He Holds The New Baby

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Luke: "Am i even holding him right?" he asked looking around the room hoping that someone would answer his question since you were asleep. "Please someone tell me if i'm holding him right, i don't want to be holding him wrong my first time holding him and i don't want to wake (YN) up. She just went through over a days worth of labor, am i doing this right?" he was in a full surge of panic and finally his mom put her hand on his right shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Luke, honey, you're doing just fine. You're cradling his head, supporting his body, he's not slipping, you're doing a fine job. Relax, okay?" He nodded. "This is going to take some getting used to." His mom laughed just as you cracked your eyes open after hearing the laughter. "It always does, but don't you worry Luke, you're going to be a natural i'm sure of it." He smiled. "You really think so?" "If she doesn't, i do." you whisper and he smiles at you. "Thank you so much. For everything, you just had our baby boy!" You couldn't help but smile at seeing him so happy being a new father. "You're welcome, Luke, i'd do it again in a heartbeat too."

Calum: "Is she supposed to be screaming like this?" you ask the nurses as you bounce her gently in your arms in your bed as you wait for Calum to come back from the bathroom. You were quickly losing your mind. "Baby girl, please stop crying, i don't like seeing you cry. You just got here, there's no need to cry, mommy's holding you and mommy loves you so much!" You used your spare hand to wipe a tear away as you smiled down at her. "Your daddy loves you too, do you already miss your daddy? Want him to hold you? He'll be back in a minute. Just a few hours old and already you're a mega daddy's girl huh?" "Who's a daddy's girl?" Calum said with a grin as he exited the bathroom and carefully took the pink screaming bundle from your tired arms and placing her in his own, singing softly to her. You closed your eyes and started to relax as Calum sang to his baby girl. "She loves it when you hold her, she doesn't cry that way." You say and Calum chuckles. "Having a daddy's girl really does have it's perks huh?"

Michael: He watched as the nurses cleaned up his newborn daughter, making sure they didn't hurt her. The nurses had no problem of him being right there, he was a new daddy and wanted to make sure no harm was coming to his prized creation. "Is she okay?" you call out from your bed and he steals a glance at you over his shoulder. "She's perfect. Ten fingers, ten toes. My lips, your eyes, a perfect mixture. Is it alright for me to hold her?" he asked the nurse closest to him, his eyes begging them to let them hold his prized baby. They nodded and finished wrapping her up in a blanket and placed her in his arms and he slowly walked over to you, almost as slow as a penguin. When he finally sat on the bed next to you, you moved the hat from the top of her head and smiled. "Look at all the hair she's got on her head, Michael, so much hair!" Michael nodded with a grin. "Another thing she got from you." "You're a natural holding her, you know that?" you whisper, lying your head on his shoulder and a tear falls from his eye. "For her i will be."

Ashton: A first time daddy holding his newborn baby is the sight any new mother absolutely loves to see, for you, it was a picture perfect moment worth a thousand words. "What are you staring at?" Ashton asked, not taking his eyes off of his little boy who clung to the shirt on his chest, his tiny fingers curling around the fabric, twisting it every which way he could. "My two perfect boys." you say and he smiles. "We did good, (YN), he's by far the cutest kid i've ever seen." He then focused on talking to his newborn son. "I'm going to do anything and everything i can to teach you how to be in a band, a drummer just like your awesome dad. I'm going to make sure we raise you right, you're going to be respectful of women and everyone you see. You're going to be slightly spoiled, but we're not going to let that effect how you treat and talk to others." You giggled. "He's an hour old Ashton and already you're giving him life lessons he's not going to understand until he's like in high school?" Ashton smirked. "Just trying to be a dad, i doubt i'm going to be any good." You scoffed. "Ashton, like i said, he's just an hour old and already you're a great dad, one of the best i've ever seen. I mean, look at you holding him, it's the best sight i've ever seen."

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