it would be an okay time to call you where you were at. He put the phone to his ear and hoped you answered on the first ring, and you did. "Michael? Are you alright? It's gotta be late where you are!" He nodded even though you couldn't see him. "Yeah, it is kind of late, but i had a dream about you to be honest, a good dream and it woke me up and i just had to call you and hear your voice! I miss you, i miss you so much!" You smiled when he said that. "I miss you too Mikey, just a couple more weeks and then you'll be home." "Seems like forever." he mumbles and you giggle. "It'll fly by before you know it! I love you Mikey, i love you more than you know!" He chuckled. "I will always love you more, (YN) and you know that!"

Luke: His voice came out in muffled cries and you hoped to god that he'd stop or else you'd be crying too. "Luke, baby, take a breath please! Please, take a breath!" you rush into the phone and you hear his breaths relax and not so rapid. "Now tell me what happened? What spooked you?" He tried not to let another tear escape and keep from crying again. "Bad dream, you were gone, you left me and then they found you dead and i couldn't live with myself." he breathes out and you nod your head along with his words. "I'm here, Luke! Me and you will always be together, okay? As long as i have you in my life, i'll be okay! Now please go back to sleep and have a good dream this time okay? Dream about me and you and our future, can you do that?" He gives out a weak laugh. "I'll try my best, (YN), i love you. Thanks for answering the phone." You giggle. "For you Luke, i'll always answer the phone, no matter the time. I love you more, sweet dreams baby."

Ashton: Such a perfect dream, but his damn alarm clock woke him up and had him glaring at the ceiling like it was the devil itself. He smiled as he thought back to his dream of you and him, and he just had to call you to match your voice with the dream in his head. When you picked up, you were still giggling from a joke your friend had told you. "(YN)?" he asks and you stop laughing. "Yeah, Ash baby, what's up? Tour going okay?" "Yeah, it's going great, i had a dream about you and me though." he says and you walk away from your friends to hear him better. "Was it a good dream?" "The best." "What happened in it? Is it okay for me to ask that?" He laughs. "Yeah, it's okay. It was just me and you, having a future together. One minute we were saying 'i do' then the next minute we had our first born in our lives. I want that, (YN), i want that with you. I can't wait to come back from tour and make my dream come true, do you think we can make it come true?" You laugh. "Of course Ash, but there's something you have to do first to make any of it possible." "What's that?" You giggle and soon have thoughts of your own in your head, making you smile like an idiot. "First you have to ask me to marry you."

Calum: "I did what?" you ask, laughing while sitting in your car on break at work. "You chased me down and beat me with the microphone." "All because you wouldn't say my name into it?" you couldn't control your laughter as Calum confirmed what you said. "Yeah, it was by far one of the craziest dreams i've had of you since i've been on tour." Your laughter died down. "There's been more dreams of yours that have involved me?" His laughter dies down too. "(YN), i dream of you every night! That's how much i miss you, i miss you so much, you're in my dreams, you're in my day dreams, my dreams at night, it's, you're everywhere. I miss you and i love you." You put your hand to your chest, feeling as if your heart was going to burst from your chest. "I miss you too Cal, and i love you more. We'll be together soon though, and you won't have to deal with the dream version of me much longer, soon you'll have the real me." He laughed. "So close but so far away and we'll be together again. Well, i'm gonna go and fall asleep and have another dream about you, you have a good rest of your shift, okay?" You laugh. "Yeah, then when i get home, i'll dream of you, okay?" He chuckled some more. "Sounds like a plan babe."

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