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I made my way down the stairs and through the homestead. Almost everyone was still asleep so I had to be extra quiet.
The shower incident had blown over quickly, and thankfully, no one else has seen me naked. Minho still brings it up sometimes, but it's no big deal. Knowing Minho, he wouldn't do anything to purposely hurt me or... anyone really so i was fine with his ocational jokes.

I walked through the glade on my way to breakfast. People were starting to wake up now and the wonderful morning silence of the glade was gone. I lined up behind a few people waiting for food. I recognized the keepers that were awake, Winston, Zart, Minho and Gally. That despicable human being gave me a disgusted look. I just stared at him blankly though, God only knows what he would do later. He tried to keep his expressions towards me subtle but I guess Minho noticed because he spoke

"Is there something going on between you two?"
I shifted my gaze to Minho. He seemed concerned.

"No. No no no. No. Absolutely not. No."
I said, trying to convince myself more than him. I shouldn't be here. It is my fault that Gally treats me the way that he does. I don't belong here.

He raised his eyebrows to me. Just as he was about to speak I heard a voice that I've been waiting for all morning.

"Morning August. How's it going?"

Ahh Newt. He is my closest friend in the glade, I want us to be something more though.

"Fine thanks. And you?"

"Just grand. Being trapped in a stone prison surrounded by giant mecanic bugs is just the highlight of my life."

I turned to look at him, he was smirking. Of course he would after saying something with such sarcasm. I smiled an rolled my eyes, then turned to get my food.

Minho, Newt and I were sitting at a table talking while eating breakfast. It was fun until I felt it. Something seeping out of me and into my panties. Oh no this is not happening. I guess my worrying showed as Minho spoke.

"Ya alright there August?"
I snapped my head towards him and spoke fast and irregular.

"Yep. Fine.  Absolutely fine.................................. Hey Newt! Uh... will you uh come with me for a moment? umm please?"

Newt and Minho escaped a worried look before newt agreed. I ran to the bathrooms with Newt close behind. I waited for him at the stalls before talking to him.

"Okay I'll be right out stay right here."

He looked so confused, but it was hella hot.

"August what is going on?"

"Just... stay here... please."

with that I slammed the door stall. SHIT SHIT SHIT NOOOOOO.
I was right. It's here. I swung open the door and tried to talk to Newt.

"Okay Newt... listen to me very carefully I need you to go into my room and get my box. I'm trusting you. Open it and bring me a tampon. Newt you're the only one I trust please don't mess this up."

He still looked confused. But it all went away after a few seconds. His face turned bright red and he started rubbing the back of his neck. But through the embarrassment, he spoke.

"Oh. umm. yeah I'll be uh... right back... just uhh... hang tight...i...guess..."

And with that he left me all alone in the bathroom stall with blood dripping down my leg.

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